#15 Skinny Love Song Preference

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And I told you to be patient, and I told you to be fine, and I told you to be balanced, and I told you to be kind.

"Harry, what do you want from me?!", you shouted as another fight began. "Y/N, it's not like it's my fault she won't go away!", he shouted back, equally loud. You were arguing over his ex, who wouldn't stop throwing herself at him, and you were sick of it. "You don't know what I go through, do you Harry? Look at my inbox! This is all from today!", you shouted, tearing up as you showed him the list of hate, mostly from his ex. Harry's face softened at the sight, "I don't know if I can do this anymore, I just don't.", you said, your voice breaking. "What do you mean, Y/N, what can't you do anymore.", he asked, trying to ignore what was coming, "Us, Harry, I can't do us anymore, I'm sorry.", you said as you went upstairs and started packing. Harry tried to stop you, but you both knew there was no point. Your relationship was too far gone to save.


And now all your love is wasted, and then who the hell was I? And I'm breaking at the britches, and at the end of all your lines.

 "What the hell do you mean you're busy!", you shouted as Niall explained why he couldn't be there for yet another anniversary, you were fed up, you hung up on him. "Check please.", you mumbled, to your surprise your wait came with the bill in seconds, "Just in case it doesn't end well.", he said, winking, then walking off. You rolled, your eyes and ripping up the napkin which had his digits. You paid the bill, sighing, you got up. 

You entered yours and Niall's shared apartment, to your disappointment, there was no one there, you were half expecting a surprise, not even one flower. You opened up some champagne and poured it into a glass, "To another year alone.", you said, chuckling to yourself. 

As you sat in bed, you contemplated. Niall was hardly ever home, but he was an international pop star, but he had missed all of your anniversaries and birthdays. He barely made it to Christmas this year for God's sake!

Tears brimming your eyes, you knew what you had to do, you walked into your closet and started packing. Once you were done, you got a notepad and started writing.


I'm sorry for leaving this way, but as usual, you weren't here. I can't keep doing this anymore Ni, I'm sorry but it isn't exactly comforting spending Valentine's day alone, knowing you have a boyfriend. Just know that I love, I never stopped, and probably never will.

Happy Anniversary,


Tears stained the note, as they fell off your chin, onto the paper. You got out your anniversary present, meant for him. It was a notebook, full of memories of you and Niall, along with a few poems, expressing your love for him. 

Rolling your bags along, you opened the door, "Y/N!", he yelled, pulling you into a hug, he pulled back, seeing your tears, "What's wrong, princess?", he asked, his gaze then dropped to your bag, "What's that for?", he asked, tearing up. "I'm sorry.", was all you said, before running out, you ignored Niall's desperate screams as you ran into the elevator. 

The doors closed, the last thing you saw before they did, was a broken, crying Niall. Tears streamed down your face.

But, there was nothing left to say.


Tell my love to wreck it all, cut out all the ropes and let me fall, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, right in this moment this order's tall.

You and Liam were both sat on the couch, watching a show you couldn't be bothered to remember, "We can't keep doing this, you know.", "I know", you replied. You were the 'other girl', Danielle and the rest of the boys had no idea, Simon had caught you two once, and threatened to tell everyone unless you stopped, he was absolutely livid. That was supposed to be the last time you ever saw each other, yet here you both were. "I mean it this time, Y/N, I can't keep Danielle like this.", he said, you both knew, no matter what, Liam loved you, but he'd never love you the way he loved Danielle. "I'll get my stuff.", you said, your voice breaking, you tried to hide your wet eyes from Liam. To him, this was a friends with benefits, but to you, it was a LOT more, you'd fallen for Liam Payne. "Y/N, please don't cry.", he said, pleadingly tearing up himself. You simply nodded, gathering your things.

You stood in the doorway, looking up at Liam, "Goodbye, Liam.", you said, "Goodbye, Y/N.", you turned to leave, "Wait!", before you could do anything you felt LIam's soft lips on yours. You pulled away, giving him a small nod, you walked to your car, and drove home, tears streaming down your face.


Come on skinny love just last the year, pour a little salt, we were never here.

"Louis! What the FUCK?!", you yelled, you'd just caught him kissing his ex, Eleanor. "Y/N! Please just let me explain!", he yelled, running after you as went upstairs to pack. You threw your clothes into it. "Y/N, please just listen.", he asked softly. You looked behind him, and there stood Eleanor, "Get out you slut!", you yelled as she ran off.(A/N I LOVE ELEANOR THIS IS JUST FOR THE STORY!!!) You turned and saw Louis staring at you, "Well?!", you yelled, still packing, "What?", Louis asked, completely oblivious to his previous question. "Why do I even bother?", you mumbled. You'd finally finished packing everything, except for the huge items, you went downstairs, Louis trailing closely behind you, begging you not to go. You were now in the doorway, you placed a finger on his lips, your way f telling him to shut up. "Goodbye, Louis, I hope you and Eleanor have a nice life together.", you said, now he was crying, and pleading for you to stay. 

It had to be done, you closed the door on his face and walked off, time to find a new apartment, you thought to yourself.


Who will love you? Who will fight? Who will fall far behind?

"Zayn we can't keep doing this all the time! It's not healthy for either of us!", you yelled, you and Zayn were fighting over something, you didn't quite recall what, though. "Well, it's not like it's my fault you're always starting fights!", he yelled back, "You think I want this? Huh?! You think I want a relationship that's falling apart?!", you screaming, you covered your face with your hands as tears streamed down. "And here come the waterworks.", he mumbled, thinking you wouldn't hear, you marched to him and looked him in the eyes, "You're a real dick, Zayn.", "And you're a real bitch.", he replied. "You know what? Fine, you win, Zayn.", you said, walking towards the door. "Where are you going? It's freezing outside! Plus, it's 4:00 am, what if something happened to you?", he asked, walking towards you, "Then all your dreams and fantasies would come true, wouldn't they.", you said coldly. Hurt passed through his eyes, soon replaced by anger, "Fine, good luck finding someone who will love you like I did.", he said, now you were hurt. "Did?", you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "Did, now I believe you were in the process of leaving?", he asked, you held your head high, "Fine, if that's the way things are gonna be.", then marched out.

Once you got to your friend's house, she organized a pity party, and you spent the night with your closest friends, ice cream, and cheesy romantic movies.

Should there be a part two? Tell me in the comments! XXOOOXXXOOOO


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