>Chapter Twenty-Four< Isaac

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When the judge called me up to speak, I tried to keep my story as close to Cecilia's as possible. I didn't give full detail, of course. I lied when it came to the part about her leg, but it was only to protect her.

By the time I was finished, I was shaking. This whole court thing was nerve-wracking.

The judge nodded and sent me back to my seat. I couldn't quite tell if he was satisfied or not. The dude had one good poker face.

I wonder if judges are supposed to have good poker faces. I figure they are. I mean, you can't let the court know about your verdict before you even give it, right?

I'm getting off topic.

Once I sat down, Cecilia grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I looked at her, but she wasn't looking at me. Her eyes stayed glued to the front of the courtroom.

However, she did offer me a slight nod. She obviously knew I was looking at her...somehow.

I guess girls are just really good with...hunches? I don't know what to call it.

Unless girls have eyes all over their heads and that's why their hair is thicker than boys'?

I'm over thinking this.

And I just realized that I sound really stupid talking about it. 

When the judge called the terrorist to stage, I realized that he had a rather resigned look on his face. I tilted my head, curious as to why there had been no objections while Cecilia and I were giving our sides of the story.

"I admit--" The man began, speaking without any trace of an accent, "that I did shoot these two children, and for that I'm very sorry."

I almost fell out of my chair. Cecilia was squeezing my hand tightly. Her other hand was pinching her cheek. 

What the hell was going on?

The man continued speaking, his hands clasped in his lap. "So, sir," he looked up at the judge, "I am ready to accept whatever punishment you have to give me. I do not deserve a trial...especially one as senseless as this."

No one in the court moved. Most of us had stopped breathing completely. The judge peered at the man over his glasses. "Are you sure you wish to do this?" He asked. The man nodded.

"So be it." The judge looked at the jury. "It seems that we have come to a verdict much more quickly than any of us thought."

I kind of zoned out after that. Cecilia and I held hands until most of the jury had cleared out. The man had been arrested. 

"You two got lucky." The judge said in his deep voice. He looked down at us, his face blank. "Very, very lucky."

Cecilia and I both nodded, too scared to speak. 

A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped. "Calm down, Isaac." My dad said quietly. I looked at him over my shoulder, glad for his presence. 

"Thank you, sir." Cecilia's mom, who had appeared beside my dad, spoke to the judge. The judge nodded once. 

"Let's go." My dad said, turning and walking away. He didn't wait for any of us to follow. 

I looked at Cecilia and she slowly let go of my hand. "You go ahead. I'll text you when I get home."

I nodded once and offered her an awkward hug. 

She didn't take the hug. She kissed me on the cheek.

I must have turned bright red. Cecilia and her mom both giggled. I cleared my throat and smiled a little. "Uh, bye." I said stupidly, racing away to follow my dad.

Just when I thought I couldn't get any stupider. 

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