Chapter 16

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- Katy -

My heart was skipping beats the whole time the commercials were on.  I wanted the commercials to end so freaking badly, but at the same time, I was scared of what the reporter was going to say.  Ben was speechless and Justin kept cursing under his breath.  I've heard him say "I hate those God damn paparazzi" a lot of times, though.

Suddenly, the same lady that was the reporter before came back up onto the screen.  My heart froze again.

"Welcome back to Gossip Starz! I'm your host, as always, Amanda Fitz!" she merrily said.  How can she be merry when she is ruining my life?

"Now, back to the subject we started before the break. Does teen sensation Justin Bieber already have a new girlfriend after break up with pop cutie, Selena Gomez? These photos were submitted to our studios this morning, depicting Bieber very close to this mystery girl at the concert he performed last night in downtown New York. This lucky girl got picked as the night's One Less Lonely Girl, which is a tradition of Bieber's at his concerts. He brings a lucky fan in the crowd onstage as he sings his hit 'One Less Lonely Girl!' Aww, how sweet! But as you can see, last night wasn't a normal One Less Lonely Girl treatment for this girl. It seems as if Bieber wanted to kiss this mystery girl, but she backed away and almost fell off the stool, rejecting his kiss! But was he really trying to kiss her, or was he just flirting? Was this just another lucky One Less Lonely Girl, or possible girlfriend? Keep checking back for more updates about this subject!" she explained while pictures of Justin and I were flashing all over the screen.  I swear there was a picture for every second I was up there.

My shaky hands reached for the remote and I turned the TV off.  "I'm going to kill those paps," Justin said as he started pacing back and forth around the room.

"Think about it, Justin. They'd find out sooner or later. We probably couldn't even go a week without them finding out. Maybe it's better that it's out now then later," I suggested.

"No, it's not better. Now people are going to be on my tail extra whenever they see me because they heard of this. They're always going to try to check and see who I'm with at all times. If they found out a month from now, that's a month we would have had to ourselves," he angrily (but not to me) said and sighed.

"I know what you mean," I replied and sighed.  Then, a thought occurred to me.  "But wait, that channel didn't prove anything. It just stated things that are opinions and not facts. If I watched that show and they were talking about the same exact situation, but with a different girl, I'd honestly think it was just a lucky One Less Lonely Girl. They have no proof that we're actually a couple. You didn't actually kiss me, and that says a lot too. If we were dating at the time you would've kissed me and I wouldn't have backed away like that," I added, and I felt a little better after I said it.  I'm right, that channel can't prove a thing.  They have no hard evidence that we're a couple.

He thought about it.  "I guess you're right. But what about tomorrow? I wanted to do something special with you before we leave for Atlanta. Now the paps are going to be everywhere looking for the latest news on me and you, the 'mystery girl.'"

"I can go in full disguise, maybe? Wig and all?" I suggested, even though I didn't like the idea at all.

"Ah, I don't know. I'd actually like to be able to recognize you. It won't stop the paparazzi, though. If I'm seen with you in disguise, they will probably think I'm with another girl, and the headlines will read 'Bieber has two girlfriends??'" he replied.

I thought about what he said.  "I guess you're right," I said with a sigh.

He sighed, too.  Things were silent for a few moments.

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