Chapter 07: The Old Flame

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To my surprise, Maya was actually very well behaved. She wasn't too rowdy, she obeyed me, and even tried to help me with my patients by handing me tools that I didn't need and by giving her own diagnosis. Most of my patients thought that it was the most adorable thing they had ever seen, but others were just plain annoyed at my daughter and were really rude to her. If that was the case, I would then let Ian take her out of the room and have him keep her entertained until I finished caring for the patient. The way Ian and Maya bonded never failed to surprise me. Every time I'd go back to my office, Maya was either laughing so hard that she couldn't breathe or was silent, paying attention to Ian as he quickly moved his hands around while telling her a story. I knew that Ian was good with kids, but never in a million years did I think that someone could calm my rowdy daughter the way that Ian did. It's now time to close the clinic for the day and, as usual, Ian and I are the last ones to leave. It usually only takes us about fifteen minutes to leave, but today, it took longer because Maya didn't want to leave.

"Come on, Maya. It's time to go home." I said to her as I tried to pick her up, but she wasn't having it.

"No! I want to stay and talk to Ian!" She exclaimed, running away from me and over to where Ian was. Ian laughed and picked her up, placing her on his hip.

"Why do you want to stay with me? I'm boring!" He said, putting emphasis on the word "boring."

"No you're not! You're a princess expert and I want t-to listen to your stories!" Ian looked over at me and laughed a little harder.

"I'll make you deal, little Maya. If you go home with your daddy, the next time I see you, I'll tell you the story of Snow White." Maya's eyes lit up.

"Really!? The whole story!?"

"Yupp! Every word, but you gotta be a good girl and go home with your daddy."

"Deal!" She exclaimed.

"Alright!" Ian walked over to me and handed Maya over to me. She then rested her head on my shoulder and yawned a bit. It's so fascinating how quickly she can go from energetic to sleepy. Ian and I then left the clinic, making sure that everything was locked and secure before heading to our cars out into the parking lot. I carefully put Maya into the car and buckled her up, closing the door as gently as possible to keep from disturbing her too much.

"She's such a sweet kid." Ian said, looking at her through the window.

"Yeah. She's something else. I'm sorry about her holding us up. I honestly didn't think she would do that. She's a sociable child, but she doesn't bond with just anybody to the point where it makes her sad if we have to leave. She must really like you, Ian."

"Good. I'm glad I'm tolerable to children." He laughed. "And don't worry sweat it, man. Things happen. Quick question before you leave, though."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Does Maya say things that she don't' mean or do her stories really parallel true events?" Oh no... What the hell has my daughter told him?

"Uhh... D-Depends. What did she say, exactly?" Ian shrugged.

"Nothing much, really. She just showed me a picture of you, her, and some other man that she called "Daddy Jess" at Disney World." My eyes widened a little when he told me about the photo.

"Wh-What did she tell you about it?"

"She told me that it was her birthday in the photo and how she remembers all of the junk food she ate and all the rides she rode. When I asked her to tell me more about "Daddy Jess," She told me that she didn't want to talk about him. I figured it was because it was sensitive topic because of a divorce or death or maybe because she was making him up. That's why I'm asking if she usually means what she says." I let out a breathy sigh and leaned up against my car. Thinking about Jesse isn't really something I want to do right now, but I feel like that Ian and I have been friends long enough to discuss my old flame.

"She does like to make up stories, but not in this case... Jesse is a real person. He's..." I paused for a moment. "He's my ex husband."

"Oh..." Ian answered quickly. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any-"

"It's okay, Ian. The scar is just... fresh... for the both of us." He gave a sympathetic smile and nodded.

"I understand. I'm sorry about whatever happened between you two. Based on the photos on your desk, you two looked really happy."

"We were... For a while. Then after that one night... Everything just... J-Just-..." My heart began to ache as I recalled the memory of that night. The wound still fresh even after a year later. "Y-Ya know what?... L-Let's not talk about it. I-I just can't..." Ian patted my shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I understand." I looked over at him and smiled.

"Thanks, man." We stayed there for a while. My eyes staring into his as his hand remained on my shoulder.

"You know... I don't see how anyone could've ever left you. You're a great father, you got a terrific job, and your eyes are just..." Ian stated bluntly. Whoa! Where did that come from?

"My eyes are what?" I asked nervously, keeping eye contact with him.

"Th-They're stunning..." After he said that, I quickly broke eye contact with him and pulled my keys out of my coat pocket, clearing my throat as I did so.

"Well I-uhh-should be getting home... M-My sister will have dinner ready soon and I don't want to keep her waiting." Ian looked disappointed, but never said anything against my sudden change in behavior. I thought his complement was cute and very sweet, but I don't want to give him the wrong idea and lead him on.

"O-Okay. That's fine." He answered back, fishing his own keys out of his pocket. "So uh... Starbucks again tomorrow?" He asked as I was opening my car door I smiled at him and nodded.

"Of course."

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