Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who reads my story <3

- Ben -

Who does this Bieber kid think he is?  There's no way he's going to hurt Katy anymore than he already has.  She deserves way better.  I don't understand what she sees in him.  When she shouted that she was going to pick him, my heart shattered.  The first few seconds after she said that, I was filled with anger.  I wanted to punch Justin... a lot.  But then I thought that I should be happy for her.  It's just hard.  I love her so much.  I was going to marry her.  Now she's going to slip out of my arms and fall into the hands of a guy who doesn't know how to treat girls.

Our relationship was like a perfect romance novel.  I never thought it'd end the way it did.  I thought that it would go on forever and forever, and never stop.  It'd be filled with happy moments, maybe one or two bad here or there, since every couple isn't perfect and they all fight from time to time.  But Katy and I hardly ever fought.  I know what to say and what not to say when she gets mad and stuff like that.  Whenever we had started to fight in the past, I always was the peacemaker, so to speak, and we stopped.  We only had three full blown arguments in the whole relationship, which is almost perfect, considering that most couples these days fight three or four times a day.  That's just how perfect Katy and I were for each other.  We like all the same things, have practically all the same interests, the list goes on.  We're like twins.  I'd do anything to make her mine again.  But I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Justin banged on the bathroom door, and it broke me out of my thoughts.  "Katy... Please open up," he kept whispering, pain in his voice.

"You hurt her too much," I said to him, loud enough for him to hear, since I was practically halfway across the room.

"Ben... just please... Not now" he replied, hurt and regret in his voice.  Maybe's he's changing his attitude.  Hopefully it'll change for good and not change for the worse again.  This guy is still bad news to me for now.

"Let me try," I said to Justin as I walked over to the bathroom door.  He moved aside.  "Katy, please open up," I loudly said, hoping she'd hear me.  There was silence, but the door flung open after a few seconds.  Her gorgeous face was stained with tears.  I can't stand seeing her like this.

"Katy, I'm so sorry," Justin whispered as he opened his arms.  She walked into his open arms and hugged him tight.  That should be me...

She sniffled.  "It's alright," she whispered as she cried onto his shoulder and as he rubbed her back.

"He can come with us to Atlanta," Justin suddenly said.  Katy perked up and looked highly surprised.  I'm highly surprised as well.  Katy didn't even bring the subject up, he did.  I think he is starting to change his attitude.

"Will Scooter mind?" Katy asked him.

"Probably not," Justin said with a small smile.  He then turned to me.  "Hey, bro, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I just got a little bit jealous, but I apologize for that. It's just hard, you know? Seeing her around you... I just got mad. Sorry," he said to me, sympathy in his voice.  Shame that the both of them are completely clueless to the fact that I know exactly how he feels...

"It's cool," I half-lied and we fist bumped.

"I better go talk to Scooter now," Justin said.

Katy and I nodded, even though all Justin was doing was paying attention to Katy.  After a few seconds, he pulled Katy in for a kiss.  This is something I wasn't looking forward to seeing.  She was smiling as their lips inched closer to each other.  She really does like him.  Then, their lips connected.  I knew it was going to happen, but my mind really couldn't picture it or believe it until it actually happened.  I suddenly felt this stabbing pain in my chest... exactly where my heart is.  No joke.  My heart feels worse than the day I broke up with her.  I can't stand the fact that she's kissing another guy.  It should be me.  This hurts too much.

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