Chapter 7: The Camera's Don't Capture Your Sparkling Eyes

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Levi's POV-

I woke up to the alarming sound of my alarm clock- did I sleep the whole day, and night!? I looked over to see that it accidentally went off at 6:45 pm instead of am. How does that even happen? I look to my left, my once on lamp, was turned off; power went out. But why did the alarm go off then?....


I looked over, eyelids still heavy from sleep, I could tell the clock was messed up. It had the number twelve flashing on and off, fuuuuccckkkk. I quickly put in the correct time and set my alarm- again. After debating if I should wake up or not, I decided to go with the latter, why not sleep more?

End of flashback..

Well fuck.... I leaned over once more, switching it from 6 pm, to 6 am. I sat up and looked around, searching for something that wasn't there. I almost forgot about my cameras! I squealed slightly, jesus, why am I so excited? I walked to my black pine dresser pulling on the top drawer and pulling out my smooth laptop.
After sitting back down against the wall, I powered it on and opened the tab to monitor the cameras.
After setting up an account and adding all the cameras, I finally got it to work. It was all static at first, than it slowly fixed itself.
I changed the settings enough so I could monitor all he camera screens.
I looked at all of them, and finally found the one on him, he was sitting on his couch, talking on the phone. I plugged in my headphones to listen- yes, the cameras have audio. I put them on, blocking out the outside world.
"Armin? Hey, do you want to come over? We can Netflix and Chill.~ Haha! I'm just kidding, we can just chill.~ Haha!"
I swear if that coconut touches him, I will murder that fucker without hesitation.
"See ya' in a while than! Will you get us some lube? Haha! I'm just messing with you Armin, just get the pizza."
I sighed a leaned back in my bed, nothing interesting is going to happen. I pushed the computer shut, and laid back down.
"Why won't something interesting happen in my boring ass life..."
Before this all happened, Eren said I could come over. I can stop them from doing anything!
I jolted up, and ran to my closet. I quickly slipped on the most casual clothes I could find and ran down the hall, quickly opening the door and sprinting out.
Thank the god of memories, I can stop that mushroom. I know he's innocent, but the innocents are the worst. They have all kinds surprises in them.
As I scurried down hallway, I pulled my phone out and plastered an annoyed look on my face; but in reality I was squealing like a little girl.

Damn... Why is this happening to me!? I turned to his door and leaned against the frame, knocking a few times. I heard Armin yell something, and a pair of footsteps approaching the entrance. I made out a sentence before the door swung open, "What if its a rapist Eren!? He will rape us!" The door creaked open nervously before it was swung open. "Levi!" I nodded to clarify my existstance, "Can I come in? You still owe me some visiting time, shitty brat."
He smiled his sweet smile and lifted his hand out to me, and pulled me in by my arm. I ran into his chest, and he chuckled slightly, "What was that for, brat?" Eren looked down at me with his sparkly eyes and smirked, "You're so small!"
I glared into his eyes and smirked, "And you have a nice ass, now move out of my way, sparkly eyes." He blushed deeply, quickly jumping out of my way before closing the door. "M-make yourself comfortable." I smirked and sat next to the blonde coconut.
"Hello, I'm Levi, Eren's neighbor. And you are?" I onbviously already knew his name, but he doesn't know that. "I-I. My name is A-Armin. Nice to m-meet you, L-Levi."
"Mhmm, like wise. Are you, and Eren, how do I put this... Together?" Armin flew out of his seat, blushing a rosy red. "No! He's just my friend! He's gay, but I'm not so it doesn't work." I nodded, narrowing my eyes in thought, "Are you sure?" He violently shook his head up and down, "Of course! Speaking of which, don't you have a wife?"
I sighed, lowering my head, "No wife- nor a girlfriend. Nothing. I'm just a pissed off lonely thirty year old office worker." Armin's face fell, almost looking pitiful, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Do you like being alone? Not to intrude, just some people do." I shook my head 'no' and covered my face with my palms, "No, but I'll survive, its not like it's a new thing, I've been alone all my life."
Eren, who was standing next to the door soon joined us, pushing my side in order to make room for him. There was a whole other couch and room on Armin's side, but no, he bothers me. I guess I should be excited about that, knowing my whole camera and breaking-in escapades.
We sat there awkwardly, not speaking a word to one another. I finally removed my hands and broke the deafening silence, "So, about bothering you- I didn't know your friend was going to be here and I'm sorry for intruding."
Eren smiled sincerely and met my apologetic gaze, "Nah, me and Armin were just going to Netflix and Chill, wanna join?"
His serious façade soon fell and he broke out into a uncontrollable laughing fit. "I'm good," I replied monotone. "Ye- yeah sure? I mean... I just- okay I'll stop now."
Me and Armin nodded in sync, a look of disgust on his face, "That would be for the best bright eyes. I mean, I just met Armin." Amin's head flicked in my direction, "You mean that you would if you had met me before!?" I shook my head and sighed, "I wouldn't either way." I would do it with Eren any day though. Armin returned to his yippy mood, and looked down at the book in his hands. How did I not see that before?
I looked over to Eren, who was staring at my hand quizzicality. I swished my fingers to see if he would snap out of his trance, but he just looked at them wide eyed.
"Never seen a hand brat?" He met my eyes and smiled, "Of course, its just your hand looks so- how do I put this? Wise? Full of years of memory?" I smirked and fliped it over a few times before replying, "I don't see it."
He grabbed my wrist and pointed at the deep lines in my hand, "See? You have years of memories in each crease, that's why when you get older, you see more!" He traced his thumb over biggest line, moving it back and forth, "I'm not sure if that logic is correct, but it does make one story. I am surprised I don't have more, my life is full of sappy memories."
"Really! I wanna know!"
Of course, "Fine, I never met my dad. My mom was a prostitute and worked hard at it to. She needed to feed us both. She was put off a lot considering I was there, not like I could help it. After I turned ten, she left me on a curb, cliché; I know. I went into the same work field, and also tried my hand at thievery. I was very successful at it too. That was until the cops arrested me for prostitution and stealing from local businesses. I moved from there. Erwin wiped my slate clean, and hired me. I am thankful for that, if only he wasn't a pathetic pervert."
He stilled his finger for a second, than went back to rubbing the creases in my hand. "I'm glad you here now!"
I sighed and looked at my feet, bending over slightly, "I guess." His hand slipped into my own, gripping worriedly.
"Eren, I might take my leave soon," I spoke softly, mumbling slightly. "What? Right after you come over?"
I nodded, "I had enough social time.. I'm sorry, I don't like my past, Eren. Its worse than it sounds. I was in a gang. I killed people, Eren. Sure, they weren't innocent, but that's not right. I'm different, sure, but I'm still me... I- you shouldn't associate with me anymore... Goodbye."
I tugged my arm, but to no avail. Eren had a death grip on me, a worried expression covering his lovely facial features. "No. I want to be your friend. Please? I mean, you seem cool. I don't care about your past-" I interrupted his words, my voice varying slightly, "What if I return to my old ways? I know its been years, but that's not the issue. I can bring you down, just leave me alone."
I was internally crying, this hurt. But as soon as my past was brought up, I realized that this wouldn't work. I don't even know why I tried. This is meaningless. I'm a lone wolf. I will hurt everyone I meet. Why the hell did I even associate with him!? He'll be hurt nonetheless. And I'm the cause, I just ruin everything. I guess I was the one to stalk him...


