Chapter 3: No Classes?!; Kaito, A Date With Miku~chan??? part 1

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Next Day:

It was an unusual day for Miku but she didn't even cared at it at all. It was Friday, and Miku's kindda depressed on that day because she had experience her Human Life on Thursday, and it'll take her 2 days to the upcoming Moday with her Vocaloid friends. "Why the world is so Cruel..." Miku asked to herself "...Is it because this is just the beginning of my weird yet wonderful Human Life?" she added asking to herself. She was walking on her way to school, it was 6:15 a.m. in the morning when she left  the house. She walks alone, because she wanted to and besides, Rin and the others are not there yet to come along with her.


Miku's POV:

So Boringgggggg......... I can't believe I'm experiencing this Boredness... How dramatically BORING.


At School:

Miku made her way to school seeing lots of students infront of the schools gate. Miku wondered and tag along with the crowds. She tried her best to get infront of the gate, and so she made it seeing this words, "Sorry, but the school is now close due to the welcoming party of the new students. We beg for all of your apologies because we didn't told you this. You all may now go home...and with that remarks the students were so mad and walked away until someone accidentally pushed Miku. Miku was about to fall to the ground, but someone catch her with him/her's arms. It was a huge arm so it's definately a boy. "Are you ok?" the boy asked. It was familliar to Miku and she started to get on her feet and look who he was. It was Lui Hibiki, a student of Class 2-2. "I'm fine.. Thank you for catching me.." Miku repied with a smile. Lui smiled back when suddenly Ring Suzune hugged his right arm and said happily "Come on Lui~kun!! Let's go to the Cake shop you were telling me about!!". Miku saw in Lui's eyes that he was shock yet he smiled to Ring and said "Oh! So that's why I'm thinking alot this lately... Oh! By The Way, Ring~chan this is Miku Hatsune~san..." then he went a space out a bit to let Ring see Miku. Miku was surprised seeing them at the same place, at school.

They're conversation were a bit long that time, Miku and Ring had the same favorite cake, music genres, characteristics of a boy they like and many many MORE. Lui was a little bit spaced out once more, He didn't know weather he'll join in the conversation or not until Len came. "Oh! Good Mor--- EHHHHHHHHHH?!" Len said when suddenly Ring hugged him, Conpressing him to her chest. "Good Morning, Len~kun!!!" Ring said while conpressing Len on her chest. "Rin..g..chan...I...can..'t..bre...ath...." Len said blushingly and catching a breath. "Hey! Stop harassing my Len~nii!!!" Rin shouted from far while running. Ring knew Rin would said that, and so she let go of Len before Rin could see a glips of it. When Rin finally made it, she only saw Len catching his breath while Ring once again hugged Lui's right arm. "Are you ok, Len~nii???" Rin asked Len worriedly, "Yeh.. I'm... Alright... Thanks Rin~nee..." Len answered almost breathlessly.


Miku's POV:

I'm having the feeling that I'm not been noticed by someone.. Aw man! This SUCKS!!!


After the commotions and stuff, Len, Rin and Luka (which came in time to know) that it'll be nmo classes due to the preperation for the wolcoming party to the new students at there school. "Oh~~ So that's why I had this feeling..." Len said in realization, "What feeling, Len~kun??" Miku asked wondering, "Well... you see, Miku~chan... Len~nii here had a dream about us here standing at the gate reading the notice paper placed on our school gate..." Rin answer, "My... That's kind of a amazing ability for Len~kun..." Luka said praising Len. Len blushed and was interrupted by Ring's hugged again. "You're so COOL, Len~kun!!" Ring said happily, "He-hey!! Stop that Ring~san!!" Rin said blushing and angerly, "Oh my, Len's been in a middle of the fight here.. It's like a Love Triangle!!" Luka said surprised yet happy, "Unfortunately, Len and Rin ARE siblings so there aren't no 'Love Triangle' going on there..." Lui said giving Luka the Truth, "Yeh.. And besides, If there would be a Love Triangle, it must be somewhere else..." Miku added.

"Like... This?"

A weird voice suddenly answered Miku's '...somewhere else...'. Miku turned to the voice of the weird voice and saw Kaito there, Standing and just pissing someone to his appearance. "AND who ask you to show up, Kaito~san??" Luka said with a glare. Kaito glared back to Luka, then sighed. After that, Kaito looked at Miku carefully, making Miku think that he's kind of a pervert. "What are you looking at Mr. Good-For-Nothing Kaito..." Miku said with a glare in her eyes. She knew that others noticed Kaito's action towards Miku and started to go infront her and cover her up. "Kaito~san, If you're going to do something on Miku~chan... I'll Bite You!" Rin said with an angry face, "How dare you!!" Len shouted, "That's againts Teenage Girls Rights!" Ring said after, "My, My... If you're going to do something horrible to Miku (That I wish it'll Happen...) you have to go through US..." Luka said with a grid on her face. Miku was touched to everyones protest but suddenly Kaito smiled at them saying "Don't think like that towards me... I'm not going to hurt your Miku~chan..." "Hurt?! But that face of yours indicates that your plotting on something!" Lui said.


Miku's POV:

I can't believe everyones protecting me... This is so nice if them... *Sobs inside* Thank You Everyone!!


Rin's POV:

Yey!! I'm Protecting Miku~chan!!!


Len's POV:

I can't believe I'm doing this! Dang it, why Onee~chan always put herself in trouble?! Anyways, This is the way I want to protect my friends as well...


Ring's POV:

Oh my! Oh my! This is the first time I'm protecting someone! I don't know what to do!!!

Anyway, If Lui~kun's in this 'PROTECTING' stuff... I'm in!


Luka's POV:

Oh my... I guess the 'THING' I think that I want to happen here is not going to happen... Ah well, I want to protect Miku~chan from the vains of the other people...


Lui's POV:

WOW! This is the first time that I'm trying to protect someone AND I can't believe it's Miku~san herself! This is going to be fun!! (Although I can't say YES to a pervert like Kaito to hurt our innocent Sempai and Friend...)


Kaito's POV:

Hmmmm.... Everything here seems to interest me more... Someone's protecting a Friend of them... The girl I got interest on is giving me this Interest MORE... And Finally, Mr. Student Council President is not here to see his poor Onee~chan get threathen by me.. INTERESTING...

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