I Had The Time Of My Life With You

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*Kimberly’s POV*

I groaned as we walked around backstage, bored.  You’d think there’d be more to do on a World Tour, but so far today everyone was just wandering around. I think we were all just tired. I mean it has been  3  months on the Red World Tour already!

We were somewhere in Germany, Berlin I think, and of course nobody could think of anything to do apparently, So I’ve just been wandering around the venue all day.

Suddenly I heard a weird squealing sound, and some shouting. I looked up to see  one of the huge golf carts  that the crew members and security used to get around the venue whipping around the corner. I looked up to see  Alli driving the cart with a huge grin on her face. Neil was in the seat next to her, laughing at her excitement, and Abby, and Taylor were holding on tight, squeezing their eyes shut. The looks on their faces were priceless.

Alli spotted me standing there and drove wildly towards me. Jamming on the break, throwing everyone forward.  

“There you are Kimberly! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Alli screeched.

I just laughed and said “I can tell. So where are you going?”

“Well… since we have about 5 or so hours before the show, we’re going on an adventure!!! Hop in!” She squealed, looking so excited.

I just laughed and hopped on, sitting in between Reid and Drew.

“So how much coffee did Y’all let her have?” I asked with a laugh as Alli took off quickly again, heading straight for the doors.

“I don’t even know! Every time I looked she had a new cup!” Drew  just shook his head with a laugh.

Alli took a sharp turn toward the loading dock, and I flew into Drew and he just laughed and held me tight. Finally we were outside, and yet again I found myself astonished at how beautiful it was.  People pointed and took pictures as Alli drove down the trails, and I smiled when I saw that Neil was filming all of this with his camera.

Taylor who was on the bench across from me, in between Jamie and Abby laughed when Neil directed the camera to her, and she said “This is what we do on The Red World Tour for fun!”

We all laughed and cheered, and Alli came to an abrupt stop at an ice cream stand, and as soon as we all had our treats she started again, only stopping again once we were right by the Berlin wall. She parked it, and we all took pictures, and posed for pictures with fans.

“how much time do we have left?” I asked Taylor, knowing she kept track of that better than anyone else.

“We still have about 3 or so hours.” She said.

“TO THE BEACH!!!!” Alli screamed.

I just laughed at her, and we all jumped back on the cart and she found a nearby beach, and we all bought swimsuits, and went swimming for a while, and I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun.

A few hours later we got back, and Alli got scolded for taking the Golf Cart on a joy ride, but nobody could even keep a straight face.

Once we were in the dressing room, waiting for our cue to go on once Boston Four’s set was over. Neil plugged his camera into the computer and uploaded all of the pictures and videos he had taken on the tour so far. I smiled as I looked through them all.

There were shots and videos of all of us in the different cities in Germany, Rome, Belgium, Australia, and all the other beautiful cities that we had visited on the first half of the tour. I laughed at all the goofy pictures of Alli and Neil, and grinned when I saw that he had taken pictures of each of us couples a well.

Soon Taylor came in, because we had promised she could look at the videos and pictures, and she had a huge grin on her face when she looked at all of them.

“We should post this on a blog or something!” She said.

We all agreed excitedly, and Taylor said she would work on it during our set.   As we waited for  our cue to go on stage, I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face.  The first thing I realized when i looked at all those pictures was how happy we all looked, and that was only the first half of the world tour! We have so many more places to go together, and I know that with this group, I would go anywhere.

*Taylor's POV*

I smiled as I looked through all of the pictures and videos. Touring had always been my favorite part of this whole life, but even I never thought that I'd ever have this much fun on a tour.

The fans were amazing, and all of the places and music was too, but I knew that the main reason that this tour was so different in a good way was the people who were on it. with all of the memories on this tour, I knew that I had made some friends that I wanted to know for the rest of my life. Kimberly, Reid, Neil, Abby, Alli, and Drew were such amazing people and friends, and Jamie, there's just something about him that has always enchanted me. He just has this way of always making everything better. And I knew I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Once I looked through all of the pictures and videos, I loaded them all onto a new Red World Tour Blog, and tagged everyone.

Soon I was on stage, and I looked at all of the faces of these fans that make everything worth it, and I was happy to see numerous Boston Four and The Band Perry signs in addition to mine.

As I sang, I couldn't help but marvel at the fact that The Red World Tour was already halfway over. But I knew that all the walls we broke down, and all of the memories we made on this tour would always be remembered.

That's when it hit me as I made my way backstage for a change. I finally knew what I wanted to do for the B-Stage. I sent one of the Crew Members back with the message, and grinned when it was finally time for the surprise song on the B-Stge.

"Hi everyone! So I had such a hard time picking what song I wanted to sing for Y'all tonight, but it hit me when I was thinking about how many amazing memories I have had on this tour so far, and how hard it is to believe that it's half over. Thanks to you all and the amazing people that I have with me on this tour, I know we will be remembered, so if you don't mind, I'd like to bring out some friends to sing this next song with me."

The crowd went wild as Boston Four and The Band Perry suddenly appeared on the B-Stage with me, all armed with microphones and their instruments.

"I hope Y'all enjoy this song, because it's so completely for all of you. This is called Long Live."

The crowd cheered loudly as we all began to sing and play the song together, and I saw so many people in the crowd crying, and as I looked over at all the beautiful people singing with me, I felt my eyes tear up.

I don't think this song has ever been more pertinent or beautiful than in this moment.

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