Chapter 01: The New Intern

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Author's Note [April 28, 2017]

Just a gentle warning, I wrote this entire story nearly three years ago as of above date. My writing has improved DRASTICLY over that period of time and my older stories do not reflect those improvements. This story has several flaws such as plot holes, pacing issues, predictable events, tropes, cringe-worthy moments, and other things that are common amongst a fanfiction rookie.


 If you would like to read some of my more recent works as an example of just how far my writings have come, feel free to check out my A03 page (link in my profile). While there is MUCH room for improvement, they are much better than my first pieces of literature such as this.



My name is Anthony Padilla. I'm 28-years-old, I'm a single father to a beautiful five-year-old girl named Maya, and I am the youngest and the best cardiac surgeon in the United States. I work at Los Angles Medical Center in downtown LA and I have been working here for about five years. It is without a doubt the best job ever. I get to help innocent people every single day and even get save a few lives here and there. It's amazing.

"Dr. Padilla, second-floor desk, please? Dr. Padilla." A voice called over the intercom and right in the middle of my lunch break I groaned slightly, upset that my lunch break had to end so soon. I grabbed my nearly finished vegan sandwich and threw away what was left, getting onto the elevator and taking it up to the second floor. I tried my best to quickly devour the 1/4 piece of sandwich I had left before the elevator "dinged" and opened, but I couldn't get the whole thing down in time. My mouth was still full of sandwich when the elevator opened, revealing four young ladies sitting in their usual seats and laughing when they saw my mouth full of sandwich.

"What? You called me during my lunch break and I wasn't about to waste 1/4 of a sandwich I paid $6.00 for."

"I guess I can't blame you. The cafeteria is expensive." The main one named Carrie said, handing me patient's chart.

"What do we got?" I asked, skimming over the papers within the thick folder.

"17 year old female hospitalized with pneumonia about two days ago. She was expected to be released today, but Dr. Clemons has had a family emergency come up and couldn't release her. He wanted you to check her lungs and make sure she was well enough to be released or not." I looked over her charts a little more before nodding and turning towards her room.

"Alright. I'll take a look." I walked to room 204 and gently knocked on the closed door, slowly opening it and smiling when I saw a young teenage girl lying on the bed wearing fuzzy pink pajama pants and a cheerleading t-shirt while typing away on her phone. Typical teenager. "Hello, Amber." I greeted. She looked up from her phone, instantly locking it and sitting up a bit in her bed.

"Hi." She smiled. I held my hand out to her and she gently shook it.

"I'm Dr. Anthony Padilla. I'm a cardiologist and cardiac surgeon. Dr. Clemons has had an emergency come up and has asked me to take a look at your lungs so we can hopefully release you. Sound good?" She nodded, allowing a few congested coughs escape her mouth. I took my stethoscope off of my neck and placed it into my ears while placing the other end to her chest. "Okay, take a few deep breaths for me." She took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Each time she did so, I moved the stethoscope around her back and chest, listening to her lungs closely. Once completed, I placed the stethoscope back around my neck and wrote down some notes into her chart, hearing her phone make a SpongeBob quote. She gasped and silenced the phone.

"I'm so sorry." I chuckled a bit.

"It's fine, Miss North. I have a five-year-old daughter and she loves SpongeBob."

"Aww!" She cooed. "How old is she?"

"She's five and VERY feisty!" She giggled.

"I bet she's just as pretty as her mother." Anthony shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I've never met her mother so I wouldn't know. Me and my husband at the time adopted her when she was just three months old." 

"Oh, I see. Are you and your husband still together?" She asked. I froze a bit, but cleared my throat and continued writing some notes down in her chart.

"No, not anymore. I was married to him for a while, but some things really bad happened between us and we got a divorce." She frowned.

"Oh... I'm sorry." I shook my head, closing her chart and smiling at her.

"It's quite fine, Ms. North. Now about your pneumonia. You still sound pretty congested. I would highly recommend that you stay in for another three days at least just so your lungs have enough time on the IV antibiotics to heal up." She sighed a bit, obviously not stoked with the news, but nodded anyways.

"You're the doctor." I smiled at her and shook her hand, heading towards the door.

"I hope you feel better soon, Amber."

"Thanks!" She called as I closed the door and walked back to the front desk, handing Carrie her chart.

"She's still a bit congested and needs to stay in for about three days." I told her. She nodded and placed her chart back in the filing sorter. I was about to head back down stairs to the ER to check on another patient I had took care of last night, but I stopped dead in my tracks when heard my name.

"Ah, Anthony! Just the man I wanted to see!" I spun around quickly and saw the doctor that interned me during my residency period, Dr. Asher. I smiled widely and shook his hand.

"Hello Doctor! Always nice to see you!"

"Like wise." I looked over Dr. Asher's shoulder and noticed that he wasn't alone. A very attractive young man, about a few inches shorter than me, was standing behind him, wearing blue scrubs and a pair of Nike New Balance tennis shoes. He had a haircut that looked a lot like Justin Beiber's old hair, but it framed his deep blue eyes perfectly. Suddenly, his mesmerizing blue eyes met mine, causing my heart rate to increase and my palms to slightly sweat. I broke our gaze and cleared my throat, turning my attention back to Dr. Asher.

"So, what brings you into the hospital?" I asked. He clicked his tongue and gestured his head to the attractive young man standing behind him.

"Padilla, this is Ian Hecox. He is ready to begin his residency in cardiac surgery and I'm giving him a tour of the hospital." I smiled at him and held my hand out to him, trying my best to keep myself calm in front of such an attractive person.

"Hello Mr. Hecox. I'm Dr. Anthony Padilla. Head cardiac surgeon at this hospital. It's nice to meet you." He nervously smiled at me and shook my hand. His palms were sweaty and his hand was almost as shaky as mine was, indicating that he was either nervous, or feeling the same small connection that I was feeling. I didn't make any bold assumptions, though. Even though he is really attractive, I'm not looking to date for a LONG while after what happened to me and Jesse. I concluded that he was just nervous about his residency coming up and let go of his hand, smiling at him reassuringly. "Ian, I assure you there is nothing to be nervous about. I'm sure whoever is mentoring you will be wonderful." Dr. Asher chuckled.

"Padilla, this is your intern. I paired him with you because Ian is a gifted young man and deserves to be trained by the best." I smiled at the young medical student still feeling my heart do back flips from within my chest.

"Even better, then. Nothing to be nervous about, I assure you." He nervously smiled and weakly chuckled.

"T-Thanks." He muttered. Such a beautiful voi- Snap out of it, Anthony!

"He starts tomorrow and will be in your office as soon as the clinic opens. Be ready."

"Oh, I will." I chuckled, boldly sneaking a wink to the young man without Dr. Asher seeing it. His cheeks flushed bright red as he quickly looked down to the floor.

"Excellent. Come Ian, I haven't even shown you the lab yet." They soon disappeared into the elevator, leaving me with a big smile plastered on my face. I think I'm going to like this new intern.

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