Silent Treatment (Sans x reader)

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Annoying Sans is one of the most entertaining things to do, so I always like thinking of new ways to annoy him. He's always so cute when he's annoyed. I never make him genuinely mad of course, because I've heard he can be pretty terrifying when angry. Today I feel like giving him the silent treatment, even though he hasn't done anything wrong. It'll be a challenge, but I think I can pull it off.
Sans was waiting for me near the elevator leading to the Underground. I walked over to him and smiled.
"how's it going dollface?" He said. I stayed silent. He gave me a confused look. "um...hello?" I just took his hand and started walking. "oh i see, do you have some sort of surprise for me?" I shook my head. "oh...sore throat?" I shook my head again. "are you just so eager to get to my house? does someone wanna get freaky with the pillows and bedsheets?" I stopped walking immediately and looked at him with wide eyes and red cheeks. "what? nothing wrong with pillow forts." I couldn't help giggling a bit before starting to walk again. Laughing doesn't count as talking right? I don't think so, plus it's near impossible for me not to laugh at least once when I'm around Sans.
We had planned to go watch anime with Alphys today, so I guess I'll end up confusing her too. By the time we got to Hotland Sans was getting a little agitated.
"did i do something wrong? why aren't you talking?" He snapped. I just smirked at him. He let out a sigh and crossed his arms. He didn't bother trying to talk to me the rest of the way to the lab.
"H-hey guys!" Alphys called from her couch when we walked in.
"(Y/n) isn't talking to me!" Sans shouted immediately, taking Alphys way off guard.
"Oh, why not?"
"i don't know, (Y/N) WON'T TELL ME!" he shouted even louder. I covered up my mouth and giggled. I lent over to the angry Sans and placed a kiss on his cheek. He relaxed and looked over at me with a small smile. "you're confusing the hell outta me." He then lightly tapped his teeth against my cheek. We sat on the couch with Alphys and spent the next few hours watching Sword Art Online. Alphys and Sans talked a little, and of course I stayed quiet. It was a bit hard though since I really wanted to talk to Alphys and fangirl over the show. It was even harder because of everything Sans was doing. He would put his hand on my thigh, poke my side, bite my ear, and whisper things that are too embarrassing to repeat. I somehow made it through, but I was very tired by the time me and Sans were leaving.
Right after we said our goodbyes I grabbed Sans by the shoulders, faced him away from me, the climbed up on his back and laid my head on top of his. It took him a second to catch his balance, but when he did he quickly walked out the door and back into Hotland. I wanted to fall asleep so not talking would be easier, but Sans wouldn't let me.
"you ready to talk now?" He asked. I didn't answer. "please?" I kept my mouth and eyes closed as he repeated the word please over and over. "please (y/n) you have no idea what you're doing to me please talk to me" he pleaded. He sounded so upset that I was really close to saying something. I didn't though, because it was near midnight, and I was filled with determination to keep quite until then. Instead I kissed his cheek again. It didn't seem to satisfy him at all. I was really close to falling asleep by the time we got back to Sans and Papyrus's house. Right before Sans opened the door he suddenly shouted "crap! it's really late isn't it? i didn't read Papyrus his bed time story!" I really wanted to say that he should've teleported back here, because I was pretty curious on why he didn't. He ran inside and set me down on the couch. He then ran upstairs into Papyrus's room. About a minute later he walked back down the stairs sadly. "poor guy was asleep with the book on his face." he mumbled. He sat down next to me and sighed heavily. "i should've teleported back here, but honestly, i was enjoying giving you a piggyback ride too much." Well that answers that question.
I smiled at him, and moved so that I was laying my head on his shoulder. It was 11:57, only three minutes to go.
"i'm starting to forget the sound of your voice." He said quietly. "and i'm really missing talking to you." I wanted to say that I miss it too at that moment, but only one minute had passed. Sans closed his eyes. I was worried he was gonna fall asleep before midnight, so to stall for time I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "not talking to me is torture enough, why do you feel the need to throw stuff at me too?" He said without opening his eyes. I looked at the clock on my phone. Midnight.
"Because you're so cute when you're annoyed Sansy." I answered. Sans eyes shot open immediately.
"it speaks!" He almost yelled. Then he hugged me tightly while I laughed.
"That was really difficult." I said after we calmed down again.
"difficult for you?" He said sharply. "do you realize how stressed i was this entire day? i thought i did something horribly wrong."
"Nonono you're fine, I still love you oh so much." I said as I cuddled up next to him again.
"love you too babe." He replied, holding me close. "now, i can finally relax." He had barely finished that sentence when he completely fell asleep bellow me. I smiled and shook my head, before eventually falling asleep myself.

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