Picking names

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Strongarm: Susan Strong

Bumblebee: Benjamin Pax

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker: Andrew(sideswipe) and Nicholas(sunstreaker) Strider

Drift: Leonardo Heijime

Slipstream and jetstorm: Tyler(slipstream) and Oliver(jetstorm) Heijime

Grimlock: August Trencher

Fix-it: Felix Airman

Dandelion: Danielle Airman

Steeljaw: Alexander Peace

Thunderhoof: Raymond Usher a.k.a Mr. Buck

Fracture: Vexen Remix

Divebomb and Airrazor: Khyle(divebomb) and Mark(airrazor) Remix.


"Hey danie, how did the visit go?" Fix-it wheeled over to where we were.

"Very good, i'm having twin boys. Where is the lieutenant?" He looked at me in confusion. I guess we have been using our human names for a while her forgot who it is.

"Where is benjamin?" Then a voice came from behind.

"Behind you." I turned around and there he was along with grimlock.

"Bee, guess who i bumped into? Knockout here." He looked shocked.

"Knockout? How'd ya end up on earth?" Everyone stayed silent.

Present day...

"Knockout? How'd ya end up on earth?" Everyone stayed silent.

"After you restored cybertron and i helped for a few years, i wanted to settle down and have a family. But i couldn't on cybetron, so i came to earth where i met Claire Montez. We dated and well love took on from there, we got married, and had three older sons, my daughter hannah, and my newborn son whom is still in the hospital with my wife. I had to lay low, so i took on the human name Khyle Aston, and i became a doctor for humans." He explained and afterwards everyone was cool with it. I went over to August's side, and i told him to follow me.

"So what's the news my love?" I chuckled. I really wanted to tell him.

I took out the photo from the ultra sound tests that were done to me, and showed it to him.

"It's got two heads." He looked confused.

"Uh huh, and four arms, and four legs...hon, we are having twin boys." I said with excitement and a big smile on my face. He kissed my forehead.

"We are going to be parents." He said, and i was happy he took it well.

We all sat around just talking. Until Hannah brought up an important subject.

"So Mrs. T, what are ya gonna name the two lil runts?" I looked to gus and then back to everyone. I really haven't decided what their names will be. Now it is a hard choice. Gus must have seen my worried expression.

"You will all have to wait until they are born for the reveal of the names." They all awed in disappointment.

*3 months later*

Sorry, wanted to get to the reveal of their names and i have waited to write this chapter.

This was the month. The month when my two boys will be welcomed into the world. I was in the kitchen eating some oreos with peanut butter. I have no idea why people think it is so gross, it is actually really good.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I had an oreo in my mouth, the peanut butter jar was in my left hand and the bad of oreo was on the counter.

"Eatching oweos.." I said with the cookie still in my mouth.

"With peanut butter?" He said in a 'i know you' tone.

"yef..." I looked down in shame, cuz he knows me all to well. 

I ate the cookie and put the jar on the counter. Then a sudden pain came from my womb and i felt something run down my leg, i looked to see blood. My water broke.

"Gus...hospital. Now!" He picked me up and put me in the car in the backseat. From back here, i saw susan's police car.

"She is giving us an escort." He started to drive behind her, and i was able to see from the rear view mirror, all our friends following behind. I was so happy, that i wasn't going alone.

We safely made it to the hospital, and i was being carried bridal style.

"What seems to be the problem?" A nurse came to check.

"She is in labor." I was set on a gurney, and was strolled away to a hospital room. Gus insisted to be in the room along with me. So he was on the left side of my bed.

He grabbed my hand in his, and looked into my eyes.

"I am here for you, always. And i will be there for our sons as well." I felt so moved by his words.

The nurse told me what i had to do, and i did. I squeezed August's hand and screamed in pain as i pushed.

"One more push. I can see the first baby." I took quick breaths and pushed. I heard the cry of my son. I smiled but knew i still had another on the way.

"Just a bit more ma'am." I pushed and pushed until...

*insert baby cry here*

I let out a happy sigh, knowing both my boys are will have a great father and loving family. The nurses took them away and came back 30 minutes later all cleaned up. One was wrapped up in a baby blue blanket with a matching baby beanie. The other was in a light green blanket with matching baby beanie. 

Gus had the one wrapped in green i had the one wrapped up in blue. 

"So what are we going to name them?" I looked at my lover and he gave me a smile. Meaning he already had names picked out.

"Michael will be the one i am holding, the first born. And Jordan will be the one you are holding, the second born." I smiled and looked at my son in my arms.

"Welcome to the world jordan and michael." Jordan opened his adorable eyes, and to my surprise...they were golden yellow.

"His eyes...their golden yellow." I gasped and he simply smiled at me. His smile was adorable.

"Michael has a mixture of golden yellow and ocean blue. They are both...special." I smiled back at litle jordan.

Today, was a the best day. I have a family to call my own. We told our friends their names and they were just so hypnotized with the boys. But i a glad they accepted them. My family.

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