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*Taylor's POV*

I sat in my dressing room stroking Meredith, who was sitting quietly on my lap. I had alot on my mind right now, besides having to do a show tonight I had to sort through a bunch of stuff for the CMT Awards that are coming up. My managment told me I'm nominated for Female Video of the Year and the biggest category, Video of the Year!! Which is great!! I'm so stoked! I really love going to award shows because I get to see all of my friends and it's something a little different than usual... But, there is always so much work and stress that is put into them. I mean I still have to do a dress fitting for the show, rehresals, figure out what song I'm going to preform, and.... find a date.

I took a deep breath, and Meredith turned her head ot see what was going on.

I smiled at her and pet her again. She's the perfect cat.

But who was I going to take to the show? I mean I could take Jamie... his band is nominated for Breakout Video!

No, Taylor! No. He probably isn't even interested in you and I'm sure he has a girlfriend or something.

I just don't know what to do. I slumped back in my chair and then took out my phone. I need someone advice.

After a few rings someone finally picked up, "Hello?"

"Hey Austin!" I called my little brother, Austin for advice. He was great at giving it.

"Oh hey Taylor! How's tour?"

"It's going good! I'm so glad to be back on the road? How's college?"

"Ummm, busy!" He said with a sigh at the end.

I chuckled a little bit, "I'm sure! But, hey, you don't have much left!" I paused for a moment and then spoke again, "Hey Austin.. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course! What's up?"

"Well.. The CMT Awards are next week. And I need a date. My opening band, Boston 4, has a really sweet boy in it Jamie. And I think I kind of want to ask him. But I don't know.. what do you think?"

"Wow, well are you guys just going as friends or...?"

"I don't know. That's my problem. We wrote a song a few weeks and I just love being around him. But were not dating or have even talked about it. So I guess we're just friends for now."

"You should take him," He immediatly told me.

"Wait, really? You think so?"

"Of course! I mean if you like him that much you should take a change on it. I'm sure he likes you back! Even if it is just as a friend. You should deifntaly ask him Taylor."

Wow Austin knew how to make me feel better. He is honestly such an amazing little brother.

"I think I will. Thanks so much Austin. You're the best! I'll call you in a bit!"

"You're welcome. Love you."

I smiled, "Love you too!"

We both hung up and I put down my phone and Meredith looked up at me again with her huge brown eyes. Now all I have to do is figure out how to ask him...

*Jamie's POV*

I sat in the bus with Drew. We watching a little college football before our show tonight. For awhile it kind of felt like the old and simple days. Drew and I used to play football together as kids and through out high school. It was one of the many things we liked to do together. Although those days brought back amazing memories, I wouldn't trade them for what we are doing now.

"Hey Jam, what are we doing for the awards next week? Like are we going with dates, or are we just going as a group?" Drew suddenly asked me out of the blue.

"Um I don't know," I said shrugging. To be honest, the only girl I would want to go with would be Taylor. But I can't hold my breath. There is no way I would even be good enough for her.

"Well Abby said, Al and Neil are going together!" He said before craking up on the couch next to me.

I grinned, "Are you serious!?"

"Well it's just a rumor. But I wouldn't be suprised if it was true!"

I had to agree. Alli and Neil had been very close these past couple days. They are always talking or texting. They haven't told anyone yet, but we all had a hunch that they were dating.

"Who are you gonna take then?" I asked, curious as ever.

He smiled to himself, "I'm going to ask Kimberly."

Of course he was. Drew was always smooth around girls and never had any problem talking to them. He could basically get anyone he wanted because of how confindent in himself he was.

"Who are you going to ask? Dude, you can't go alone!" Drew proclaimed to me.

"Well I mean I like Taylor. But I'm not going to ask her. I mean she's Taylor Swift I'm sure she has plans already anyway."

"C'mon Jamie!" Drew said trying to convince me. He was using the same tone he used when he was trying to get me to do something that would get us both into trouble when we were kids, "Just ask her! You wrote a song with her! That has to mean something! And I mean what's the worst she's gonna say.. No?"

That sounded pretty bad to me.


"Just go in there and say, 'Hi Taylor I have to ask you something', it's not that hard!" Drew said practically pushing me into Taylor's dressing room. We go onstage for our set in about 15 minutes and somehow Drew convinced me to ask Taylor to go to the awards with me.

I have no idea what I'm thinking. I can't believe I even agreed to this. This is the most nervous I have LITERALLY ever been. I've never done anything crazier.

I took a deep breath trying to gain my compousre before I went in.

"C'mon man! We have to be on stage soon!" Drew contiuned.

"Ok, ok fine!" I said putting my hands up. I was just going to get it over with. I'm already preparing myself for regection anyway.

I knocked slightly on the cold door.

It quickly opened, with a secriuty gaurd on the other side.

"Uhh hi," I said nervously, "Um does Taylor have a minute? Can I talk to her?"

"Yeah, c'mon in!" I heard Taylor say from inside her room.

The bodygaurd followed Taylor's commands and stepped aside so I could come in.

"Hey!" Taylor's perky voice said as I came in. I found her sitting in a plush looking chair with fine details on it. Her black dress fell perfectly from her body and onto the chair. Meredith even looked perfect sitting next to her.

"He- hey!" I said, trying my best to sound like I wasn't about to throw up.

"What's up?!" She asked, looking me directly in the eye.

"Umm well I came to... ask you something."

"Oh! Ok!" Her voice made it a little easier to relax. She's just so kind, it's hard to be nervous around her.

I ran my fingers through my hair nervously, "So you're going to the CMT's next week right?"

Her face lit up, "Yes I am! Congrats on your nomination by the way!"

Wow Taylor knew were nominated?!

"Thank you! You too!" I said with a nervous laugh at the end. "So um, anyway..." I continued, "Do you... are you..."

"Yeahh?" She said trying to prompt me.

I just needed to spit it out. I was making myself look like an idiot.

"Taylor, will you be my date to the CMT Awards?"

Everything Has Changed: The Band Perry and Taylor Swift Story (Collab)Where stories live. Discover now