I Wont.

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I starred at him. Millions of things rushing in and out of my mind. What is he going to say. Will this rip my world out from under me?

"Don't worry. I'm not breaking up with you. I just want to straighten things out and tell you something that I've never told anyone." He looked at the ground playing with his hands.

"Alright..." I say excitedly yet confused.

He walks over to the bed and sits. I takes a deep breath and I take his hand to let him know everything is OK.

"I had a sister once. I loved her. I always played with her. I would always play dress up and act like a princess at her tea parties. I did everything to make her happy. Bit there was this one kid. His name was Ethan Jones. He would always tease her and bully her cause she was this kid that always stayed in the dark. Didn't bother anyone. Minded her own business and keeping everything to her self. He would always do horrible horrible shit to her. He would push her and hit her and slam her into lockers. She was so fed up with it but never really did anything to stop the situation." He started crying and I couldn't help but cry cause I have a feeling she did what I think she did.

"Then I came home one day. She wasn't where she always was. She would always be in the living room watching TV. But this time she wasn't. I called her name, no answer. Called it again, no answer. I ran upstairs and knocked on her door. She wouldn't answer it. I tried opening it and it was locked. I started hitting it and yelling her name. Tears rolling down my eyes. I finally booted the door and it busted open." His tears started pouring out like rain. I held his hand tighter.

"Then I saw her. Blood on the ground and her hanging from the ceiling. The blood was running down her arms and legs from where she sliced them and stabbed them. I found the blade she used to do that on the ground next to a knife. When I saw her, everything just stopped. I wouldn't believe what happened. I didn't want to believe it. I started screaming and yelling. Yelling at the neighbors to call 911. I lost my sister. I lost her. She was only 9 years old. Just seeing someone in the place she was in is terrifying. Why did it have to be her. Why." He gave up. Everything in him bursting out his eyes. Crying harder and harder. I pulled him to me and he layed his head down on my shoulder. His face in my neck.

"Blake, I'm sorry. If I had known her I would've done something to where that didn't happen. She sounded like a girl who didn't give a care about anything. I'm sorry that happened." I say with tears of my own.

He begins to speak.

"So when you got put in here, I was scared. I was scared I would lose you like I lost Allis. I lost the only girl I loved and I didn't want to lose the girl I fell in love with. I don't want to lose you, Tanner. I can't go through that again. I don't know what I would do if I lost you too. Its pain that hurts more than anything." Wow. That left me speechless. No wonder he didn't tell anybody cause he didn't want to re-live that pain. Damn.

"I won't leave you. I promise. You're a dumbass that's hard to leave behind. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. The only place I'll be staying is by your side. Well, that and the hospital.." He laughed at that.

Finally. Today is the day I get to go home. Thank God I'm no longer staying here. Its kinda boring. But I will miss it. All the nurses and doctors that helped me. I'm going to miss them.

"Already to go babe?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

Me and Blake walk out. My mom is I'm the car waiting for us. Blake helps me get in the car. He slides in the car on the other side so he is sitting by me.

"You excited to go home again, sweetie?" My m asks.

"Yup. Where's dad at?"

"Oh he's at home. He stayed back because he had some unfinished work he had to do. He wanted it finished before you got home."


"You hungry dear?"

"No. I'm just a little tired."

"OK then. When we get home you can go to sleep."

We arrive at my house. Oh, I miss being here. Glad to see it again. I get out of the car and blake gets my stuff. My mom helps me walk to the house. We open the door and my dad comes running up to me.

"Hey, baby girl. How are you feeling? I missed you."

"I'm fine, daddy. I missed you too."

"You hungry?"

"No, thank you. I'm just gonna go up to my room and take a nap."

"OK, sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you too dad."

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