I Have Yet to Understand: "Tears"

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I have yet to understand the droplets that race down my face

 I have yet to understand the molten streams of anger and regret

  I have yet to understand what thaws the ice-cold hearts

   I have yet to understand why my fears release in the corners my eyes

    I have yet to understand why it melts hearts

     I have yet to understand the fears expelled by the blindness

      I have yet to understand who it is we morn for

       I have yet to understand its screams for comfort

        I have yet to understand the stains they leave

I have yet to understand the reason that the reason these cries can break the night is because my heart is broken.

I have yet to understand that those who stand around me mean to dry the streams, the rivers, the puddles, the ponds, the lakes, the seas, the oceans I can create.

I have yet to understand this salty drop……

                                                                              what are tears?





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