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(Ignorance- Paramore)

As soon as English had ended, I quickly bid Skye goodbye and hurried to the field. The class had taken an interesting turn for the best I'd like to think. Explaining to Skye that I wasn't hiding the tattoos out of fear, but just a precaution was very comfortable. I'm normally prepared to defend them but she acted almost fascinated.

Thankfully the week is done and I'll be able to wear things, other than my long sleeves, without people making assumptions that I have the IQ of a doorknob or that I'd sleep with any girl based by the prints on my skin. I've gotten to know 99% of the school so I'm in the clear.

For some ungodly reason coach has us currently lifting. Why would he do this four hours before our first game? I have no idea. I choose not to complain considering I haven't been here too long and didn't want him to already dislike me.

Our coach isn't much of a talker, unless it involves telling plays, and he is much less a motivational speaker. The most encouragement I've got from him in the last four days was mostly a few grunts of approval, which apparently is more than the other guys have got in the last three years. At least, that's what they've told me anyway.

The team has taken a like to me, allowing me to feel more at home. I haven't had a chance to talk to people from back home so being accepted helps. Well, mostly accepted.

Levi isn't thrilled with anything that involves my name. Ever since that day in the parking lot when he acted as if he wanted to befriend me, he's been treating me like the plague. I should've seen it coming though. From the first time seeing him I could tell his type. Levi is the jock who is just that, a jock. He loves that title and gives us athletes a bad name by doing annoying shit. He'd be the guy to wear his varsity jacket in the middle of a hot summer just so his pride is wrapped tightly around him. At the moment we're all in the weigh room and I feel the heavy weight of his eyes glaring into my back.

Can a guy not finish his reps in peace?

"What'd you do to, Adams?" I hear Ethan say coming up behind me.

"Nothing, he's just likes to be a creepy vampire in the corner," I say grunt as I finish with the barbell.

He lends up against the closest wall, "He's like a tiger. If he sees a threat he'll stalk it then pounce when he thinks necessary."

"Pounce? That's a nice why of saying he'll skin me alive."

"I was trying not to scare you," Ethan laughs.

I sigh and set my weight down," I'm not scared of him. He's like a little kid who doesn't like the other kid with the shiny, new toy. He doesn't like that I'm liked. Big whoop."

"He doesn't like competition. Trust me, I deal with the jackass more than necessary."

"What was that in the parking lot the other day anyway?" I ask picking up another weight.

He sighs in annoyance and stares at the ground, "He dates Jane, the girl with reddish hair who you saw. She's been my best friend since third grade. Her and Levi have dated since sophomore year but watching them together makes me want to take a long walk off a short pier. Does it make me a bad friend to want her to go after guys who are more her league and not bottom-of-the-barrel douches? All he does is pressure her to do things and she agrees because 'Levi can do no wrong'. Love is blind. Stupid. Blind and stupid."

Saving Blue// h.s {HOLD ON}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin