A story with no happy end.

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I woke up today feeling terrible. Maybe because I was sleeping on the floor, but I also can't stop regreting that I opened my mouth with out thinking which words were going to come out of it. I sit on my blanket. Eric must be really mad at me for being reckless and I can't blame him. A loud knock on the door brings me back from my thoughts.

"Kate?" I hear a voice. It's Eric, he called me Kate, not blondy Kate. "Yes?" I reply. "Oh good you are awake. I made breakfast." he says and giggles behind the closed door of my room "Get ready quickly, it will get cold.". I smile to myself. At least he's laughting again. I get up fast and wear my white t-shirt with the black sleeves and my jeans and run to the kitchen. "I am ready." I say and look at the food he cooked. "Here you go." he says and gives me the plate. Only one problem; the food doesn't look like food. "Eh, what is this?" I ask, trying to hide my disgust. "Delion, ofcourse." he anwsers like he is saying "Eggs, ofcourse". "What is "Delion"?" I wondered. "It's a berry and it makes an amazing breakfast." he says and takes a bite. It looks terrible, but if he can eat it, I guess I'll just try it. I bite a small piece and... it is the most delisious thing I've ever tasted! "It's unbelievable!" I say and take a bigger bite this time. Eric laughs "You really have never eaten a Delion before?". "Well yeah, truth is I haven't even heared of it again." I say with my mouth full. "You don't have Delions in your world? Crazy!" he says.

 "You don't have Delions in your world? Crazy!" he says

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"Eat fast ,ok? I have to take you to the castle today.". My heart skiped a beat. "To the castle?" I ask. "Yeah... the queen found out that you are here and she wants to talk to you in person." he says extrimly calm. "I can't go! I am dressed terrible and I don't know how to act and..." I start to panic. "Relax, there is nothing to be afraid of. You are just gonna proof that you worth being here...alive." he says finishig he's Delion.

I am terrified "B-but what if I don't proof it?". "Don't worry, you will." says Eric and he sounds so confident about his words. "And how can you be so sure?" I say with out being possitive, that this adventure is for me. "Easy, I know you." he says. "What is that suppose to mean?" I ask. "Kate, all my life I've been told that humans are terrible creatures, who destroy diffrence." he says looking at me with a serious gaze "You aren't like that. You are kind and funny. You aren't someone, who could set a whole kingdom on fire as the other like you did.". "What? Oniria was bruned down by humans?!" I ask shoked. Was really my Dreamland destroyied by my own kind long ago?

Eric took a sad look and start explaining "Yes... this is our story, Kate. You know humans and elfs,... we used to be friends. Our worlds were united, they were one! We lived our lifes peaceful and happy untill one day humans decided that we were too dangerous for them. So they made a plan to make us all disapear to avoide their own fall. They burnt Oniria complitly, but some of us servived. After that we couldn't risk an other attack so we separated our world from yours.". This was terrible. Although truth is that humans are terrible creatures. "I am sorry that this happened." I whispered to him. He gets his smile back "Now! You can't visit the queen while you are wearing this! Come one I'll get to some new clothes first." he says and opens the door.

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