Chapter 8: Don't Go

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Song: Don't Go by Bring Me The Horizon


Stepping off the bus, I felt my heart drop once I saw the familiar, run down house at the end of the street. Thankfully, mum's car wasn't in the driveway, that meant she wasn't home. It wouldn't even matter though, I would have taken Tom away even if she was here. I doubt she would care though.

I quickly began walking towards the house until I was finally at the front door. I didn't bother knocking because I know mum keeps a key under the mat.

I grabbed the key and quickly opened the door. I want to take Tom before mum comes home because if she's here, she'll just hold us back. Without her here, we can probably get things done quicker.

As soon as I stepped into the house, I immediately noticed the eerie silence that filled the dark home. I slowly placed my bag on the floor before starting upstairs. Tom should be home from school by now but... why the hell is everything so quiet? Usually, Tom would be blasting music through his speakers or watching T.V.

Once I reached the top of the staircase, I couldn't help but feel like something was horribly wrong. What if mum did something to Tom? What if they moved away from this place?

Pushing all negative thoughts aside, I started walking towards Tom's room at the end of the hallway. As I approached his room, the voice in the back of my head began to grow louder. The voice was telling me that there was definitely something wrong.

Without hesitation, I opened Tom's bedroom door and let a horrified scream escape my mouth once I saw the horrible sight before me.

I stood there, frozen in shock as I continued to stare at Tom. His skin was ghostly pale, he was sitting in a pool of crimson red blood. In his hand, he loosely held a razor blade and in the other, he held a folded letter.

"N-no" I chocked as I hurried towards him. Tears began violently streaming down my cheeks. "No, Tom! Please, don't go! I can't do this on my own, please, Tom!" I shouted, as I cupped his face in my hands. I tried finding a heartbeat or anything that would give me some hope that he might be alive but... I found nothing.

"No!" I shouted, refusing to believe that my younger brother was now dead. My knees weakened and I felt as if I was going to throw up. I wrapped my arms around Tom's lifeless body and buried my face into his still chest. His body was cold and motionless. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a heartbeat anywhere.

I couldn't help but scream at the top of my lungs. My little brother, the only thing I truly cared about in this world is now dead. He took his life away, his precious life. Why? Why the fuck did he do this to me? This is all my fault. If I had never left him behind, we would be sitting in Lee's apartment, laughing and talking about the upcoming tour.

If I had only come by sooner, maybe I would have been able to stop him from doing this. I would have been able to yank the blade out of his hands. My brother would still be here, alive, with me. We would be on our way to London.

My bloodshot eyes glanced over at the folded letter he held in his bloody hands. I carefully grabbed the letter and quickly skimmed through it.

I'm sorry brother. I know you told me to never harm myself and be strong but... for what? What's the point in living when there's absolutely nothing left to live for? I know you said you would come back for me but I can't wait that long. I'm so sorry brother. I love you ~Tom

As I finished reading the letter, I felt more tears run down my cheeks. He's wrong, he's absolutely wrong. He had so much to live for, he had so many opportunities. He could have done something with his life! He could have gotten married and all that shit but.... now he can't and he never will because...

Today, on February, 23rd, my little brother- Tom Sykes took his life.

Alone // Tom Sykes/Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now