Distraction (Scientist Sans x reader)

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    "Sans is working overtime?" I asked dramatically. Sans barely does any of his jobs, so I was surprised when Papyrus told me the reason Sans wasn't home yet was because he's working overtime.
    "Well...this job is...special." Papyrus stuttered.
    "What job is it?"
    "Nhehhhhhh, I'm n-not supposed to tell you." I crossed my arms and sighed. I didn't say anything as I thought for a moment. Then I got an idea.
    "Is this job as cool as the royal guard?" I asked.
    "Of course not!"
    "Why not?"
    "Because scientists just aren't as cool!" Papyrus covered his mouth as soon as he realized his mistake. I laughed and began running out the door towards Hotland.
    When I walked into the lab I immediately called out for Alphys and Sans. No answer. They were nowhere to be found. I walked inside elevator and looked at all the buttons. At first I was really worried, because there had to be almost twenty buttons there. But upon closer inspection, only three were actually lit up; the one for the second floor down, and one way at the bottom.
    ...The second floor one didn't work. Great.
     The second the elevator doors opened I was greeted with bright bursts of static inches from my face. When it stopped I heard a distance "oops" in a familiar low voice. This was followed by laughter, which I followed the sound of to a small room. Sans and Alphys were looking at something on a work table with their backs turned to me.
    "Hi." I mumbled quietly. They turned  around with wide eyes instantly.
    "Oh..H-hey (y/n), what are you doing here?" Alphys stuttered.
     "Looking for Sans." I said, feeling a bit embarrassed now. Sans chuckled and walked over to me. He hugged me for a couple seconds before placing his hands on my shoulders and spinning me around.
    "sorry dollface, but you really can't be here." He said as he began to push me out.
    "Wait wait no don't make me leave." I begged, trying to stop myself from being pushed any farther. 
    "i'll be done working soon I promise, just wait for me at my house."
    "I don't wanna wait though!" I crossed my arms and made myself sit on the floor suddenly. This caused Sans to fall on top of me, and flip forward so that his head landed in my lap. He stared up at me in disbelief, then narrowed his eyes sockets.
    "you know what, fine, you can stay. that face is too cute to say no to." He said. I giggled and stood up, pulling Sans up with me. "Alphys I'm going to my, um, research room with (y/n). call me if you need anything." They waved at each other before Sans took my hand and led me down a dim hallway. We entered a room filled with empty beds. I turned to him and smirked. "Don't be weird, we're not doing anything funky in a laboratory." He chuckled.
"Don't kink-shame me." I said with a pout. "I wasn't even implying anything other than I like beds. They're...comfy." Sans laughed lightly, then suddenly stopped walking. He turned to me.
"close your eyes."
"What? Why?"
"just close em." I did as told. Sans squeezed my hand a bit, and suddenly the air around me was significantly colder. "okay you can open them now." When I opened them we were in a small room, and the walls on either side of me were filled with worn books. In front of me was a long metal table, covered in papers, test tubes, pens and pencils, tweezers, and other tools that I didn't recognize. I also noticed there were some cases filled with a blue liquid on a shelf in front of the table. I couldn't tell what was inside of them. What was most noticeable however, was the large blueprint on the wall next to the shelf. Some kind of machine was drawn out on it.
I didn't get to much time to look at it before Sans lifted me up by my soul and placed me in a chair at the very back corner of the room.
"you stay here and wait for me to get done, okay?" Sans said.
"Um, excuuuse me? I didn't walk all the way from Snowdin for me to be sat in the corner while you worked." I said as I crossed my arms.
"you walked? why didn't you just get a ride from the riverman?"
"nevermind. but I don't know what you were expecting babe."
"I was hoping I could be your little assistant. I could hand you your tools when you ask for them, like surgeons." Sans looked unconvinced.
"sorry, but this is stuff I gotta do alone." I let out a long sigh, and Sans bonked his teeth on my head before walking over to his work table. I sat in the corner silently for a while, until my whole body started to feel stiff.
"Can I walk around a bit and stretch my legs?" I asked.
"of course." He mumbled, not looking away from the table. He was reading some thick book, and would every now and then add some colored liquid to a container. I stood up and walked to the other side of the room, making sure to stretch my legs out as much as possible. I was about to sit back down, but decided to take advantage of my permission to walk around. I walked up besides Sans and bounced on my toes. He stopped reading for a second and turned to me. "what are you doing?"
"Stretching." I replied, and bent down to touch my toes. When I stood up straight again Sans had gone back to working. I walked around his chair and began to stretch over there. He ignored me. He didn't notice me again until I put my leg up on the top of his chair.
"(Y/n) i swear-"
"I'm just stretching, relax." I said as I leaned over my leg. I took my leg down and as I was about to put my other leg up, I was suddenly frozen in place. I was lifted into the air, and placed back down on Sans' lap.
"why do you do this?" He said as he looked down and shook his head. "why must you distract me from the one job i do?"
"Because distracting you is the one job I do." I said, lifting up his face to look at me. He smirked and then began to lean closer to me. I closed my eyes and puckered my lips. I stayed like that for a slightly long time, and when I opened an eye to see what the hold up was, I realized I was about ten feet in the air above Sans. He was looking up at me with a devilish grin.
    "i gotta hand it to you, you're really good at your job. but i honesty do have to finish my work."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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