Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When I awoke to the sounds of scratching I was sure it was morning. I hadn’t slept well and wasn’t looking forward to school.

A quick glance out of the window told me different.

It was still night.

Leaping out of bed I pulled my coat on over my singlet and walked to the window, looking out for the source of the noise.

We have no pets which could make that noise, Millie was allergic and there were no rats either. Dad made sure of that.

I had come to a conclusion when a thundering smash shook the house.

As I rushed downstairs no one else followed me out of their rooms. It seemed that I was the only one who could hear the crashing.

I almost screamed when I reached the bottom stair, the troll was there, by the couch, sniffing my blood that was on the floorboards. The coffee table was laying on the ground in two pieces and the TV was smashed beyond repair.

"Damn!" I muttered, before clasping a hand to my mouth.

At my words the creature looked up at me and roared with pleasure, having found its' prey.

I now realised that I would have been safer upstairs, the troll was so wide that it would not have fit up the stairs, nor would they have held its weight.

I cursed again as they troll lunged itself at me. I had to dive into the kitchen to avoid it.

I got up quickly and looked around, the trolls head was stuck in the stairs, my way up was blocked.

The only other way was out.

I fled the house, jumping over the troll’s massive body, and flinging open the front door. I barely heard it tinkle behind me.

I had only minutes, if seconds to get away before the troll would be after me again. I had no idea which way I was going but to get away.

When I reached the park I heard an ear-splitting roar, meaning the troll had broken free of the stairs.

The nearest thing to me was a tree, so I quickly climbed up into its leafy branches. The bark was quite rough which helped my grip.

The night air was quite cold and I shivered. I pulled my jacket closer around me for warmth, hoping I'd be able to trick the troll.

I waited in the cold night air watching the road for any signs of the troll. And then there it was, its hulking figure silhouetted by the moon.

Then without warning my hand slipped on the branch, making a gash in my hand. It was now bleeding freely.

With horror I watched as the troll lifted its ugly head and sniffed the air and as it eyes found my tree.

I found my limbs useless as it began charging at the tree like a bull.

There would be no hope for me, the troll would knock the tree down and then rip me limb from limb.

Seconds from when I estimated it would hit the tree I closed my eyes, whatever was going to happen now I did not see. My heart was pounding in my ears so hard it was throbbing.

Then seconds past, then a minute, and then the troll roared again.

I opened my eyes the tiniest fraction and looked down.

A boy of about my age was fighting the troll, sword in one hand, and shield in the other.

I watched as he ducked and swerved before landing a blow on the beasts shoulder. The troll roared.

And then he did it again.

I was intrigued. No one else knew about the troll. Or did they? Maybe I was about to meet the writer of that letter Sam gave me.

He was wearing armour, a style of which I had not seen before and his brown head of hair was uncovered.

And then after another minute the boy managed to strike right at the creature’s heart, and it slumped, blood covered to the ground.

After drawing his blade from the troll’s chest and wiping it on the ground, the boy walked forwards towards the base of the tree and looked straight up at me with his hazel eyes.

"You can come down, the beast is slain." He said.

I just nodded and slipped down the tree. My bare feet touching down on the grass.

"You were lucky I was out hunting tonight." he said, "This is the first time I've had to follow one Through though."

He was quite a bit taller than I now I was on the ground too. His brow was covered in beads of sweat.

Then his face screwed up in confusion, "Your no faery," he said looking at me, or rather my back, "Why did the troll pick out your scent?"

"I don't know, but this explains why my dad and step family didn't hear it." I said rather feebly.

He looked me over once before continued, "You not one of the Wingless are you? If so what are you doing Through, I mean it's not safe for you here."

"I live here." I said, wondering what on earth a Wingless was, and much more what he meant by 'Through'.

"What-" he said, before his eyes dawned with understanding, "You are a Half-Faye."

It was a statement not a question, and I just nodded again.

Then it all made sense, he was one of the Faye, a faery. That explained a lot. I wouldn't have known until now because he had no wings.

"Well I had better take you back." he said.

"Where?" I asked stupidly.

"To Avalon of course," still seeing the confused look on my face he added, "FaeryLand."


"Let’s go." He said with an air of finality.

"No." I said firmly, “I’m not going."

"Okay," I could tell he was smart because he wasn't trying to argue with me, "Take my number, I have to come Through occasionally, but, I starting a new position out here next week. Call me if another troll comes your way, I mightn't get another tip off."

He pressed the paper into my hands and started in the other direction. Then I realised I didn't even catch his name.

"What's your name?" I called out from the other side of the park.

He stopped and turned around, "Ridel, name's Ridel."

And then he was gone. Gone into the darkness. With a jolt I remembered that is how my mother left. I doubted I would ever see him again.

Trying to forget what had just happened I began to meander my way home, hoping that it was just all a dream. I kept my bleeding hand in my pocket, making a mental note to wash it when I got home.

When I entered and locked the front door I was shocked to see everything back to normal. Uneasily I climbed the stairs.

As I climbed into bed I put Ridel's number into the draw of my bedside cabinet, thinking that I would not have to ever use it.


 There you go! What do you think? The action has finally started!

I think this is my best chapter yet.


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