Chapter 9

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Ridel's point of view. 


I was sitting with my back to the dark swirling mass that was the portal into Avalon. I couldn't bear to look into the depths where I might catch a glimpse of home. I felt more at home here in the mortal world, without wings I was useless. Most Faye grow their wings by the time they are in their mid teens.  I clearly remember waiting eagerly for my wings, having seen many other faery children already have wings of their own. I waited. And waited. They never came. I had already given up any hope of growing wings. I would just remain as useless as I am now forever. I would never be able to defend myself. 

The portal crackled behind me and a looked over my shoulder to see a lone leaf float through. I picked it up carefully and slipped into my pocket of my hoodie. 

I had been on portal duty for two months now and definitely looked the part. I had used my crafts to fashion a set of human clothes so that I could blend in. I wore a pair of faded and torn jeans with a washout grey hoodie. I had a set of sneakers on, just plain white, laces untied. My hair was carefully flattened over my ears so that the pointy tops were not visible. 

If a human walked over to my corner of the forest they would just see me as some shady teen. That would never happen though, the Portal Guards way before me had placed enchantments so that no human could come close enough to the portal to enter. In fact, I was certain they couldn't see the portal. 

This portal was located in the middle of a forest; it was the oldest one around for miles. It had been here since the big city on the fringe was small town. Like most portals it had been created so that we could trade with humans. A majority of them opened up into a forest or bushland. I guess that's why humans believe we come from the forest.   

I looked around at the clearing and it struck me how similar it was to that park in which I fought that troll all those months ago… That girl… I could see the shimmer of her hair in my mind. Her pale face showed fear. I wished that we could have met in a different situation. I wanted to see her when she was smiling and laughing so that I could hold that image in my mind. 

My phone was in the pocket of my hoodie and I could feel it through the fabric. She hadn't called me. I guess that meant that she was safe. Strictly speaking I wasn't supposed to have given her my number. The phone was just so sentries could contact each other. Sending a messenger through the human world wasn't an option. 

The thought that she would probably never call me gave me pains in my chest. Where was this coming from? I had only spoken to her for five minutes tops. I sighed and shifted from sitting cross legged against the tree to pulling my legs to the front of my body. 

I looked through the branches into the pale blue sky above. Sentry duty was so boring and gave you to much time to think. I pulled my rucksack towards me. I had dumped it under the tree for safe keeping. It was made of a piece of leather, simply and crudely sewn to resemble a bag. I reached in and grabbed out a small package. I eagerly opened it to reveal a stack of sandwiches. 

After I had munched my way through the food and disposed of the wrappings, I felt quite sleepy. It was quite peaceful here, with only the slight chattering of birds to break the silence. I could easily have lain back on the tree trunk and drifted off. Indeed I did lean back and no sooner than I had closed my eyes then the phone buzzed me into full consciousness. I twitched slightly with shock and instinctively pulled out the phone and flipped it open. It was an unknown number. I paused before hitting the answer button. 

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver. 

"Hey Ridel, it's me Florence, I'm going to need your help with something," the voice was slightly shaky. 

I was confused who was Florence? 

"Florence?" I asked.  

There was an awkward pause as I racked my brains for any mention of the name Florence.

When she did not reply I said quickly, "I'm sorry, I-"

"We met in the park, a few months ago...” she cut across me and her voice drifted off. 

The image I had remembered before flickered to the surface of my mind, "Oh, you are the half-faye."

I said it more to myself but from lack of response she must have been embarrassed. The way I said it was very cold. Then I realised something, the girl's name was Florence. I hadn't asked after we had met.

When she did not reply I spoke, attempting to cover up the awkward silence, “So what’s wrong?”

I knew she wasn’t just calling out of the blue, there had to be something wrong.

And again there was silence before she began timidly, “I’ve got my wings.”

I almost dropped the phone in shock. Who had ever heard of a half-faye getting wings? I sudden surge of jealousy rippled through me but it passed by in the same instant. I had bigger things to worry about. This was bad, very bad.

“Will you be able to help me?” Her voice came through the receiver and pulled me out of my concentration.

I thought for a minute before I replied. I would have to arrange to pick her up as well as make sure this portal is guarded. Therefore I would have to warn another group of sentries and even get them to send a messenger into Avalon itself. It was going to be very complicated. 

“Yes,” I said and I swore I could almost hear her sigh with relief, “Meet me at the park tonight, you need to get out of here as soon as possible.”

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