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(Paper Airplanes- Victoria Diffield)

I can't help but notice how much I don't know about this him. From an outsiders perspective we see a boy with curly hair, emerald green eyes, who only wears long sleeve tee shirts and black skinny jeans every single day.

Since Tuesday it seems like the only thing he changes with his attire are the colors of his shirts. So far it's been white, blue, red, and now he's sporting black, giving him a black on black look, besides his nearly glowing white converse.

His choice of outfit wasn't completely out of the norm considering in was August in Minnesota, but the fact it was nearly the same every day is a bit off putting. You'd think he didn't want anyone to see is arms, which lead to many assumptions, or maybe he had hard time fitting in so he didn't try to stand out.

To say Harry had a hard time fitting in is a joke though. As soon as he came to Spectrum High he slid in without an awkward period of "I know not a single person so I'll sit alone" or "I'm going to sit in the corner of the class and hope I'll blend in." For him it was like he was everyone's childhood friend they had reunited with. The way he carries himself is so care-free it's nearly inspiring.

Currently we are sitting in class and I have Harry speaking beside me but I can't help not paying attention to him to look over his shoulder.

You'd think I had done some crime with the way girls in this school glared at me ever since Harry had shown up. They all give me this hard look with an arched eyebrow as if trying to solve me like a frustrating puzzle.

I don't know why they'd try to figure me out. Harry is the one that has missing pieces. I always take notice to how he talks to everyone, he makes them seem special. When speaking to the boy you feel a little higher in the social totem pole.

He was at the school one day and had already met his entire football team. I can't even comprehend this. Also, in a total of four days, I've seen at least four girls hit on him. Let's not forget that he's also made friends with nearly the all of the facility.

This whole 'high school experience' mumbo-jumbo seemed to come naturally to the kid. He didn't bat an eye at questions people asked and held small talk quiet well. Actually the only thing that makes him portrayed as "mortal" in a sense is that the kid is a complete klutz.

The thing is though these are just actions I see him do and not what I've experienced. When he talks to me it feels unscripted. I say unscripted because it's very real: he's awkward, funny, and makes himself not so perfect. I have a feeling that he's used to people making him out to be an amazing human based off his appearance and he let's them assume. It's like he's allowed this person that everyone else he's ever met had constructed to become an unreal version of himself, an alter ego. Yet, he doesn't pull that card around me. This makes me happier than it should.

"Skye, are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?"

His drawled accent pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Um yeah? No sorry."

He laughs and looks toward the front as Mrs. Asset walks into the room. She begins to write names of many poets and the class shifts into an in sync groan because they all know what's coming.

"Poetry. The base of our creative thoughts as writers-" I heard Harry mumble 'doubtful' "-we as humans have a need to fill creatively. In the Modern period it was some of Americans first try at expressioning the emotions they had gone through when creating the new world. Poetry is an emotion more than an art form. This next week you all will be creating a poem. A poem about the one thing that is hardest to write about because we can't truly see it with our eyes. The poem is about you. A poem about how others see you and how you see yourself. The poem may contrast or it may be compared but I hope you all get creative."

Saving Blue// h.s {HOLD ON}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin