chapter 1

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Lylie Burton stood inside the busy Kings Cross with her large trolley. Her mother and father were both standing beside her with their arms caressing her waist.

"This is it Ly, first year at Hogwarts!" her mother chanted and clapped her hands together.

"We know you'll make us proud." her father smiled warmly.

"Now Lylie, just as we practised. Remember, it's best to do it with your eyes closed." her mother stroked the top of Lylie's head. Her father counted quietly, "One, two -" Lylie interrupted, "THREE!" she darted for the brick wall and charged through it. It was for a split second that she felt a lurch in her stomach, probably because she was entering a wonderful, wondrous world of magic.

Before Lylie knew it, her parents had found her an empty cabin that smelled of Bertie Bots Every Flavoured Beans. "Don't forget to write every two weeks, darling!" her mother called as the engine of the train started up.

"I will, mum!" she yelled out, but by that time, the train's engine was too loud for anyone to hear themselves speak. "Excuse me, d'you mind? Everywhere else is full." a girl Lylie's age asked as she hovered at the door.

"No, not at all. There's plenty of room for the both of us." Lylie gestured to her small cabin.

"Thank you, I'm so glad you let me come in." The pretty girl smiled and two dimples appeared on her cheeks. Her light freckles that covered the space under her eyes and on her tiny nose made her face look friendlier.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Aubrey." The girl's eyes glistened from the streaks of sun shining into the cabin.

"What a pretty name." Lylie complimented her as she put a strand of hair behind her ear. "And, I'm Lylie." she added quietly.

"That's also a pretty name." Aubrey raised her eyebrows and nodded as she spoke.

"Which part of London are you from?" Aubrey continued the conversation.

"Oh, I live more in the country, my family has a small little house there." Lylie was excited to tell someone about her cozy cottage.

"That sounds lovely! I live in Holloway. Just near Kings Cross," Aubrey smiled and continued, "in an apartment, with a beautiful garden out front." Lylie nodded to show her interest and shifted in her seat.

Just then, the two girls heard wheels spinning and footsteps following. At that moment, a plump, kind-looking lady showed up in front of the entrance to the cabin and asked the girls, "Anything from the trolley, dears?" Aubrey scanned the cart and fidgeted in the pocket of her sweater for coins. Lylie knew her mother wouldn't approve of her using her spending money for Hogsmeade on expensive candies. Aubrey finally pulled out six gallons, stood up and crossed over to the trolley.

"I'll take two Chocolate Frogs, two Bertie Bots Every Flavoured Beans and two Liquorice Wands." she stated. She and the woman exchanged money and sweets, then Aubrey came back to her seat.

"I didn't buy two of everything for nothing." she laughed and tossed Lylie one of everything she bought.

"Oh, no you don't have to -, " Lylie glanced down at the candies in her lap, she longed to try them, "to ... um, well never mind. I mean, thank you. For that." she bit her bottom lip as she eagerly ripped open the Chocolate Frog package. Aubrey exclaimed just as Lylie opened it,
"Be careful! They're very jumpy." she giggled as Lylie looked up at her. Lylie's frog then hopped out of the box and onto the floor.

"Hey! Come back here!" Lylie pounced onto the ground, grasped her frog and shoved it her mouth. The taste was rich and crispy on the outside. Aubrey reached over and pulled out the famous wizard card that always comes with the box.

"I'm collecting these. Do you as well?" Aubrey asked as she examined the card.

"I might start." Lylie shrugged, "Who did I get?" she leaned toward Aubrey.

"You've got Professor McGonagall. I haven't got any of her, been looking for a while. Can I have it?" she laughed.

Professor McGonagall then walked out of the picture.

"We can't expect her to stay there all day, can we?" Lylie exclaimed and giggled.

"I guess not!" Aubrey answered.

Lylie turned to Aubrey, "We should probably change into our robes. I suppose we'll be at Hogwarts soon." she suggested and stood.

"That's a good idea, I'll get my robes." Aubrey exited the cabin.

A couple minutes later, a tall, slim girl whipped the door open. She stood with her hip out and her arms crossed. Behind her stood two equally small girls, one with pin-straight hair and the other had smooth brown skin.

"You can't just reserve a cabin all for yourself." the girl in the middle snarled.

"Oh, no I wasn't reserving it. There was another girl here with me, but she went to get her robes on." Lylie put her hands up.

The two other girls laughed sarcastically, "Two is still a small amount. These cabins fit four." the blond girl snapped.

"I'm back," Aubrey slipped inside the cabin wearing her long, flowing uniform.

"Lylie, who are these girls?" she asked Lylie with a smile. She replied, "They think there aren't enough people in our cabin." She whispered quickly.

"I don't think it's up to you to decide how many people will be sitting in our cabin." Aubrey shooed them out with her hand.
"Oh, and by the way," the dark skinned girl snickered, "thanks for the candy." the three girls flashed Aubrey and Lylie's sweets in the palms of their hands.

"How did they get those?" Lylie's eyebrows lowered, "Get back here!" she left the cabin and ran down the hallway after the girls.

"Arianna! Hurry! That girl is following us!" The friend tapped the main girl as she spoke.

"Thanks." Arianna said to the blond girl and they all broke into a run.

The girls hurried into a cabin, slammed the door and held it closed altogether.

"You give me that candy!" Lylie pounded on the door. "Aubrey paid -"

Lylie was spun around to face the plump woman, she scolded, "Excuse me. We do not tolerate stealing or peer pressure on the Hogwarts Express." Her cheeks were red and her hands were on her hips.

"No, miss, you don't understand -" Lylie flailed her arms.

"Oh, I think I've heard quite enough." the woman delivered her back to her cabin and right before she shut the sliding door she snapped,
"I don't want to hear another word from you." the woman slammed the door and trotted away.

"Lylie, it's not a big deal. It's okay." Aubrey comforted her, she then came to sit beside her.

"But Lylie, you should probably get your robes on. Because well, we've arrived."

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