Chapter 4

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This chapter is in Sam's piont of view from when Florence and her are at the park. It continues all the way to the end of the phone call.


Chapter 4

Sam’s point of view:

I was in the park with Flo, hanging out like we do every other weekend. She had her shoes off and smirked every time the breeze blew my hair onto my face.

I was a little annoyed at her for sending me a text which she knew would annoy me. She knows how I can hardly understand text type.

We chat for awhile on random school yard gossip, and the fact that one of our classmates is a half-faye really catches her attention, even if she does try to hide it.

"Why are you so interested?" I asked her when she pressed me for more details.

I tried not to look to suspicious or anything, but she obviously saw it because she turned her attention to something else.

"No reason. Just curious." She replied quickly, not daring to look at me directly.

All I said was "Curiosity killed the cat you know." before hastily changing the topic.

My best friend's behaviour was strange, as was her interest in the half-faye. I was thinking up reasons in my head but all of them seemed lame. We continued to blab on about random stuff that annoyed us or made us laugh. The whole time Flo was unnaturally tense.

When Flo stood up to gaze at the sky and pronounced it was getting late I jumped up.

I had to say goodbye to her from across the park.

My mum wasn't going to be too happy seeing that she strictly told me to be home before five and it was already ten past.

I was running at full speed to get home as fast as I could. The pavement was just a blur beneath me.

One block away from home I had to stop so suddenly that I tripped over to avoid a man on the footpath coming from the other direction. With a moan  I sat up, my knees were grazed.

"Might you know Florence?" He asked helping me up.

He was a strange man, no taller than me but with hands like saucers and skin as rough as gravel.

When he took my hand I winced at the strange feeling. He seemed to notice because he put his hand into his pocket.

"Thanks," I replied, "and yes I do know Florence."

"Good, Good!" he said, “Can you take this to her?"

He didn't even wait for my reply before he shoved an envelope into my hand and walked off. When I looked back to see where he had gone it seemed as if he had disappeared into thin air.

For some reason I did not think to do anything but take the letter to Flo, even if I was going to be home extremely late.

Instead of running home, now I was sprinting in the opposite direction. Back through the park and down the main road towards where Florence lived.

To my relief she was only half way down the street and I slowed down to a walk.

I could see now that she was walking with someone I didn't know, but I assumed that it was a boy because of his short hair.

I watched as he walked a bit further with Flo, then broke off and went down a side street. Florence remained standing at the spot.

Remembering my urgency I ran the rest of the way. Just before I reached her she swung around as if I was someone unpleasant, hands balled as if she was going to punch me.

I was puffing hard from having run the whole way and said between breaths, "Good I caught up to you, I need to..." I stopped spotting a trail of blood come down her neck and I couldn't help bursting out," Oh my god! Why the hell are you bleeding?"

All she did was touch the back of her head and then look at her hand which was coated in blood.

I could tell by her slowness that she was in some kind of daze, so I took charge and began dragging Flo to her house.

When we got to her door, Susan, Florence's Step mum was set on being very unhelpful.

Seeing both of us on the doorstep, Florence pale and looking ready to pass out and myself hands covered in blood from her shoulders, she merely said, “You are bleeding Florence."

Florence's step mum was a nightmare. When trying to squeeze past her she just blocked the entrance.

She practically snarled when I suggested to actually letting us in. Susan looked as if she was going to bite me.

Susan then turned her attention to Florence, looking at her if she was some critic-probably working out how hurt Flo probably was.

Then to my surprise she let us through the door and in to the living room beyond. Flo and I walked in.

Before Flo could even sit down she began questioning her as if she was some criminal. I could see why Florence hated her so much.

When Florence said Millie attacked her, Susan just laughed, and Flo looked at me just in time to catch my shocked expression.

I always knew Millie was mean but, this was evil.

I was ready to defend Flo to the death when Susan looked at me so intensely that it gave me the chills.

Wanting to get out of there as soon as possible I shoved the letter into Flo's hands and ran out the door and didn't stop until I got home.

Not even fifteen minutes after I get home, I got a call. Picking up my phone, I went and sat on the end of my bed before hitting the answer button.

"Hello this is Samantha." I answer automatically.

"Hey Sam." The caller said. It was Florence.

Full of relief I quickly explain my reasons for leaving and apologise, even saying her step mum was creeping me out.

"She does that." Her response made us both laugh hard for a minute or so.

I knew why she was calling, although I wasn't expecting it until tonight. Her approach to it was quite sneaky, even somewhat cautious.

"I guess you're wondering about that letter?" I ask, pleased that her response was shocked silence.

I could tell that she was bursting with questions, but, I really didn't know that much about the letter. So I told the truth, that it was given to me by a funny man. If funny was the right word.

My mum yells at that very moment for me to come to dinner.

I cut Florence off quickly telling her that I'd to go to dinner and just before I hung up my mum yelled again.

"Coming Mum!" I yeledl, wondering, and hoping if Florence would ever forgive me for keeping her in the dark with nothing but a dead glow stick


I hope that chapter wasn't too boring seeing as it was just repeating half of what already happened. I tried to make it as different as possible.

One of my aims is to get as much up online as I can before school, otherwise it will really slow down.

All suggestions and tips, votes and comments are welcome!


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