These Things Will Change

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*Abby's POV*

 I quickly woke up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing loudly!

I was so excited to do our last show here today! The fair went so good yesterday! Usually we just do the usual coffee shop or showcase around our town but this one was actually further away then usual! I was always so excited to see a new, fresh set of faces to perform for.

I pulled myself out of my bed despite my tired body telling me otherwise.

I walked over to the other side of the bed where Ali was sleeping. Obviously the alarm clock hadn't phased any of them because they were all still sound asleep.

"ALI!!" I screamed in her face. I then grabbed a pillow and hit her in the face!

She immediately shot up with a surprised look on her face, "WHAT!? WHO DIED!? WHAT'S GOING ON?!" She yelled.

I chuckled, "Nothing, nobody died Al!! It's just time to get up!" I said, smirking at her.

She rolled her eyes and sat up, "I hate you," She said while throwing the pillow back at me.

I turned around and looked at the other bed that filled our hotel room. I found that Drew and Jamie were still sleeping in their bed.

I smiled to myself. I had an idea. I silently motioned for Ali to come and give me back up. We climbed up on to their bed and started jumping until they woke up.

"WHAT are you guys doing?" Jamie screamed at us. They obviously weren't morning people.

"It's time to get up!" I told them, laughing.

"10 more minutes," Drew moaned while trying to bury himself under his pillows.

"No, get up. Now!" I demanded as I jumped off the bed.

And without another word, Ali and I left them to go get ready for the day in the bathroom.

 *Kimberly's POV*

I sat in the dressing room with my 2 younger brothers. We had a show tonight, but with a few extra hours in between we were trying to write a song.

"I think there should really be a double chorus before the bridge!" Reid told me again for about the hundredth time. We had been fighting about this for about the past 10 minutes.

"Reid, can you just let it go? The song will sound too repetitive!" I fought back.

"But if we go straight to the bridge it will sound way too choppy!" He persisted.

"How about we just add an instrumental part then!?" I suggested.

"Kimberly, Reid!!" Neil butted in.

We both turned to him, annoyed he interrupted our heated debate, "WHAT?" Reid and I said in unison.

"Um, Scott just texted us!" He said in a calm voice. Scott Borchetta was the head of our record label. He was probably sending us something about Taylor Swift's upcoming tour that we will be opening on!

"Read it out loud!" Reid told Neil.

"Alright, he said.... Hey y'all! Hope the tour is doing well. Taylor discovered this young band on Youtube the other day. Watch their video and let me know what you think ASAP. -Scott"

Neil clicked on the link that Scott had added and a video popped up of 4 kids. Actually they were more like teenagers. There was 2 girls and 2 boys.  The girls were cute and normal looking. The boys looked mature and put together.

The video started and one girl with the guitar started to sing with her guitar. They were performing an original song called, "Wanted You More". Something about the girls voice was so captivating and different. And the lyrics were so well written!

When the band later started in with her, it was honestly like magic. Their voices and timing fit together so well! They also seemed to really connect with the song. It was as if they were actually going through it at that exact moment!

The video ended way too soon! Something about the way the kids left me thinking about them. They just put so much heart and energy into the song! They were also so talented!

"They were amazing!" Neil exclaimed.

"I know! They are so young and talented! They sound so different." Reid added.

Wow it's like my brothers had just read my mind, "I totally agree," I said with a huge grin on my face, "Text Scott back and tell him we loved them!"

Neil took a moment to do as I told him.

"I wonder why he asked us about them though?" Reid asked.

I shrugged, "Who knows."

Suddenly a text came back to Neil's phone. It was from Scott again!

Neil read the text.

"He says they are going on tour with us!" Neil finally reported to us out loud!

My jaw dropped open. What. I get to go on tour with these incredibly talented people?! Suddenly butterflies were in my stomach and it felt like it was doing flips inside of me. For some reason, I was really, REALLY excited to get to know them... I just couldn't figure out why.

*Drew's POV*

I pulled myself out of bed. After 5 long minutes of internally fighting with myself about it. If I was in bed still when Abby was done in the bathroom she would have been so angry with me! She is kind of like the 'mom' of our group! She is always very organized and precise. She also never takes sides and seems to be the one who can brake up our fights!

Before I got ready to go to Joe's Bar, I decided to turn on my MacBook and check out our Youtube channel and check my email and a few other things.

I first went onto our channel. When I looked at the view count it BLOWED ME AWAY! 40,000 views in only about 30 hours! That has to be some kind of record for us! I quickly glanced at the comments! They were all so sweet telling us how much they loved the song!

The best feeling in the world was when somebody told you they liked your music. It just has always really meant something to me.

I logged out of Youtube and quickly started to clean out my email inbox. I scrolled through deleting a whole bunch of emails that where sending me coupons, trying to get me to buy something, or just some type of weird newsletter.

As I neared the end, something caught my eye in my inbox list. I read the subject line, "An Important Message from Big Machine Records"

I quickly clicked on it. I was so confused. It was a pretty short email. What could Big Machine Records be emailing us about!?

Dear Boston 4,

My name is Scott Borchetta. I am the creator and label executive for Big Machine Records. As well as, Republic Nashville. Taylor Swift found a video of your band playing your original song, Wanted You More, on Youtube. She fell in love with you and your band. When she showed me I was also very impressed with your talent. Taylor and I are both interested in getting to know you better. We would like to set an interview in Nashville at my label as soon as possible to discuss some important things with you. If you are interested in this please respond to this email AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and please let us know when you are available to come to Nashville.

We look forward to seeing you soon,

Scott Borchetta


"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, the lobby could probably hear me, "COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!"

Everything Has Changed: The Band Perry and Taylor Swift Story (Collab)Where stories live. Discover now