Chapter 05: Jesse

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Author's note:


Enjoy! :D

~Kayla :3


I took in deep breath of relief and slowly released it, taking off all of my surgical attire and throwing it away into the waste bin along with Ian. We were both silent and still slightly shaken from the close call that we had had while our patient was on the table. Just before we began to patch him up, he had went into v-fib ( A life-threatening heart rhythm that results in a rapid, inadequate heartbeat). None of us knew why he was because we had just cleared the blockage, but Ian knew why. After we successfully brought his pulse back down to normal, Ian jumped and quickly and grabbed the tool we used to patch up the patients insides, pushing me out of the way and quickly going to work on whatever it was he saw.

"Ian what are you doing!?" I exclaimed. He didn't answer me, soon backing away from the patient and sighing a little bit.

"He had some slight bleeding in the artery right here. If I wouldn't have stepped in, it would've ruptured just now and killed him." He said, placing the tool back down onto the table and returning to his assistant's spot. I thoroughly overlooked the patient again, making sure there wasn't any more bleeding or crucial mistakes. We then patched him up and sent him to the infirmity.

"Ian." I whispered, breaking the silence in between us.


"Good call with the artery rupture. It's because of you that the patient is alive." Shook his head.

"Thank you, but I'm not the only reason he's alive."

"You're a big reason, Ian. Dr. Connors and his team did play major part of it, but if it wouldn't have been for you, he would've died in that operating room." Ian smiled as we made eye contact, feeling my heart rate increase when I saw his eyes slightly twinkle in the florescent lighting.

"Thanks..." He said back, returning the glare. We sat there for a while, staring into each others eyes and feeling absolutely frozen in our current stance. I suddenly realized what we were doing and broke our longing gaze, looking down to the floor and awkwardly clearing my throat.

"Anyways, uhh. I-I should be getting home to Maya. I promised her that I would be home before sundown today." Ian smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, sure. No problem. I'll uh... see you tomorrow?" 

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." I said back to him, leaving the room quickly and heading to my office in the clinic to grab my stuff. Once I got there, I turned on the light and sat down at my desk for a moment, turning my attention to the photo of me, Maya, and Jesse at Disney World for her fourth birthday. What a wonderful day that was. The sun was shining brightly and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky as Jesse and I walked Maya through the park, stopping at every princess and prince coming and going. We all rode a bunch of rides, ate a lot of unhealthy foods that I would've otherwise not approved, and even spent the night in Cinderella's castle. But the best part about the whole day was that we were all happy. Jesse and I were happy and Maya was the happiest of them all. I felt a small tear begin to roll down my cheek as I recalled the events that happened in only matter weeks after Maya's birthday that resulted in a nasty custody battle that lasted for a full year. I wished that Maya's fifth birthday could've been as magical as her fourth one, but I couldn't give that to her. All I could give her was a courtroom for three hours, sitting in my mothers' lap as I fought to keep my precious daughter.

"Anthony?" Someone called, snapping me out of my thoughts. I jumped and wiped my tears away with my doctors coat sleeve, looking to the door.

"Ian! I'm so sorry. C-Come in, please." Ian was hesitant.

"Are you sure? You look like you could use a moment." I shook my head.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine. I was just... reminiscing. What do you need?"

"I just need to grab my keys so I can go home." I gestured for him to come in.

"Yeah, okay. That's fine. Go ahead." Ian hesitantly walked over to our belongings rack, grabbing his keys and walking towards the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Fine. Never better." Ian sighed a little and looked down to his keys, playing with them a little.

"Okay. Just making sure. I'll see you tomorrow, Anthony."

"Yeah... S-See ya." I answered back as Ian walked out and shut the door behind him. After looking at the Disney World photo one last time, I decided that it was also time for me to head back home. I hung up my white coat and grabbed my keys, leaving my office and locking the door. Renee called me before I left and asked me to pick up some fast food because she had to study for a final and didn't have time to prepare dinner tonight. I agreed. I went to McDonald's and got Maya a kids' meal, Renee a salad, and me just a small order of fries. After thinking about Jesse, I really didn't have much of an appetite. When I got home, Maya was asleep on Renee's shoulder as she read from her Spanish book. I don't really speak that much Spanish, but I like to try and communicate with my sister a little bit in the language since she was a Spanish major. Plus, it helps her get some practice in.

"¿Estudiando duro?" I asked in a low whisper. She looked up from her book and nodded.

"Sí. Tal vez un poco demasiado duro." I felt bad for Renee. I wish Jesse wouldn't have left us... Maybe then she wouldn't have to work so goddamn hard.

"Luego tome un descanso."

"No puedo. Hay demasiada presion en este examen." I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding a few words she said to me.

"You lost me..." She snickered.

"I can't. There's too much riding on this exam." I rolled my eyes and took the book away from her, setting it down on the coffee table. I then took Maya out of her arms and placed her into mine, laying her head on my shoulder without disturbing her much.

"Take a break and eat. The food is on the counter." She sighed heavily, but nodded, getting up from the couch and heading into the kitchen. I then took Maya into her room and changed her into her pajamas, placing her in bed and covering her up. She stirred a bit and groaned slightly, causing me to giggle.

"Goodnight princess." I whispered. She smiled a little in her sleep.

"Goodnight, daddy." I kissed her forehead and switched on her Tinker Bell night light before exiting her room, leaving the door slightly cracked just how she liked it. I went into the kitchen where Renee was eating and put Maya's kids' meal in the refrigerator for later, leaving soon after to head to bed.

"Hey, why didn't you get anything?" She asked, taking a bite of lettuce. I slightly shrugged my shoulders.

"I wasn't hungry..." Renee flashed me a sympathetic smile.

"Thinking about Jess again?" I nodded. "Well don't. He's a douche and you're way better off without him." I sighed lightly.

"Easier said than done, sis." I then walked away, heading towards my bedroom and changing into my bed clothes. I hopped into bed and covered myself up with the thick blanket, falling asleep quickly after such a rough day, but then being awoken again when I heard my door squeak open. Maya was standing in the doorway, holding a her teddy bear that I won her in Disney World and rubbing her eyes. "Maya, honey what are you doing up?"

"Bad dream..." She said, obviously a little teary-eyed. I pulled back my blanket and scooted over a little.

"Come here, sweetie." She ran over to me, climbing up into bed with me and hugging me tightly, crying a little.

"It's okay, honey. Shhh. It's okay. Daddy's here..." After  a few minutes of comforting and humming, she was calmed down and almost ready to fall back to sleep.

"I miss daddy Jess..." She whispered. I kissed the top of her head and covered her up with my blanket.

"I do too, baby... I do too."

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