chapter 14

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"I don't understand why second years can't go." Lylie spat as she and Fred watched the older students leave the castle.

"That's why we're taking the secret passage to Hogsmeade." Fred smirked mischievously.

Lylie continued, "Now, once we get to Hogsmeade, we'll proceed to the prank. Which is ..."

Fred finished the sentence, "which is throwing a stink bomb in the middle of the alley!" He and Lylie high-fived.

Lylie added, "I bet no one will suspect it was us because second years aren't allowed at Hogsmeade!"

"Let's get to it." She and Fred pulled a painting off the wall, revealing a large passage. Fred checked the Marauders Map to see where they were going. He concluded their destination, shoved the map into the back pocket of his jeans and then hoisted Lylie into the hole. He climbed in after her, then hung the painting back up, from the inside.

"Left." Fred directed. Lylie crawled down another tunnel.

"Left." he repeated.



"Stop." Fred firmly stated and Lylie halted.

He explained, "Push that wall lightly. In front of you." Lylie followed Fred's instruction and tapped the wall. The wall pushed itself open and to the right. Lylie jumped out, followed by Fred. They scoped the area, making sure they were in the right spot.

"The coast is clear." said Fred. The two students crept out the back door of the shop and snuck around the back alleys. They tip-toed up an alley, pressed against a brick wall.

"Get on with it." Lylie smirked as Fred pulled out the stink bomb from his backpack. He paused, it looked like he was deciding something.

After a minute, Fred handed the bomb to Lylie, he whispered, "You do it."

Lylie put her hand on her chest and sniffed, "Why, thank you Mr. Weasley. What a charm you are."

Fred grinned, "You're not too bad yourself."

Lylie waited until a group of fourth years walked by, and then whipped the bomb. It landed right in the middle of the walkway.

Fred took out his pocket watch and counted down from five, "Five, four, three, two, one, fire!" The bomb exploded into a big cloud of green dust, smelling awful and rotten. Fred and Lylie took that moment of unclarity to escape back to the passage way.

Right before the two successful pranksters crawled through the portrait hole again, Fred smiled, "Nice work."

Lylie grinned happily, "You weren't too bad yourself."

"So I'm not included anymore?" George playfully shook his head in disbelief. The group was curled up in the common room that evening.

"Nope." Fred grinned cheekily and crossed his arms. The snow was slowly melting away as the sun beat down brighter each day. Spring was on its way.

"Lovely." George pouted as he flopped onto the couch.

Lylie explained, "We're sorry, George. It won't happen again."

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