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This chapter is the information Lexi is writing in her notebook. It only has to do with the fairy world and its history.



Dear Fairy-book,

these are all the crap that the fairy prince said to me.

First of all i am a fairy which was put into an orphanage by my own people so they could protect me from the ''enemies'' as the enemy aimed to kill the Guerreros of each species but they never managed to get me back until now. Thomas was in the same situation as i am but they got him back when he was 7. Anyways this brings me back to what are the categories.

Guerreros - warriors

Seekers - [kind of obvious]

Georgoi - green thump environmental friendly hippies

Sviluppo - builders,creators or crazy scientists

To learn where you belong you have to take some tests. Most people know which is their category from birth because of their  parents and because this category thing is like genes it is most probable to belong where your parents belong and that makes me 80% sure i am a guerrero because i was put in an orphanage with the other most probably guerrero children. But who knows? I have always been shit at fighting with weapons but i do have the verbal fighting perfected. So that is positive.

I must take the tests before i become 25 or i can't take the tests after that and to know why i can't take the test after i am 25 i have to pass the tests. Stupid right?

Usually to pass these tests you must train a hell of a lot more than the training that i am going to get in my situation and you can take the tests as many times as you like before you become 25, to pass them or to improve your scores.

These tests are six. Every category guerreros,seekers, georgoi and sviluppo have chosen the test that you must pass to belong in their category. You must take all four tests and in whichever you have the highest score means it is the category you belong in.Then you must take a test to get a high-score in your category so that you can be ranked and get a good job or something.Lastly to fully pass all the tests you must learn the basics of all the categories and be able to apply them. The last one was an addition after the wars, when most species lost their armies and were unable to protect themselves,so they added this test to force everyone to learn the basics. Most fairies i talked with about the tests say that the last one is the most difficult because when you do the category tests you know you will suck at three and be great at one.

Basically  that is all i know and as i learn more i will keep updating you just so i don't forget any important fairy facts.

Fairy- encyclopedia by Lexi 26/3/2016

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