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September: 6 Months Before

(Song: Miss Jackson- Panic! At the Disco)

Stupid. So stupid.

I swear to people do even read the books assigned before going in front of the class?

Julien Walker is currently fumbling over his own words trying to make up some bull about To Kill a Mockingbird.

I'm not exactly all happy go lucky about speaking in front of my peers but I'm smart enough not to make a complete joke of myself.

"Boo Radley then comes out of his home to...," Julian tries to explain.

Save Jem.

"Erm... to save the brother."

Close enough.

The look on Julian's face when the bell rung for lunch could be described as how America felt when Bid Laden was assassinated. In simpler terms he was quite literally saved by the bell.

The classroom erupts with voices talking, chairs screeching, laughter, so many actions happening I feel as though I will be engulfed in the crowd. I'm so overwhelmed by all the bodies walking past me that I rest my head on the desk until everyone had left the class room.

I get overwhelmed easily. Sometimes it's like the air that the events are happening in are tightening around my body and cutting off my breathing. When people speak to me and I'm uncomfortable it's like vibrations running through my veins. A strange way to describe the sensation but accurate none of the less.

"Skye! How was class with Mrs. Asshole?" I hear as I'm walking out of class.

I look up and see my best friends walking toward me. Rikki, a small blonde, and our friend James trailing behind her.

Our english teacher's name is Mrs. Assel. Rikki got a 75% on the first essay assigned, putting a pretty big hole in her ego and she's still not over it.

"Asshole? Real original Rikki. It's not like the whole class doesn't call her that," James snarks back as always.

"Shut up! They didn't start calling her that till I said it, butt munch!" Rikki half yells, slapping James chest.

"Aw. Like an old married couple," I say rolling my eyes playfully, walking past them and start making my way toward the cafeteria.

"Not married, nor will we ever be," James retorts from behind me.

I swear these two were meant for each other and they don't want to believe it. Ever since high school they've done this weird I'm-flirting-with-you-but-I'm-trying-to-be-nonchalant thing.

Rikki is barely 5'3 and James is 6'1, Rikki is a blonde bubbly band geek and James is a dark haired snarky guitarist. If they weren't purposely made for each other my life will have been a lie.

"Anyway, to answer your question it was brutal. Well, not for me but for Walker over there."

"Did he faint during presentations?" Rikki asks bouncing slightly on her toes.

"No, you ignoramus he just spark noted the whole book before class."

"Well damn," Rikki sighs.

Entering the cafeteria I glance at a large group of guys huddled around the in-crowd's table, nothing unusual.  There was a lot more people and a lot more whispers being carried through the building, though.

I just grab an apple and take my seat with my friends.

"Why does the school seem louder than usual?" I ask biting into the fruit.

James shrugs in response.

"I heard there's a transfer from England coming in tomorrow," says Rikki with her voice going an octave higher due to excitement.

Rikki somehow always gets the dirt without getting her hands filthy. I don't get how she does it honestly. Especially since James and I are the only ones she really talks to besides her band friends.

"Are they considered a transfer? I mean it's still September. I guess since its another country-" I start but am interrupted by the football team making their entrance. An entrance that involves loud laughter and yells of how it is lunch time.

Yes thank you. I wouldn't know it's time to eat without your announcement.

I see James roll his eyes so hard I wonder if he's momentarily blinded.

"You okay there Jay?" Rikki laughs.

"I would be if my ears weren't filled with unneeded noise," he jokes back.

"Hey, give them a break," Rik starts, "they think after high school their sport will still hold power in the real world."

"No truer words have been spoken."

"Hey, you two be nice. They honestly aren't that bad," I add.

I don't like when people put down others for something they love. If someone is passionate let them have something to keep them stable in life.

Moments later we go on our way to our next classes. I hate walking by myself in through the halls. I feel like everyone is always looking at me like I'm some standing joke. I've been dying my hair unnatural colors for years and people still stare.

Why? I don't know. Its a very common thing to do but I think its because my hair has more personality than I do. Most people with bright blue hair would be outgoing and social. The thought of being social makes me slightly ill. I don't not like people. I wish I were more talkative, its just sometimes I say things and I feel like an idiot after. I get a feeling no one actually wants to hear what I say so I don't speak unless spoken to most of the time.

Basically my life: Class, silence, repeat.

Saving Blue// h.s {HOLD ON}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin