Chapter 1: Leave Me On My Own

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Yeah, I'm doing a Tom Sykes story because no one else has- at least not on Wattpad. :3 I have this awesome plot for this story that I've actually wanted to do for a while now but I couldn't because I was writing 'Broken'. Thankfully, I'm finished with 'Broken' and I can start on this story. ^_^ I don't know but I'm really nervous about uploading this fan fiction. :I Anyways, tell me what you guys think. Should I continue with this story?

Song: Blessed With A Curse by Bring Me The Horizon


"Tom, I have to go" Oli mumbled, he looked down at me with sad eyes. "No! No you don't. Why do you have to go live with Lee? Why are you leaving me with mum? You know how she is Oli! Why are you leaving?" I sobbed, tears streaming down my cheeks as I looked up at my older brother, Oli, with pleading eyes. He can't leave. He can't leave me with mum.  

"I promise, once the band starts touring. I'll come back for you" Oliver said, him lips formed a sad smile. I looked into his brown eyes and saw nothing but lies. He's lying, I know he is. He's going to leave me. He's going to leave me with that barbaric woman. Oliver wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.  

I didn't hug back, I couldn't hug back. I felt numb and dead inside. Oli's supposed to be here to protect me from mum but he's leaving to go live with his friends. He's abandoning me. Placing my hands on his chest, I used all my force and pushed him away. Oli looked at me with a hurt expression. Well, what does he expect?  

"Tom..." He began walking towards me. "No!" I screamed, again, pushing him away "Don't touch me Oliver! Just leave!" I shouted, pushing him out of my room and locking the door. Leaning against the wall, I slumped down onto the floor and let more tears flow freely from my eyes.  

Oli promised, he promised that he would never leave me and look what he did! They always leave, just like dad. Oli probably got tired of hanging out with a stupid 14 year old like me. For fucks sake, he's 17 years old! He doesn't want to be seen with a pathetic freak like me. He says he's going to come back for me once his band, 'Bring Me The Horizon' gets their big break.  

He's lying, I know he is. He's just going to go live with Lee in London and forget about me. Sobbing, I buried my head in my hands and continued to cry loudly, not caring if my mum heard or not.  

I'm pathetic, I'm a pathetic excuse for a human being. I mean- look at me. My best feature is my eyes and they aren't even that great. I'm what my mum likes to call 'A drunken mistake'. I'm worthless and pathetic. The last person I had just left me for his stupid friends.  

I'm alone now. Alone in this dark fucked up world.

Alone // Tom Sykes/Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now