Chapter 9: All Those Years Of Fighting.... Wasted

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Song: Adam's Song by Blink-182

~Oliver~  *A Week Later*

"It's going to be okay, mate" Lee whispered to me. I fought the strong urge to punch him in the face. Whenever someone told me that, I felt my anger begin to boil. My little brother fucking committed suicide and you expect me to believe that 'everything's going to be okay'? Yeah, no. Everything isn't going to be okay.  

I continued to watch as the grave workers began to lower Tom's coffin into the ground. I looked around the cemetery and felt my anger beginning to rise. There are at least thirty people here and none of them even fucking knew Tom! They have no fucking right to be here! Even the people who did know Tom didn't even talk to him.  

I felt my body tense once I saw him.  

The fucking piece of shit, poor excuse for a 'man'. The same wanker who left Tom and I ten years ago.

My fists clenched in anger as I began to approach my 'father'. His eyes widened once he saw me approaching him.  

"Oliv-" He began but I cut him off by connecting my closed fist with his face. A loud snapping sound was heard and my father staggered back. He held on to his nose in attempt to stop the blood that was now flowing from his nostrils.  

"How fucking dare you show your fucking face here!" I shouted, not caring who was staring at us. I was beyond pissed, I was enraged with the fact that my fucking piece of shit 'father' had the nerve to show his face here. He's the reason why our lives were so fucking horrible. He never came back for us- he made us live with that fucking bitch. We were abused every single fucking day because of him.  

Before I knew it, my fists started swinging and I began taking all my anger out on him. All the anger I had bottled inside me for the past ten years- I was finally letting it all out.  

After what felt like hours of me letting my anger out through physical violence- I felt a pair of hands pull me away from my bloody father. I turned around to see who the hell tore me away from the fight and saw that it was Matt and Vegan. Their grips were strong but I could see the fear in their eyes. 

"Oi, mate, calm down" Matt pleaded.  

I didn't bother fighting back. My anger had subsided and instead was replaced by pity. I pitied my father. He's nothing more than a pathetic piece of shit. He's lower than shit and he doesn't deserve to live. It should be him in that coffin instead of Tom. He should be the one being buried under ground, not Tom.  

Not my little brother. My smart, beautiful, shy, little brother. He had so much to live for. So many opportunities. He could have become an artist, a photographer, anything. He could have done something with his life. He could have met a woman -or man I wouldn't have given a shit. He could have gotten married, have kids and live a long, happy life.  

But now.... now, there is no chance of any of that ever happening. Tom took his life too soon. He was only fifteen for fucks sake! His long, fifteen years of fighting.... all wasted away by one bloody blade.

Alone // Tom Sykes/Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now