Chapter 9

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- Justin -

"I'll do my best to keep our relationship private. I can't lose her. I don't know what it is but there's something special about her. I know these feelings aren't fake," I finally said after about two minutes of silence and all eyes on me.  Katy looked over at me and a smile crept across her face.

Scooter rolled his eyes and put his hands up in defeat.  "Fine, if you want to go through hell again, it's your problem. Don't come whining to me whenever she is crying to you about the death threats and such," he said and walked off of the tour bus.

"He needs to understand that I need to have a social life, too..." I whispered while plopping down on the couch.  In times like this, being famous sucks.

Katy came down and sat beside me and Chrissy sat on a chair across from us.  Kenny was somewhere else on the bus.

"I'm going to find Scooter and talk to him. I'll be back soon," my mom said and walked out of the bus.

- Pattie -

I walked out of the bus and went to find Scooter.  He always wonders off whenever there's a problem.  I don't know whose side to take.  I know what Scooter is saying about how it's always a struggle for Justin when he dates someone since he's famous, and it's all going to happen with Katy, but Justin needs to have a social life, too.  He can't stay single for the rest of his life.  Relationships aren't easy for Justin since the girls he dates and even himself get hate.  These are the worst parts of having a world famous son.  Whenever Scooter brought up Selena, I thought back to those memories of the hateful things said against Selena.  It made me want to cry then and it still does to this day.  This Katy girl seems nice, even though I hardly know her, and I don't want her to hurt like Selena did.  I don't really know what to do at this point, I'm just going to find Scooter and I'm going to say to him whatever comes in my mind.  I decided to go into the stadium since he most likely won't be outside.

"There you are," I said, standing in the doorway of one of the "dressing rooms" per say, looking at Scooter rummage through some things.

"Pattie, really, now's not the time," he sternly said.  He always comes off so tough, he needs to lighten up a bit.

"We need to talk about Justin and Katy," I said after ten seconds.

"There's nothing to talk about. If Justin wants to date her, fine. Don't say I didn't warn them," he replied, a little bit calmer than last time.

"But Scooter, Justin needs to have a social life. He can't always be making music, writing music, doing concerts, doing signings and meet n' greets, etc. His whole life can't be all music. I know it's most of his life since he's famous, but it can't be all of it. He needs time to escape from everything sometimes, and a girl can do that. I feel Katy can be that girl. You know how happy and cheery Justin was when he was dating Selena. When they broke up, he was beyond depressed, you remember. He wouldn't even get out of bed somedays. And even to this day I know he isn't fully happy. Katy will most likely make him happy again. He can't stay single forever," I slowly said, Scooter attentively listening.

"That's all nice and fine, but what about the paparazzi? You know they'll never leave them alone," he said with a serious tone.

"I know that Justin's going to try his best to keep their relationship private. The paparazzi usually don't catch on for a few months anyways. We can help them, too. Just give them a chance," I replied, using a happy tone.

He sighed.  "You've done it again, Pattie. You've talked me into it," he responded with a chuckle and a small smile.

- Katy -

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