Chapter 7

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How has your week been?

Fine, thanks.

Has anything worthwhile happened?

No. Same as usual.

Where’d you go after the party the other night?

I passed out in a ditch. Sorry for making you worry.

It hurt to have to lie, and I was ashamed that I was successfully fooling those around me.

“You shouldn’t be.” Hidan browsed through my collection of novels and diaries, occasionally picking one out and flipping through it. “What am I looking at? I don’t even like to fucking read!” Although his language bothered me, I wasn’t in the mood to correct him.

Hidan’s magenta eyes found mine when I didn’t say anything to his speech pattern. “You must really be bothered about this.” Hidan was, obviously, referring to my discomfort with lying. He shoved the book back carelessly, before approaching and crouching in front of me. “Just think of it as survival, Ugly.” The last word made me grin, my bad mood temporarily forgotten.

“Who’re you calling ugly, Old-Timer?” Hidan’s lips pursed, a change from his usual bitterness as he had recently grown a sense of humour.  

“Remember, I can always just kill you and use your body to sacrifice.” I crossed my legs, almost kicking him in the face as I did.

“Oh really?” With a smug aura, I dared him with my smirk. “Just try.” Hidan stared at me for a while, and I did the same. Although, our motives were probably different. While I was busy memorizing the contours on his face, he was probably remembering all the ways he could kill a person without leaving evidence. “Well-“ Abruptly, Hidan launched forward and grabbed me. His rough hands forced me to the ground and he climbed atop of me, a kunai held between his teeth.

My eyes went wide, and I sucked in a breath to scream. I’d forgotten that he was a criminal, and that he was dangerous and not to be provoked. Having sucked in as much air as my lungs would allow, I prepared to release. I was too late, however, for Hidan had already pressed a hand over my mouth. I felt tears pool at the corner of my eyes as the realisation set in.

I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do.

So, I stopped struggling when he raised the kunai with his free hand, before plunging it down…

Beside my head.

“You should see your face!” Hidan roared, rolling off me laugh hysterically. I, however, laid where I was for a few more moments, before letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“YOU BASTARD!” Screaming, I sat up. Hidan’s laughter cut off instantly, opting to stare at me, bewildered.

“You’re crying.”

“I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE!” I pointed an accusing finger at him, “GET OUT!”

“Courage-“ Hidan sat up and reached for me, but I was too fast for him and I was already on my feet and running to my room. “Hey!” Footsteps sounded behind me, and when I reached my room I tried to slam the door in his face, but it seemed as if Hidan was faster than I gave him credit for. “Stop, Courage! I’m sorry!” Hidan pushed on the door, not allowing the latch to click, while I pushed back.

“GO AWAY!” Being the weaker of the two, I was easily overpowered, and the door was forced open, revealing a frustrated Hidan. Stumbling backwards, I tried to get out of his grip. I was far too scared and angry to touch him, so I just wanted to be left alone.

Closing my eyes, I hoped that when I opened them back up, the man who was currently storming towards me would disappear. Far too much as happened in this week than in my entire life, and my heart couldn’t take anymore.

Flinching, I felt warm wrap around me, before a rough pull into something rock hard- Hidan’s chest, I was sure. “I told you to go away…” Opening my eyes, I realized I was victim to an embrace.

“I didn’t mean to make you angry.” I tried to push away, but that only made his arms press harder against my back, making it almost impossible to escape.

“What else did you think would happen when you pretend to kill me?” The words slipped from my mouth, and although I felt bad for being so harsh, no matter how justified my reasons were, I didn’t take them back.

“I thought you would laugh.” Hidan glanced down at me, “It was funny.” The anger that bubbled in my chest increased tenfold.

“How is it funny?” I struggled in his grip, trying to get away. But, his arms held me in place. He seemed determined to keep me in his grip, unfortunately.

“It’s funny, because I would never hurt you.” Freezing, my brain tried to process what he’d just said. “Of course,” Hidan drawled, tilting his head back as if he were thinking. “I’ve considered it. And, it’s obvious I will again. But I wouldn’t intentionally hurt you; at least, not now.” I let my gaze travel upwards to his face, where Hidan’s eyes shot back down to lock with my own.

“You promise?” The thought of how cliché our situation was would’ve made me laugh if the tension in the room wasn’t so intense. In response, Hidan nodded his head.


~     ~     ~     ~

Absently, I played with the soup I’d cooked for dinner. Hidan was ranting and raving on about his blonde haired companion back at the Akatsuki- Deidara, I think it was. I was only half listening, absorbing the words ‘moody’, ‘pussy’, ‘little bitch’ and ‘jackass’. I wasn’t happy with the words I’d heard, obviously.

“And then he fucking threw the plate at me!” Hidan threw his fists down at the table, making the bowls tremor and some of the soup spill. Pursing my lips, I snatched a napkin and started wiping.

“Language.” It had become a habit to simply correct and forget, as it was obvious he wasn’t going to learn anytime soon.

“It’s like living with a hormonal woman.” Hidan propped his elbow on the table and cradled his head in his hand. “Whatever happened on his mission three weeks ago caused his menstrual cycle to start. What’s it called again?” Hidan trailed off, thinking. A smile that I couldn’t fight found its way onto my face.

“It’s called a period, Hidan.” Said male sat up straight, clicking his fingers and smirking.

“That’s it! I feel sorry for you women.” Once again, he slammed his open hands on the table, and leaned forward so our faces where inches apart. “KIDDING!” He roared, before falling back and slouching in his chair.

“You spilled more of the soup.” I complained, before continuing to wipe up. “Some girl died three weeks ago, actually. She was sick or something and…” My voice trailed off when I glanced up at the male, who was giving me a flat stare.

“Is she important in any way to us?”

“Not that I know of, but-“ Hidan held up his hand, silencing me instantly.

“Don’t care, then.”


Sorry sorry sorry, I know it's been ages since I've uploaded this. I haven't been able to upload because of reasons and yeh. So, um, yeah. I hope this chapter made up for it? I don't know if it's good, it's been pre-written and i didn't look it over before uploading so forgive me if it sucks. 

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