Chapter 4

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- Katy -

I tried to unlock my front door, but Justin grabbed my arms and spun me around so we were face to face.  Tears were running down my face, the reason why I'm completely unsure of.

"What happened?!" Justin asked me, frowning.

"The problem is that I just kissed you, and I actually may have liked it! My life also felt complete when it happened... I swear I'm going to a mental hospital, because there's something wrong with me if I liked it!" I shouted, still crying.

"Just freaking admit it, Katy! You like me! You know you do!" he yelled angrily, his grip tightening on my arms.

"I don't like you, Justin Drew Bieber! I freaking hate you! Can't you take a hint?! It will NEVER change!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.  "Just leave me alone!" I screamed in his face, the tears running fast down my face.  

I broke free from his grip and unlocked the door.  I ran inside and up to my room.  I really don't give a shit if my mom yells at me for being outside late.  I collapsed down on my bed and just cried into my pillow.  I still don't know why I'm crying.  I'm furious and sad at the same time for some reason when I should just be furious.  I'm so confused and fucked up right now.  I feel like there is something wrong with my mind.  I actually liked kissing Justin Bieber!  That is just f'ed up!  I never thought I'd be able to say that in my life!  I wish this day had never happened.  I wish Chrissy hadn't gotten those freaking tickets.  Wait, let me rephrase that.  I wish she got the tickets so she could be happy and go, but I wish she didn't take me.  Then none of this wouldn't have happened.  None of it at all.  I wouldn't have been the One Less Lonely Girl, stupid Justin wouldn't have fallen for me, he wouldn't have made a picnic for us, and he wouldn't have kissed me.  Oh, what am I saying?  I can't blame everything on him.  I need to face reality, and just admit that yeah, I liked kissing Justin Bieber, and maybe I like him a little.  Maybe.  But, so much for 'it will never change'...

- Justin -

I sat on the ground outside Katy's front door.  I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a big sigh.  I don't understand why she keeps denying that she likes me, because I know she does!  I think her and I would be such a cute couple...and plus it'd get my mind off Selena.  I didn't even want to think about Selena stupid Gomez.  I can't believe she breaks up with me just because she thinks I'm "immature" and all that.  So she's like a year older then me?  Age shouldn't matter, but apparently it did to her.  Whatever.  I can't believe I basically just lost Katy, too.  Katy is the only girl that I've seen and been around that reminds me of Selena since after our break up.  Actually, Katy seems better than Selena could ever be.  Selena meant the world to me, so if Katy is better than her, then Katy is pretty darn special.  I like Katy a lot because she is overall gorgeous.  She seems to have a good personality, at least I think.  Most of the time she just shows her "I hate Justin" side, so it's kind of hard to tell right now.  But otherwise, I think she's a really cool girl.  I just need to make her fall for me, but how do I do that?  I've converted a few haters before, but I've never made them fall in love with me or anything.  I decide to text Katy.  I want to talk to her.  I don't want her to cry, or feel bad, or feel "mentally screwed up because she kissed Justin Bieber."  I just want her to feel better, it's not even about liking her at this point.  When she started crying, my heart shattered and I wanted to cry myself.  This is the first time her sparkling brown eyes didn't shine since I met her, and that hurt.  I whipped out my phone and texted her; "katy...please talk to me...i need to know youre okay."  After about two minutes, the door busted open, and Katy was standing in the doorway, her face stained with tears.

"Katy," I said and pulled her into my arms.  She cried onto my shoulder, and I rubbed her back.

She looked into my eyes after about five minutes.  "I think I may like you, Justin Drew Bieber. Never thought I'd ever say that in my life," she whispered with a slight smile.

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