Chapter 3: No CLASSES?!; Kaito, A Date With Miku~chan??? part 2

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Miku's POV:

ok.. That's it.. I can't believe that it turn out to have a war.. I guess I now dislike Kaito~kun.. That Bitch...


Everyone glares at Kaito. Kaito smiles in reply. "Please go, Kaito~sempai or there would be trouble.." Rin said in a threatening voice, Kaito smiles and looked at Miku saying "I just want to have a chat with Miku~chan.. Is that wrong?". Everyone turns out curios to Kaito's remarks. Kaito? Little Chat? With Miku?? No Way in HELL!!. Lui now takes a deep breath and then looks at Kaito saying "Ok..." "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!!!" everyone exclaimed in a unison. Everyone didn't even expect someone is on vote on it. Lui now takes a deep breath then said "Guys.. Come on! I mean.. What if he says sorry to Miku~san? That will result into a good one, Right..?". Everyone now thinks of Lui's idea and now everyone nodded in unison (exept Miku) then turn they're eyes back to Kaito. "Fine.. We'll let you talk to Miku~chan" Rin said, "But..." Len then added, "If something happens to our poor little Miku~chan..." Luka then said, "We'll punish you.. Got that, Kaito~selmpai??" then Ring, the final one, said while cracking her bones. Kaito just smile and suddenly grab Miku away. Miku, of course, will do it's best to take the grip off. While Miku was doing that, Mikuo saw it and almost burst out of anger when suddenly the other members of the Student Council calls him.


Mikuo's POV:

I'll definately KILL that Kaito once I'm finished at this... That KAITO..!


Miku was now dragged all the way to a resturant. Miku now puts a curious face, added by the tilt of the head saying "What is this place, Good-For-Nothing Kaito?? What the heck are you going to do to me, HUH???" "Will you stop calling me 'Good-For-Nothing' because my IQ is far more better than your IQ.. Plus, I'm not going to harrass you and such, I'm just going to treat you.." Kaito then answered with a little bit of annoyance on his voice. Miku just pound out in annoyance as well when suddenly Kaito lead Miku down to her seat.


Miku's POV:

Oh My~ Why they all let me be with this Pervert Kaito?! I can't even withstand his face!! Argh! If only I could go out here, I'LL DO IT!!


Kaito's POV:

I guess I got no choice but to play 'nice' to Miku here.. *sigh* Ah Well.. It's my opportunity to get close to her.. And besides, She can protect me from the Bitch Mikuo..


 The treat you for lunch turn out silent, Awkward. Miku couldn't figure why heart goes beating continuesly towards Kaito. After finishing they're lunch, Kaito went to the comfort room to go *cough* you know. As Miku wait, She saw a familliar person who's working in that resturant and it was... "Gu-Gumi~san?!!" Miku then stands and looked Gumi closely. Soon, Gumi realized that Miku Hatsune was there. She quickly ran towards Miku and drag her outside. "Gumi~san, Are you working part-ti---" "How'd you got here and who are you with???" "E-eh..?" "Miku~san!" Then came after was, catastrophe. Gumi was wearing a maids dress when Kaito saw her. Kaito then said "Gu-gumi..? Are you..?" "No I'm not! Come on Mi--!" "Not so fast.. Miku's with me not YOU.." Gumi blushed then went inside as much as posible.


Gumi's POV:

Oh my gum! What is Kaito-sempai doing with Miku-san?! Don't tell me they're..! NO WAY IN HELL they will!!!


Miku's POV:

Oh... My... Spring Onion! Gumi saw me with Kaito!!! F*ck that Kaito!!! I'LL KILL THE HELL OUT OF HIM!!!


Kaito's POV:

Everythings seems interesting...


The treat went on and on. Miku was always been drag by Kaito, Kaito was been pissed by Miku. Everything turn out to be weirder and weirder. After the dragging and pissing, they stop by a bench in a certain park near by. "Hey Good-for-Nothing Kaito... Are you going to say 'I'm Sorry' to me??" Miku said while crossing her arms infront of her chest. Kaito looked at Miku's angry figure. He laugh then said... "What if I say 'no'??" "I'll Kick Your Ass..." "Do it..". Miku was now really ready to kick Kaito out when Kaito suddenly let's out a paper. Miku was surprised, opened the paper and saw this words...

I'm Sorry, Miku Hatsune...

"Wait... What?!" Miku then flick in realization. Kaito said sorry alright, but not in a proper way. Kaito giggled to himself then said "There.. Happy??" *miku"No I don't! Why don't you just fricking say I'm Sorry in a proper way, HUH?!" *kaito"What's wrong?! Why can't you just fricking accept it?!!" Miku then kick Kaito's leg. Kaito twinch in pain. "Awwwww~!!! What was that fo---" "Ah... I'm sorry... I get this hurting thingy if I'm really pissed off... My bad" Miku said then smiled tenderly.


Kaito's POV:

Oh... Stop.. It...


Miku suddenly saw Kaito still in pain. Oh no, Miku kick him hard alright. Miku then helped Kaito sit on the bench. Miku then takes hold of Kaito's leg and looked at him worriedly saying "My bad.. I kick it hard..." "Damn right you are!" "I'm so Sorry.." then Kaito felt like he's going to melt. Miku was still in looking at Kaito's injures leg. After some massaging and stuff, Miku had healed Kaito's poor leg. "Does it still stings??" Miku suddenly asked while looking worried. Kaito looked to Miku's direction but soon looked away. Miku was like, waiting for Kaito to answer her question and all. After a few minutes Miku saw a baloon and a kid followed it. "Ah-- Kaito-san, Let's help the kid!!" Miku suddenly exclaimed while shaking Kaito. At that moment, Something happened that Miku couldn't explain how and why.

I'm sorry, Miku~chan... It's all my fault why you're so harsh to me...

Then, well.. Let me tell you how'd it look like..
At that moment Miku was focus on the kid so she hadn't notice Kaito spreading his arms to hug her. Kaito told Miku those words softly and gently. Miku turned out to be fricking out inside her mind. She don't know what to do, It's like she want to kick Kaito away from her and such, but she thinks it's a little bit harsh of her to accept the apology that way.


Miku was now at her room still remembering the moments Kaito turned out soft to her for the first time. Miku was like daydreaming.

Mikuo: Mikunee~chan, You OK??
Miku: Ah-! Mikuonii~chan!! Ye-yeh... I'm fine.. *blushes*
Mikuo: O-okay then.. *feels curious to Miku's actions* Anyways, Dinner is ready..
Miku: Yey!


Miku's POV:

Oh My Spring Onion!! I think I'm... I'm... I'm in 'love' with Kaito... Oh Myyyyyyyyyy~!!!

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