Chapter 15

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There's a short story thing at the end so read that too because this is really short sorry \o/

“Let me in, Courage, or do I have to break in through a window or something?” A day or two had passed, and Hidan had inevitably come knocking on my door. With my back pressed to the wood, I pursed my lips. I knew that if I said anything, he’d find a way to weasel himself back into my good books. I was easy like that, after all. “Courage, I swear to god.”


All previous knocking had stopped, and the angry voice had subsided.

“Maybe he gave up?” I asked myself, daring to peek through the hole in my door in an attempt to see if I was right.

“No.” I screamed as I was lifted from behind. Strong arms trapped my own to my side, and my legs flailed aimlessly in the air. “You should know better than to try and outsmart me, Courage.”

“LET ME GO, HIDAN.” I ordered, turning my head as much as I could to try and face the white haired man. I should’ve known better than to try and outsmart an S-rank criminal with a simple locked door, especially with my back door still unlocked.

“Why?” I could hear the frown in his voice as he turned, walking us to the lounge room.

“Because I’m angry at you.” I confessed, pursing my lips and facing forward again. Hidan didn’t say anything at first, before releasing his hold without warning. I screamed, hitting the floor heavily before looking up, my eyes narrowed into a glare. “You dropped me!”

“Why are you angry?” Hidan completely ignored me, and I scowled. Rising to my feet and brushing off any dirt that may have stuck to my butt, I answered.

“Hidan, I almost died.”

“I’m well aware.” Hidan and I stared for a few seconds, not saying anything. His arms crossed across his bare chest, where his cloak flapped open carelessly, and his mouth curved into a lopsided frown.

“You’re supposed to care.” I continued, scowling. “You’re really inconsiderate, you know that right?” I stormed past him, but he caught my arm and pulled me back a few steps.

“Excuse me?” His voice raised an octave, and I knew I was winding him up, which wasn’t the smartest thing to do. “I’m the inconsiderate one? You’re the one who got blind drunk and didn’t return home until morning!” I went ridged, swallowing my nervousness. “I was ready to go out looking for you, which wouldn’t have just risked my own life- it would’ve risked your life and the secrecy of the Akatsuki!” I turned my head so I could face Hidan, who had his teeth bared.

Yes, I was, indeed, winding him up.

“Then, you have the nerve to finally show up, and to top it all off, you kiss me! You idiot!”

My mouth opened and closed a couple times, before I finally managed to answer. “I what?” My voice was a squeak, and he rolled his eyes, letting go of my arm finally.

“You heard me, Ugly.” My lips pursed, and I crossed my arms.

“Don’t call me that. Also,” I nodded towards his open cloak, “Close that.” Hidan was momentarily normal again- as normal as he usually is, anyway.


“I can see your sensitive chest raisins.” We both stared at each other for a few seconds.

“Nipples. You can see my nipples.” My face flushed, and I turned away.

“Whatever, I’m still mad at you.” I tried to pull my arm out of his grip, which, of course, didn’t work.

“You’re so stubborn, Jesus fucking Christ.” Not having a chance to respond, I was pulled back against Hidan’s chest, where I ceased my struggling. “If you were anyone else I would’ve killed you by now.” I opened my mouth to argue back, but Hidan silenced me by lightly planting his lips on my temple. My lips tightened into a straight line and I tried not to shiver, but I mustn’t have done a very good job, for moments later his chest vibrated with deep chuckles.

“You’re really fucking adorable sometimes.” I ignored the chosen word, as I normally had to these days, trying to focus on the main idea of the sentence- I was cute. “Too bad you’re so ugly, Ugly.”

“I will actually shave your head in your sleep, I promise you that.”


I will be so surprised if this is more than a page because it's so short omg im so sorry it was just so hard for me to get this chapter out

whispers i have writers block and ive accidentally been writing orignals and gay things im so sorry 

this is really shitty  but i guess there's hidan so hopefully you can forgive me omg i just feel so bad i can't even finish this thing idk to make it up to you i guess I'll give you a short i wrote for courage and hidan because ive been writing everything EXCEPT what ive been supposed to be writing

Hidan sighed, rolling is eyes as the man continued to scream, occasionally giving in to a sob as he begged for his life. 

"You really need to shut up." A smaller frame appeared from behind the broad man, who stepped aside as he didn't want to get in her way. "I'm getting a headache."

The petite blonde girl tapped the wooden bat against her leg a few times, as if confirming that it would hurt if she swung it at the man's head. Her shorts happened to be quite high on her upper thigh, and a hint of a tattoo was visible under the denim on the right leg. 

Hidan clicked his tongue, "Take it easy on him, we don't want to make too much of a mess." Courage spat the toothpick she'd been playing without of her mouth, and rolled her bare shoulders forward a few times, as she was worried she'd pull a muscle.

Hidan couldn't help but admire the blue dragon that snaked around her right shoulder, and dissappeared under her shirt. From first hand experience, however, he knew the dragon wrapped around her right breast and continued down her side and finished on her upper thigh, which, he noticed, was the tattoo mentioned earlier. 

Hounstly, he thought it was hot. 

"I'm sure Pein won't complain too much, as long as we get the job done"

The man screamed louder, his eyes wild as he watched the small girl raise the bat, as if readying to hit a baseball. 

"Now sit still, I don't wanna miss."

Badass Courage \o/

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