#23 Christmas Shopping <<+

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Harry: “You’re being completely useless” you complain, sparing Harry a glance as you make your way through the crowded mall. “Hey, I’m here to carry the bags and nothing else” he tells you, dodging another poor man that had been dragged to the mall the week before Christmas. “You were supposed to help me pick out gifts for your family” you remind him, catching the sleeve of his sweater to pull him into another department store. “Well, I can tell you dad wouldn’t want anything from here” Harry sighs, already exhausted from the two hours he’d been at the mall. “Then grace me with the knowledge of what your father would like” you say, hip cocked to the side as you cross your arms over your chest. “He wants a new tool kit… which I’ve already purchased for him from us” Harry tells you and you continue to glare at him. “I told you, I want to buy your family my own gifts!” you hiss loudly, fellow shoppers glancing over at you and Harry’s cheeks redden. “Shush, quit being so bitchy” he says sternly, gripping your elbow to push you towards the cologne. “Don’t shush me” you snap, struggling against his hold and Harry glances around. “Don’t cause a scene… dad mentioned he was running low on his cologne” he hisses in your ear, turning you towards the case while tapping his finger over the Ralph Lauren bottles. “Oh” you say sheepishly and Harry rolls his eyes. “Remind me to never go Christmas shopping with you again” he chuckles, pressing his lips to your cheek. You’re admittedly more calm for the remainder of your shopping trip and Harry is incredibly more helpful; a win-win for both.

Liam: “So… what do you think Lux would want?” you question, ducking into the toy store as Liam follows close behind. “I don’t know… she’s a baby?” Liam says, looking around before stepping away. “We’re here for Lux… not you,” you remind him, holding tight to his wrist and he pouts. “Alright… I still have to get Andy a gift tho” he reminds you, a bright smile on his face and you chuckle. “After we get Lux something,” you remind him again, lacing your fingers with his so he can’t run off. “But, we already got her some outfits… she doesn’t even like toys” he grumbles and you turn your head to glare at him. “That’s not the point… we’re here for her, not you and Andy” you say sternly, leading him down the aisle with toddler appropriate gifts. “Let’s do this one and the doll” you say, passing him the large doll house and Liam nods. “My turn?” he questions, struggling to fit the box in the cart and you sigh. “Fine” you say, watching as a bright smile graces his face before he takes off, leaving you with the cart. “Liam… seriously?” you question, looking around the cart to find him with his own, full cart. “I got things for the boys as well?” he offers and you shake your head. “You’re such a child” you giggle, leaning out of his embrace as he peppers your face with kisses. “But I’m yours” he reminds you softly, pushing his cart towards the front.

Niall: “We need a theme” you remind Niall, catching his hand before he wonders off in the Christmas store. “Ok… what theme are we going for?” he questions, leaning against his cart and you glare at him. “Niall… we’re going for red and gold, remember?” you question and Niall nods. “Yeah, yeah… red and gold” he murmurs, pushing his cart and he disappears. You wonder around the store, picking shiny ornaments, sparkly ornaments, solids, garland and lights; proud of your picks you push your cart back to the designated spot to meet Niall. “What… is this?” you question, staring into the cart of mismatched colors and designs and Niall smiles. “I did good right?” he smirks, leaning against the cart and you are trying very hard not to punch him. “Niall… what part of red and gold didn’t you understand?” you demand, gesturing to your own cart and Niall’s face blanks. “We had a color scheme?” he asks and you look to the heavens for the strength not to kill him. “I reminded you of it before we parted ways… Niall, seriously?” you cry in frustration. “I got distracted by the food… I’m sorry?” he questions. “It won’t look that bad, I promise” he whispers against your ear as you try to calm yourself down with deep breaths. “Don’t touch me… get whatever you want, I don’t care” you snap, turning on your heel to storm out of the store. An hour later, Niall pushes a cart towards the Land Rover and knocks on the window. “Nothing but red and gold” he assures you before carefully putting the bags in the trunk.

Louis: “Just get them all the same thing,” Louis says dragging his feet behind you. “NO!” You shout at his absurd suggestion. You had put off shopping for the boys until last one because you wanted Louis there to help and two because you had no idea what to get them. Having Louis there however was absolutely no help. Yes he walked through the stores with you but only one suggestion of his out of every 462 was actually reasonable; these odds were in neither of your favors. “I don’t see why not?” He says holding out a denim jacket to examine if it had any differences from the others he already had. “Put that shit down,” you scold. “What?” He asks, offended at your tone. “Denim is God awful and you already have enough,” you explain, walking away from clothes section. Louis laughs and quickly catches up to you. “There’s no need to stress, the lads will love anything you decide to get them,” he says assuringly. You shake your head knowing that that was not acceptable. You were known for your lavish personality and that had to reflect in what you got the boys, it just had to. “Can we grab lunch?” You suggest knowing this would give you time to think about what was actually in the mall and what stores reflected the boy’s individual personalities the best.  Louis nods and takes your hand, leading you to the food court. “You brought an organizer?” Louis says as he notices you jotting down notes at the table. You ignore his question and continue mapping out stores. Louis sits down the tray of food in front of you, but you of course ignore it. “You better eat this shit,” he asserts. “I will, it’s just….these gifts have to be perfect,” you say, still continuing to keep your eyes on the planner. “If I didn’t know that I was the one that asked you out I would think you were trying get with my friends,” he says, revealing a cheeky smile. This caught you attention and you looked up to notice his smile. You open your mouth to counter but of course he cuts you off, “I know, I know…they have to perfect.”

Zayn: “What about this?” Zayn asks holding up a sweater with a large skull on the front of it. “For a five year old? I think not.” You answer, shaking your head. The two of you were out shopping for your brother and so far Zayn was a hit and miss with his suggestions on how to dress him. He shrugs his shoulders and hangs the sweater back up on the rack. “Why does the kid need so many clothes again?” He asks as he continues to scan the next section of clothes. “Because, I want him to look good,” you explain. “He’s in primary!” Zayn acknowledges. “I’m aware of this, but that does not mean that he cannot look better than all of the other five year olds,” you counter. “You just want someone to dress up,” Zayn answers back. “So true,” you sigh, holding up a blue and grey striped sweater. Zayn knows how badly you want to have a kid of your own, but with his schedule it just is not possible right now. He walks over to you and pulls you in tightly. “In time babe, promise,” he says leaving a soft kiss on your slightly open lips. You nudge your head under his neck and he squeezes you tighter. You couldn’t wait to have a family with him. “Now, let’s make sure this kid is the most fashionable kid in school,” Zayn says letting loose of his grip, allowing you to pull back and look into his eyes. You smile the smile only Zayn brings out in you and continue to browse for more clothes for your brother. You could not wait for the day you got to actually do this for your own child. 

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