Chapter 20

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Ridel's Point of View

As soon as Florence left I found myself knocked to the ground and tied securely to a tree.  I hadn't expected our meeting to be so brief and as happy as I was that she was not bound to this wretched camp I felt rather lonely without her by my side. I was in hope that the stone had truly been destroyed because I knew that in the hands of this mad man the devastation would be terrible.

If it had then I wouldn't blame Florence if she didn't return for me. She would probably have to protect her dad. Plus Verrann had removed her wings meaning that there was nothing left to bind her to Avalon. She could return home and pretend that nothing happened.

I chewed my lip and stared at the ground trying to listen to the conversation in the camp. I couldn't pick up anything however and it seemed that they were speaking elvish.

I had always thought elves to be peaceful people but I guessed there was always an exception. I had never really met any in person  but I had sometimes seen one or two just wandering as if they had no particular purpose. They were certainly strange folk.

The only thing that really kept me going while I was stuck in that camp was the thought that Florence might return for me, if not for her father's sake. Over the last few weeks we had gotten closer. Yesterday had just been a measure of how much.

I remember when we first met; I didn't even know her name. Her brown eyes were filled with so much pain and fear. From that moment I knew we had a connection but we were worlds apart and I also knew that we would probably never see each other again.

Not many things unsettled me but for some reason the thought of not being able to see Florence made me feel weak. They were alien emotions for me who was meant to be a soldier and strong willed. For me to cave in to such a thing was just pathetic.

I waited until the clearing feel silent and I assumed that they had either left or fallen asleep. I wanted to risk trying to break free and seeing if I could get to Florence first and stop her unknowingly delivering the greatest weapon of Avalon right into the enemy's hands. It was my duty to protect my people and I owed Florence for putting her in this mess.

When I was certain that it was silent I begin to twist and turn, struggling against the ropes. These ones were not magically reinforced and I knew if I hit the right point they would fall loose. The whole time I was completely aware of every sound that I made and the fact that it was complete daylight around me.

Then I found the spot and I could feel my fingers again as the blood rushed back into my limbs. I slowly pushed them down, hardly believing my luck. I had not stepped two paces from the base of the tree when an arrow came whizzing past me, catching on my sleeve and dragging me to the ground.

I cursed under my breath. I was so close. I yanked the arrow out of my sleeve and tried to get up but found myself being dragged up by my hair and spun to face the female elf. The corner of my mouth twitched.

"You thought you would try and get away did you?" she said through gritted teeth, "You foolish boy."

That hit a nerve and I wanted to hit this woman who thought herself better than me.

"I am a soldier," I grunted.

"The armies poorest excuse for a soldier at that, you don't even have wings," she taunted, "They are weak and we will crush them."

I struggled against her grip with little success.

"If you need the stone then you are weak."

She gave an airy laugh that made the hairs on the back of my neck tingle. The breeze picked up the tips of her silvery hair and they flowed gracefully across her face.

"We are not weak," her perfect teeth shone at me, "Lord Verrann is the most powerful of all the faye in Avalon. Behind him we are invincible just you see. We could have already accomplished our goals if we had desired."

"They why haven't you?" I frowned at her.

"Lord Verrann loves a challenge and he wants to watch as the whole of Avalon turns against its King."

"He is a monster!" I snarled.

Why was she being so infuriating? And why was she telling me all of this?

She leaned closer to my face so that I could stare right into the depths of her eyes.

"Why do you think he wears a mask? Avalon betrayed him and now he wants his revenge. Those of us who served him from the beginning will be greatly rewarded."

"No one can defeat the might of the King's Army," I said stiffly.

The Royal Army was the elite of the elite and had stood for thousands of years without falling to some idealized faye who thought he had the right to rule. And for thousands of more it would stand.

"Do you know what the stone does boy?" She asked.

"No- not really," I looked down at the ground.

I knew that it was extremely powerful but what its actual powers were was just a hunch of mine.

She cackled, letting go of my hair. I fell to the ground in surprise and she placed a foot on my chest. She kneelt down so that once again our faces were close.

"Well you shall soon see," she whispered in a breathy voice.

She traced a finger over my lips and I had to fight the urge to bite her. She was too close for my liking and the longer she stayed the more I worried about what she was going to do to me once she was finished.

"Oh how you think that girl loves you so dearly," she crooned and I tensed.

She noticed my sudden focus on her face, "I can see it in your heart but once you have seen hers you would change your mind."

"What?" I said. I was well aware I was being baited but I couldn't help it.

"The girl fears you. I must be there to watch when you at last turn against her and your people. It shall be so amusing."

"I would never betray her or my people. I will never join you."

With an expressionless face she continued, "Your naivety is sickening but your loyalty will work for us. It is not your choice whether or not you join us. Lord Verrann always has his way."

I had no response to her final comment, just keeping my mouth shut and my thoughts in my head. There was no way in Avalon that I would ever even consider joining the side of those evil and twisted. I had taken oaths to protect my people and I was not going to forsake it for some madman.

"Avalon will bow down to us," she whispered.

"Eterali, that is enough," came another voice and be both looked up to see the male faery who had accompanied Verrann leaning against the tree watching.

Gracefully the elf removed her body off of mine and with great strength she heavied me off the ground and slammed me against the tree. I felt another lump forming on the back of my head and I tried to swallow. This was too much to take in all at once.

This time the ropes were secured with magic and the pair left me alone.

I screwed my eyes up. I hoped that Florence would return soon.

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