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(Song: Teenagers- My Chemical Romance)

After English I said a friendly see you later to the British boy and started making my way toward biology.

I can see why the school is talking about him now. He's very attractive and definitely has that European vibe all of us Minnesota teenagers dream of.

His curly hair is unruly although it looked like he had tried in some form the tame them. He most likely knew the attempt was useless but wanted to make an impression. Honestly he could came in his pajamas and we would've been impressed. The way his accent rolled of his tongue in a raspy, deep tone caught my attention, but instead of making me lose my voice it actually had the opposite effect.

"Hey Skye," my partner, Tanner, greets me as I sit down.

"Hello loner," I reply grinning.

Tanner was a small, lanky boy. He doesn't tend to hang out with anyone from school or anywhere for that matter. I've asked him to sit with my friends and I at breaks because I genuinely think he's a good guy but every time he declines and takes a new book into the school library.

He laughs and replies, "Sue me, muggle."

"You did not just reference Harry Potter. My soul cringes for you."

"My soul explodes in happiness that you got said reference."

"Just because we can't all read five books a week doesn't mean us muggles don't like a good book."

The teacher begins droning on about genetics and I can already see Tanner zoning out. I throw a wadded paper and his head earning me the finger. Luckily this lecture doesn't last long and our teacher has us begin working with our partner.

Somehow I've been lucky enough to have Tanner in all of my science classes for the last three years which helps when you need a partner.

I remember the first day of Chemistry freshman year very clearly. I had just dyed my hair for the first time, a light pink. Everyone just kind of stared and I was so insecure that I sat in the back corner hoping they would stop.
To make that situation worst the teacher had told us to pick partners for the rest of the year and neither of my best friends were in the class with me making me feel utterly screwed. But then, like the angel Tanner is, he came over to me and said my hair was bad ass. I laughed and asked if I could be his partner and he said "considering no one else will talk to you it looks like I'll have to do the honors," and that is how this beautiful friendship has blossomed.

"Have you seen the new kid?" I ask Tanner.

"The Brit? Yeah I saw him in the office earlier. Why? Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah his name is Harry. He's in my English class," I respond while I start my worksheet.

"Ah, so he's a senior then. I'm surprised you got his name. You normally ignore the human race as much as one can."

"Most likely senior or he's like me and is a junior in that class. Anyway, he was staring at me and I was like might as well introduce the face he can't stop looking at."

"Okay, miss sassy pants," he laughs and begins searching for answers in our textbook.

"First of all, I'm wearing jeans and second of all, I was nice. He seems nice but what do I know."

"Do you think he's good looking?"

"Why is this relevant? Do you think he's good looking?"

Whispering he replies, "I don't have to be gay to see he's gonna be the it-boy all year. Plus it was relevant because you said he was staring and I thought maybe he likes you."

Tanner has been closeted as gay since freshman year. I was surprised he even told me considering he was shaking and nearly in tears when he did. I don't understand what I did to earn this kind of trust but I hugged him and told him he had nothing to be scared of. That didn't help of course since to this day, I'm the only one who knows.

"Yeah. Yeah to both. But not to him liking me the other things you said. Like as in yeah he's attractive and yeah to agree that he'll be the it-boy."

"Whoa, that sentence was unintentionally confusing. What the hell is with that. One second you're a sarcastic bad ass the the next your an awkward little girl."

I sigh and finish up the assignment.

"How are you done?" Tanner asks while scrambling to get his paper done.

"Unlike you I can multitask. Gossip and Biology are my favorite combination."


"You sure you don't want to sit with my friends and I?" I ask Tanner right before he makes his usual departure into the library.

"Yeah I'm sure. I need to find out how the hell this guys wife is still alive," he laughed and holds up a Harlan Coben book.

"Alright loser, see you tomorrow."

"See ya, Skye."

I continue into the cafeteria and go to our regular table.

"I heard the new guy was in your class," Rikki states to me as soon as she sits at our regular table with James trailing behind.

"Yeah he was. How do you know this?"

"He was in my trig class and being me I talked to him and asked his name and where he is from. Which is Holmes Chapel by the way. I also asked if he's doing okay with a new school and all and he replied good and that his first class was good because he spoke to a blue haired girl named Skye and he no longer felt nervous," she breathed out all at once.

"Sounds like a twink," James adds.

"Zip it, Mount Everest! It was sweet of him to mention her!" Rikki defends

I'm kind of shocked he remembered my name to be honest. I'm glad I was able to make him feel more welcomed considering this school tends to be 60% assholes who ignore everyone except the people who matter.

"He said that?" I question biting my lower lip.

"Yes! You should invite him over here! He seemed like he could use some friends."

"That's a terrible idea," James adds but we ignore him.

I was about to agree until I see a familiar curly haired boy walk in with the the football team. He was laughing and getting pats on the back by all the other guys. I suddenly realize he isn't meant to be around us. He is much higher on the social latter and will continue to thrive in this school. He doesn't need to be shaded by me, he deserves to shine a little.

"No, I think he'll be okay," I finally respond.

Saving Blue// h.s {HOLD ON}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin