Tiny bot

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No one p.o.v

Everyone at base was just having some time of, until Fix-it picked up a signal.

"Sir, there seems to be a signal 1 mile from here. It could be another decepticon, but it doesn't say." Fix-it checked his scanners to find a match.

"You keep working on that. Strongman, with me." They both drove to where the signal was, finding two female bots.

Dandelion p.o.v

Ever since my father died, my brothers acted like the mexhs of the house. And today, was not a good day for me. They threw me out. Saying that there will be no weaklings in the family. So my mother packed my things and we found a groundbridge, set for a planet called earth.

So here we are now, waiting for someone to pick up our signal. My mother didn't want to just leave me out in the open all by myself, so she stayed with me.

"Now remember, no fighting in combat. You are too fragile. Alright?" I nodded. I was smaller than any normal bot. So my nickname is tiny. Even my own mother is taller than me. I reach just a bit below her chest.

A yellow and black car, along with a white and blue truck stopped near us they transformed, and it was lieutenant bumblebee, along with a femme.

"Lieutenant. I am glad you picked up my signal, this is my daughter dandelion. My sons have been acting like the mechs of the house, and so threw her out. I was hoping maybe you could take her into your team. She maybe small and not for combat, but at your base she can be very helpful." My mother spoke for me.

"We will accept her in. Does her father know?" My mother looked down.

"Silverdust died in a mining accident. I have been taking care of my four oldest sons, and my youngest daughter." She gestrued to me. My wings drooped down in sadness.

"Like i said, we will be willing to accept her into our ranks." I saw her smile. She walked over to me and hugged me for tha last time.

"Be careful tiny." She went through the bridge and it closed. I grabbed my small suitcade that mostly just contains my music equipment.

"Can you fly?" Bumblebee asked, i nodded.

"Good. Our base is just a mile north. We will catch up to you." I transformed and took off. But even though i am a jet, i am not very fast. Bumblebee and the femme actually passed me below.

:you okay up there?: -bee

:yeah, but my body is very small and fragile. I can't go fast at all. It's not that i don't want to, i just can't.: -dandelion.

:can you run?: -bee

:yes. I may be small, but i am still fast.: I transformed, and landed on the ground on my feet. I satrted running at my super speed, making it half way to the place, before tripping on a rock. And landing flat on my chassis.

"You okay dandelion?" Bee picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. I was sooooo embarrassed. Why did i have to be so weak?

**small time skip brought to you by grimlock cuteness. Photo uptop**

We arrived at their base, which was a human scrap yard where there was alot of stuff that could practically squish me and break my entire body.

"Hey bee, who's the tiny bot?" A big black and green mech stomped over with a red smaller than him mech. So being the shy bot i am, i hid behind bee.

"She's a bit shy guys. And she is joining our ranks. Everyone, this is dandelion. Her own mother dropped her off, saying her brothers kicked her out of the house and. And so, she will be with us." I was gently pushed to be infront of bumblebee. I gave a shy smile and wave.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you all..." My voice was low, but still heard.

"Hey, I'm sideswipe. Just careful around all the big stuff." I nodded as the red mech, now known as sideswipe smiled at me.

"I'm grimlock. And I'll try to be careful around ya. I'm very clumsy." The black and green cute mech said. Wait, did i just call him cute? Great, now I'm blushing way more than before.

"Well, as you know. I'mlieutenant bumblebee, just call me bumblebee or bee for short." I nodded.

"Lastly, I'm cadet strongarm. I think we will get along just fine as long as you follow the rules." I shyly smiled and nodded.

"Oh, and these are the humans, along with our minicon. Denny clay and rustle. And fix-it." I looked down and smiled at them.

Although i was introduced to everyone, i still felt out of place. Due to my small size, i felt so tiny and so weak.

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