I turned to him, my face was covered in anger and frustration, but inside I was dying. "Why? I could get you killed, idiot! You're to sweet for your own good! Why do you want to put yourself in danger? That's just signing a death wish, fucking brat!"
He, against my stubborn wishes; pulled me down next to him. "Hey, I really wouldn't care if you killed the president; let alone strangers. Just let me be your friend. I know you as a angry little old man, that has a excellent job. Don't make me lose another person."
Can I just say that Armin was slowly making his way out of the door, trying to escape our pointless fight.
I wouldn't blame the poor kid, this wasn't exactly a peaceful fight.
He crept out the door as Eren wrapped his arms around my waist, disabling any escape attempts that was floating in my head. He was shaking slightly against my arm, a slight wetness staining my shirt, "You can't cry just because I'm worried about you. If anything, they would be tears of joy, you seriously need to stay out of my lifestyle. I will dissolve any trace of happiness you have. I'm bad for anyone and everyone. You need to stay away. I want you to be the proud and confident brat I know. I don't want to make that innocence of yours disappear."
He shook his face against my arm, probably leaving a snot trail on my arm- disgusting. "No. I refuse to let you leave!" Fucking brat, why! Why does he want to risk his life?
"Just let me go. Now. I won't let you do that."
He shook his head again and sobbed, "Your putting up this show, just because I won't be your friend!?" He nodded and took a shaky breath, "I'm very emotionally unstable. You will be my friend. Please?"
I sighed and muttered a sound of disagreement before hugging him back, "Fine, but this is a stupid decision. You can't blame me for this one."
He nodded, sighing happily, "Okay!" This kid is one hormonal mess, crying over a friendship that never should've started. "Are you going to let go, kiddo?"
Well fuck, that was shitty to say, "No. I'm comfortable."

I decided that I would take some stuff, and move. I seriously don't want this poor kid to get caught up in my life. But of course I never wanted to forget him. Maybe I'll go back to my gang. Or maybe Erwin's house, yeah, that's a better choice. I don't want to get caught up with the cops again.
Once he finally fell asleep, I carried him back to his bed and laid him under the plush duvet. After fixing it on him, I planted a kiss on his cheek, he smiled softly even though he was fast asleep. He wants a different relationship. He doesn't want to date me, nor touch him like this. I kissed his forehead and backed off, he's fucking beautiful; even without those lovely eyes. But they were a welcomed bonus.
I will miss him, even though I'm just moving across the city. Yes, I could have my own house, but I prefer the company. Yes, even Erwin
I realize that its stupid to move just because of a brat, but I felt a sense of protectiveness near him. Even if in the end I'll hurt Eren more. That's why I'm moving. I'll end up hurting his close ones. Hell, I even thought about killing that innocent coconut. I'm just a homocidal mess. I WOULD'VE ENDED UP KILLING SOMEONE! Fuck.
I grabbed various items in his house and went home to pack, goodbye dear.

LONG CHAPTER!!! YYAAAASSSS!! Okay, im done. See ya next week.

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