#2 At the park by: captivating-styles(tumblr)

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“Louis you fool. You’re going to fall off like that and smack your face on the concrete.” You shouted to him as he tried to walk down the slide. “Please, the one who will fall here will be you.” He remarked as he got off the slide all in one piece. “That hurt a bit Lou.” You told him as you walked towards a bench. “Is my best friend a bit hurt?” He asked you tauntingly. “Yes, very much quite honest.” You replied as you turned the other direction. “I’m very sorry Y/N. I’ll make up to you by buying you ice-cream.” He said as he proposed a deal. “Alright but I expect two scoops.” You told him as you pulled him along an ice-cream cart.



“Do I have to go?” Harry pleaded as you dragged him out of bed. “Yes. Now come on your mother is waiting for us at the park. you’re the one who made the promise of us to host your family reunion at the park.” You told him as you threw his outfit for the day at him. “Tell my mom that I don’t feel good.” He said as he covered his face with a pillow. “Up, Harry” You told him once more as you yanked the pillow out of his face. After an hour of bickering on how he had to go, you both finally arrived at the park. “Harry, why did you take so long. We still need to set up the party tent.” Anne told him as she dragged him with her. You went off to help with the table covers. After getting the part stuff ready, Harry finally sat down. “The park looks lovely today. Would you mind on going on a walk as we wait for everyone to arrive.” He told you. You agreed upon his request and took a nice walk around the park talking about his family reunion.



“Hurry it up Y/n!” Your best friend shouted as she ran towards your group of friends. You guys were meeting up to have this party for your friend at the local park. “I’m coming.” You replied to her as you adjusted your ponytail. When you got with your friends, you greeted everyone  except some boy you never seen with your friends. “Oh Y/n. That’s my friend, Niall. I invited him because he was here to visit me but I thought it was rude to leave him behind.” One of your friends said as she saw you staring at him. “Oh. I’m going to talk to him since I believe he feels left out.” As you went towards him, you felt yourself getting butterflies erupting in your stomach with every step you took. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” you told him as you introduced yourself. “Niall.” He replied back. “So would you like to dance.”  You told him as you dragged him where some of your friends began the dance floor. “I guess.” He said as you both began to dance.



It was the monthly picnic that you, your husband Liam, and your only child went to every month since your child was born. “Mommy, can we play now.” You child asked you for the tenth time since you arrived. “Not yet sweetie. You have to eat your sandwich and then your allowed to go.” You responded to your daughters request. With a sad pouty face she sat down on the picnic blanket. “Listen to your mother, sweetie. So we can go to the playground and play.” Liam told your daughter while he sat beside her. As you took out the food, your daughter tried to be quick but ended up with a full belly. “Mommy, I’m so full. I guess the playing will wait for a bit for me.” You daughter said as she laid her head on Liam’s shoulder and went to sleep. “I think we should go?” Liam asked as he carried your daughter.



Leaving the club right after a heated argument with Zayn was not the best thought to do. Being lost without an idea where you are at couldn’t be worst other then wearing heels and a dress. You thought the best thing was to sit down and clear your mind. Relaxing your mind for about 10 minutes until being disturbed by being pulled into a hug. “Would you kindly leave Zayn,” you told him as you scooted away from him. “I thought I lost you baby.” He said as sat right beside you. Sitting in silence and looking up to the sky was quite relaxing for the both of you. “Here,” he told you as he handed you his jacket, “put this on and will go sit on the swings and talk about our issue.” He finished off as you both headed towards the swing sets.

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