Chapter 2:Should I or Shouldn't I??

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"Oi, Mr. Shion..." an angelic voice said out of nowhere. Kaito pose for a second to see who he or she was. At that moment, Miku looked above her seeing a girl with peach white hair, Light Blue eyes, and Look like a fallen Angel, Ia"I... Ia~chan?" Miku said surprised. Ia jump from her position to infront of Miku, Leaving Kaito away from Miku. "What are you doing here Vice Prez?" Kaito asked surprisingly, "I came here to stop you're doings to the poor Ms. Hatsune..." Ia answered in a calm voice. Ia's voice is so delicate like an Angel's voice, soothing to the heart and soul. "You may leave Ms. Hatsune... I'll take care of Mr. Shion here for a while.." Ia said to Miku then smiled, "But what will you do to Kaito?" Miku asked worriedly. Ia giggled the replied "I'm not going to hurt Mr. Shion.. I'm just going to tell him he's distances between you and HIM..." then Miku replied back saying "Oh.. Ok.. Thanks Ia~chan..." then after those remarks Miku opened the door then went down.


Miku's POV:

Thank goodness Ia came there! I'm so sure if she didn't shown up, I'm dead meat!! OnO


"So... What will you say, Ms. Tachibana??" Kaito said while looking at Ia's delicate but calm face, "You should know your limits.. If you ever touch Ms. Hatsune your a gonner to Student Prez.. I know you knew it..."Ia said in a calm but angry voice, "I know, I know.." Kaito said then scratch his head. Ia looked at Kaito seriously and yet worriedly. "Well, If you knew your limits, Why'd you threaten Ms. Hatsune in such a horrible way?" Ia said calmly, "Because she's so interesting... Such and INTERESTING girl indeed.." Kaito replied in a weird way. Ia knew what was Kaito thinking, she 'sigh' then said in a warning way"You should be thankful to me.. Because if I didn't stop you, You're dead to Student Prez.." after it Ia left Kaito alone the rooftop.

After Class:

"Sorry Miku~chan if we left you alone the rooftop.." Len said then hold his hands together, "Don't worry Len~kun.. I forgive you.." Miku said then smiled. "What happened while I'm not with you guys?" Luka asked in a curious way, "Well, you see Luka~san... At recess, I, Len~nii and Miku~chan disided to go eat at the rooftop, Unfortunately Kaito was there first.. And so, Miku tries to get Kaito down and--" Rin said and was cutted by Len (SFX: Len put his hand on Rin's mouth"Forget What Rin~nee just said.. he he he.." Len said then smiled weirdly. At first, Luka was weirded to Len's action but she just step it aside. "Luka~san..." Miku said, "What is it Miku~chan?" Luka wondered then looked to Miku, "In what year are you?" Miku wonder, "Oh.. That? 3rd Year.. Why'd you ask?" Luka answered the question Miku back, "Well, you see.." Miku said blushing. Miku didn't continued her words because she had realized that their not ANDROIDs.

Rin and Len stopped for a while the looked at Miku and Luka. "What's going on?" Rin asked wonderedly, "Yeah.. After all, We didn't follow anything at all.." Len added. "Miku~chan here is confuss about which is which.." Luka answered. "About What?" Rin wonderedly asked, "About What's our classes..." Luka answered. Len suddenly get what Luka was saying, and so he gave a list of students of the school, "Here you go Miku~chan.. I'm sure it'll help you.." Len said then handed Miku the list. Miku thanked Len for handing her his List Of Students.


Miku's View of the List:

1st year:

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