Chapter 11: Feelings

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Maya fell asleep on Ian's shoulder halfway through her princess movie.

"What a cutie." He whispered. I laughed a little.

"Here. Give her to me and I'll put her to bed." Ian nodded, gently handing my sleepy daughter to me. "I'll be right back." After putting Maya to bed and kissing her goodnight, I walked back out into the living room and turned off Maya's movie. "So. Was this a good enough change for ya?" I asked Ian. He nodded.

"Yeah. I had a great time tonight especially with Maya. I love that kid." I lightly chuckled.

"Well, if it's not obvious enough, she loves you too." Ian laughed as well.

"Good. I'm glad that I'm still tolerable among a child."  After that, we both then sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. Ian then let a sigh, getting up from the couch and stretching out his muscles with some minor pops.

"Well, I guess I should be heading home. Daisy will be wondering where her dinner is at." I was a little disappointed. I thought I was going to have a chance to talk to him a little bit before he left, but apparently not.

"A-Alright. Let me walk you out." Ian put his shoes and jacket back on while also grabbing his keys, phone, and wallet. Neither of us spoke another word until he got to his car. He acted like he was about to reach for his keys, but he turned around and faced me instead, catching me off guard.

"Thanks again for inviting me over. I really did have a great time." He said in a quiet voice while looking to the ground.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed playing with Maya." I said back. Ian visibly gulped before replying.

"As much as I enjoyed playing with Maya, the thing that really made my night was you, Anthony." Ian looked up from the ground and looked strait into my eyes. I returned his stare and felt my heart flip flop around in my chest. His eyes were even bluer than I was used to seeing, reflecting the moonlight like a giant mirror.

"I don't really see how. I was just being myself." Ian let out a quiet sigh as he reached over and grabbed my hands. I slightly gasped in surprise at the gesture, but I didn't stop him. His hands were smooth, warm, and very comforting as he stepped a little closer to me.

"I know." He whispered as he began to lean in towards me slowly. Wait a second... This smooth motherfucker is coming in for a kiss! My heart started racing and my hands were shaky within Ian's grasp at the realization. Did I want to kiss Ian? Oh hell yeah! More than anything at that moment, but I kept thinking about all of the "what if's" and it really made me want to reconsider. So much so that I wanted to tell him to stop; but as soon as the word was about to leave my mouth, I felt one of Ian's hands release mine from his tight grip, only to feel it cupping my right cheek a second later. "Shh. It's okay. I got you." He whispered, still leaning in. With those words, I threw all of my doubts out the window and decided to kiss him. I grasped Ian's right hand that was already holding my left and felt my heart pump even faster, still keeping my eyes locked with his. Our noses were touching now, slightly rubbing against one another as I felt his breath tickle my lips and chin. I couldn't take it anymore. I closed my eyes and started to lean in as well, soon feeling Ian's warm and soft lips collide with mine. Our lips made a small smacking sound when they pulled apart from the small peck, being accompanied with a hefty breath from Ian. I kissed his lips again, bringing my hand up to his waist to slightly squeeze it. Ian seemed to enjoy the gesture, letting out another heavy breath that almost sounded like a whimper. We kissed for what felt like an eternity before Ian finally pulled apart. I whined a little at the loss of contact, opening my eyes to see Ian looking up at me with his gorgeous blue eyes and a smile.

"Wow... A surgeon that's got a great personality, is great with kids, and is a fantastic kisser? Well the hell have I been?" He asked in a playful tone.

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