Pieces Into Place

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*Kimberly’s POV*

As soon as we found out they’d be opening for us, Neil opened up their youtube page, and opened the second video from the top.

“It’s a cover of ‘All Too Well’” Neil explained.

“I bet that’s how Taylor noticed them!” Reid exclaimed. I nodded, and Neil hit play.

I felt my eyes widen when the girl with the curly blonde hair’s tearstained face appeared on the screen as she strummed her guitar. Tears slid down her face as she sang, putting more emotion into the song than I would’ve thought possible.

I watched as the band joined in, and harmonized with her. I had a hard time tearing my eyes away from the drummer as his blonde hair fell into his face, and nearly covered his ocean blue eyes.

I couldn’t help but notice the concerned looks they shot her as she bawled as she sang the bridge. It made me wonder if maybe there was a reason why their new song sounded so fresh.

I felt tears stream down my face, and Neil and Reid sat their with slack jaws.

“Wow.” Reid said.

Neil and I nodded, and suddenly Neil’s phone went off again. Reid and I looked at him questioningly, and he smiled as he read the text. I couldn't take it anymore and burst out “Read it out loud already!”

Neil and Reid laughed, and Neil said “Scott just asked us to come to a meeting tomorrow. He’s going to sign The Boston 4, and he wants us to welcome them to the tour!”

Reid and I grinned, and I couldn’t help but feel elated.  For some reason I just got the feeling that this tour was going to be really big for us for some reason.

*Neil’s POV*

Once we found out we were meeting The Boston 4 tomorrow, I felt so happy! We were all just sitting there, not knowing what to do. We really shouldn’t have days off.

“You want to watch the Office?” Reid asked.

“Yes!!” I shouted.

Kimberly and Reid laughed, and I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed an armload of snacks, and hurried back to the living room.

Kimberly and Reid helped me load the snacks onto the coffee table, and we all huddled onto the couch and had an “Office” marathon.

After 3 seasons, it was getting really dark out, and I let out a huge yawn.

Kimberly stretched and said with a yawn, “We should probably all head to bed.”

Reid and I nodded, and we shuffled like zombies toward our bedrooms. But as I laid my head down, all I could see was the curly blond hair and her deep brown eyes.

*Reid’s POV*

I sighed as I tossed and turn again I couldn’t sleep. I surprised myself when I reached for my phone, and swiped past the lock screen that proclaimed it was 1:15 AM. I scrolled through twitter for a while, but soon I found myself on YouTube instead.

I typed in “The Boston 4” and clicked into their channel. I was just familiarizing myself  with the band we’d be on tour with for over 6 months, well at least that’s what I told myself.

I watched video after video, and I was blown away every time by their sound. It was so different, but magical in a way. Their harmony was incredible!

Soon I reached the end of their covers and original songs but I clicked on a tab that popped up, and found video blogs that they had posted, and smiled as I watched them pull pranks on each other.

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