Chapter 7: I Miss You I'm So Sorry

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Trigger Warning: Self Harm

Song: Lullabies By You Me At Six


Her grip on my neck began to tighten. I started kicking and tried to shove her off of me but it was no use. Mum may be short but she has a strong grip and it's pointless to try to fight back.

"Pathetic, Tom. Do you really think I was going to let you die on me? That would be too easy" My mother snarled, her grip on my neck loosed and she got off of me.

While trying desperately to catch my breath, I watched as my mother started towards the kitchen. Once she was out of sight, I ran upstairs and into my small bedroom.

I collapsed on my bed, crying. Why couldn't she have killed me? If she had only held onto my neck a little longer, I would have been put out of my misery, I wouldn't have to deal with all of this shit anymore. I would have been free. Free from my mother, free from all the bullies, free from the voices inside my head.

Standing up, I started walking towards my dresser. I searched frantically until I finally found my 'friend'.

Rolling up my sleeves, I placed the razor against my skin and let the blade slide over my bruised skin. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. This is exactly what I needed. Maybe, if I cut a little deeper.... the pain will completely go away?

"Do it, Tom. Kill yourself. No one wants you here. You'll be doing everyone a favor, Tom" The voice inside my head continued to say.

"Kill yourself" The voice repeated

Normally, I would have ignored the voice completely..... but not this time.

I quickly pulled out my notebook from my backpack and grabbed a random pencil before I began writing my goodbye letter.

I'm sorry brother. I know you told me to never harm myself and be strong but... for what? What's the point in living when there's absolutely nothing left to live for? I know you said you would come back for me but I can't wait that long. I'm so sorry brother. I love you ~Tom

The goodbye letter wasn't meant for anyone but Oli. I don't think he'll ever read it but if he does... I want him to know that I'm sorry for breaking my promise and that I love him.

I folded the letter and placed it on my bed before bringing the razor back up to my arms.


"Where the fuck are you going, mate?" Lee asked, looking at me with a shocked and angry expression. Ignoring him, I continued shoving my clothes inside my duffel bag.

Once I was finished, I turned to the guys and gave them apologetic looks. We're supposed to leave for America tomorrow but I can't leave without Tom. I can't leave and I wont leave unless he comes with me.

"I'm going back for Tom" I announced before grabbing my bag and running out of the house. I ignored their shouts and continued running until I reached the transportation bus.

I can't shake away this feeling that something wrong. What if mum hit Tom too hard? What if something happened at school? What if Tom......

Putting all negative thoughts aside, I stepped inside the bus and took a seat in the back, away from everyone else. After a couple of minutes, the bus began moving.

In a couple of hours, I'll be back with Tom. I'm going to take him away from that horrible place. I just hope I make it in time.

Alone // Tom Sykes/Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now