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- daydream -

"Mrs. Pepper? Where is she?" I asked as I walked into the main office of the school. I was looking for the principal. And the secret will be out; finally.

"In the back. You can walk back there," the person that runs the front desk told me. I nodded as I walked back to her office.

"Hi Devon!" she greeted me with a smile. I smiled as I said hi back.

"What's up? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just have something you might wanna know,"

"Go ahead and tell me," she said.

I sighed before speaking. "You know Mr. Gilinsky?"

"The algebra teacher?"

"Yes," I started. "He's having a teacher student relationship with one of my best friends, and one of his students,"

Her eyes widened. "What kind of relationship?"

"They have sex; a lot."

Her jaw dropped. She was speechless.

"Really? How long has this been going on?"

"From what she told me, the second or third day of the school year,"

She pushed her glasses up, as she was trying to figure out what to say next. I mean, if I was hearing this news for the first time, I would be at a loss for words too. I was surprised when I found this out.

"If you don't mind giving me some details on how you know this information," she said, as she grabbed a piece of paper and clicked the pen, getting ready to write.

"Well, they always interact the way two people would in a relationship. He admires her, like she's the most beautiful girl ever. He always has a boner whenever he talks to her. His mood changes almost instantly when they're talking. And well of course, they have sex, I'm sure almost every day,"

She nodded as I was talking, writing things down. She asked any other questions she wanted/needed to know.

"Well, thank you for telling me. I'll be sure to let the police know, the school know, and fire him right away," she started. "This is Emily Barrow right?"

"Yes. Will the school know it was her that did it?"

"No. We can't give that information out. Since she's a minor, we can't give that sort of information out."


"Oh okay. Will he go to jail?"

"Most likely, yes, for raping a minor,"

"But she wanted it as bad as he did,"

"Right. But we can't say that, it's considered rape if she's a minor,"

I nodded, following along with her words.

"I have to get right to this. Thank you again for telling me,"

"Yeah, see you later Mrs. P," (lol)

I got up and walked away. Since they can't say it's Emily did that, I guess I'll have to do it.

- end of daydream -

I snapped out of my dream. I just thought through how it would go if I came clean to the principal. And honestly, I was getting excited about telling the school. Someone needs to know, and fire him, and also bully the fuck out of Emily.

We used to be cool, but now, I have a burning hatred for her. I hope she dies, for all I could care.


damn Devon.

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INSTA; @fasterjohnson

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