Chapter 12: I've Given Up

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Song: Chasing Rainbows by Bring Me The Horizon

~Matt N~  

"Oi, Oli's been in the bathroom for a while" Vegan noted, looking over in the direction of the bus' bathroom. He's right, Oli's been in the bathroom for over ten minu- 

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from the bathroom.  

I instantly jumped up from my seat and ran towards the bathroom, the guys followed closely behind me.  

"Oi! Oli, are you alright, mate?" I asked, trying to open the door but it was useless, the wanker fucking locked the door. A couple of seconds passed before another loud crash was heard followed by muffled noises. What the fuck is Oli doing in there?  

"You don't think he's..." Curtis trailed off. He didn't have to finish his sentence for us to know what he was talking about. I know, Oli's depressed about Tom's suicide but I never thought he'd actually do anything stupid.

"Don't we have a bathroom key?" I asked, turning to the rest of the guys who were now looking at me with worried expressions. Lee was the first one to react, he quickly ran into the front lounge and came back a couple of seconds later holding the bathroom key.  

I quickly grabbed the key from him and frantically tried to open the bathroom's door. My hands were shaking so it took me longer but I somehow managed to get the door unlocked. I tried opening the door but something was blocking my way.  

"What the fuck?" I muttered. I poked my head inside the bathroom and felt my eyes widen once I saw Oli's lifeless body on the bathroom floor. A empty bottle of pills was lying down next to him along with an empty cup.  

"Fuck!" I shouted as I used all my strength to push the door open. Once I succeeded, I picked up Oli's still body and ran into the front lounge. We were already at the venue but I didn't give a shit, I need to get this idiot to a fucking hospital before he dies- that is, if he isn't already dead.  

"Roy! Take us to the bloody hospital!" I shouted to our bus driver who was casually sitting in the driver's seat while reading a magazine. He turned around to protest but once he saw Oli in my arms- he immediately turned around and started pulling out of the venue.  


I woke up to the sound of beeping and various voices talking around me. My whole body ached and I felt like I had just been hit by a fucking car. I opened my eyes which were now blinded by the bright lights and while walls. Fuck, I'm in a bloody hospital. Aren't I supposed to be dead?  

I looked around the room and noticed the lads sitting on the hospital chairs. They all seemed to be asleep except for Matt whom had his head buried in his hands. Did they save me? I should be grateful but I don't think I wanted to be saved.  

I tried sitting up from the uncomfortable bed but immediately regretted it once I felt pain shoot through my body. What the fuck? Why does everything hurt so fucking much.  

Matt must have heard me moving because his head shot up and he looked at me with a joyous expression.  

"Your awake!" He exclaimed, running towards me and pulling me into a tight hug.  

"Fuck, mate. You're crushing me" I groaned, pushing him away.  

Matt chuckled quietly, he grabbed one of the hospital chairs and sat down next to my bed. I looked into Matt's tired eyes and saw that they were red and puffy from crying. Fuck, I most likely caused that. Even though he seems happy, I can see the pain in his eyes. It's all my fucking fault. Why couldn't they have let me die? 

Suddenly, a short nurse walked into the room. "Oh, your awake!" She said, smiling widely at me.

"When can I leave this fucking hospital?" I asked, my voice bitter and harsh.  

The nurse didn't notice my tone because she continued to smile like and idiot. Her constant smiling is starting to piss me off. I just want to get up and wipe that stupid smile on her face. There's nothing to be happy about so why the fuck is she fucking smiling?  

"Well, Mr. Sykes, you'll be able to leave the hospital tomorrow" She replied before leaving the room. At least they didn't put me on suicide watch or anything like that.  

A couple of minutes of silence passed before Matt finally spoke up. "Mate, why'd you do it?" He asked, his voice laced in sadness.  

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his idiotic question. Isn't it obvious that I took the pills because I wanted to fucking die? and I can't help but think that I still want to.  

I still want to die.

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