A freaky family

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Strongarm: Susan Strong

Bumblebee: Benjamin Pax

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker: Andrew(sideswipe) and Nicholas(sunstreaker) Strider

Drift: Leonardo Heijime

Slipstream and jetstorm: Tyler(slipstream) and Oliver(jetstorm) Heijime

Grimlock: August Trencher

Fix-it: Felix Airman

Dandelion: Danielle Airman

Steeljaw: Alexander Peace

Thunderhoof: Raymond Usher a.k.a Mr. Buck

Fracture: Vexen Remix

Divebomb and Airrazor: Khyle(divebomb) and Mark(airrazor) Remix.

Dandelion p.o.v

Well, things have been going good so far. We have been human for around a year now. Just a few months ago though, denny and his ex-wife were driving in crown city discussing about who keeps rustle permanently. Rustle was here with us in our care, but the most tragic thing happened. They got into a car accident. Now denny is fine, but he has been in a wheelchair and is handicapped. He won't be able to walk any time soon. But, his ex-wife, the mother of rustle, had perished in the hospital. And rusty hasn't been himself since then.

"Hey rustle, you okay buddy?" Gus tried to cheer him up. It's grimlock, but since his name is august, we call him gus for short.

"I'm okay, just been a little down ever since mom passed away." He buried his head into his knees. Gus walked back to me and we both walked to where the others were at the diner.

"It's been 3 months guys, and his condition has gotten worse. What are we going to do?" Denny rolled in.

"All we can do is wait...wait until this phase of his passes. It could take longer, but we just need to make sure he doesn't get himself hurt." I suggested and they all agreed.

Meanwhile with rustle....

The spirit of his mother appears beside him, siting right next to him.

"Hello rustle, how you holding up?"  She said in the up most calm voice.

"Mom?!" Rustle was scarred and shocked to see his mother. As a ghost even.

"Relax, i'm actually here to put that smile back on your face. I've seen how depressed you have been since i passed away, but you need to understand that i will always love you. Now i want you to do something for me, and turn that frown upside down. You still have denny, but you will always have me in here." She pointed to where his heart is and then disappeared.

"I love you too mom." He wiped away the tears and walked back to the diner, so he can eat supper with the others.

Back with everyone else....

We all were in the diner and i had made dinner, before anyone started eating, rustle walked in...smiling.

"Guys, i think he's broken." -Gus

"Are you okay rusty? Cuz now you look happy." Denny rolled over to him and they talked quietly.

"Well, it is good to have you back son. Come we are going to eat." -denny

*Le time skip brought to you by a raging hulk crossing my path, now i good luck for the rest of my life.*

It was only 6 in the afternoon and it was already dark, make sense since it is almost winter. But today, other than rustle getting back to normal, everybody has been acting strange, more than usual. And i was going to figure out what it was. I was going over to the command center to see if fix-it could shine a little light on the matter.

"Hey lil bro, everyone has been acting weird. Can you help me out to find what has gotten into everyone's mind lately." I made it to where he usually is, but he wasn't there, instead a note.


Meet me by the entrance and i will explain everything there.

Sincerely, Denny.

I sighed and folded the note back up, as i walked to the entrance of the scrap yard to see denny a little to dressed up for a small talk.

"What's going on denny" I crossed my arms and he just gave me a white rose. I learned that white roses mean purity and red roses mean love.

(Play song now)

"Follow the marked path, and you will receive your answer. And thanks for wearing the outfit i asked." I simply smiled and started walking down a path of lights. I was wearing a white knee high dress with creamy colored shoes, a simple diamond necklace and matching earrings, as well as a crown of small blue flowers (blue is my favorite color). 

As i kept walking i was met with susan, andrew and nick, leo, tyler and oliver, and lastly my lil brother felix. They would all give me either a white or red rose.

Grimlock p.o.v

I was nervous, waiting here under the armada for danie to come. See the thing is, i will be proposing to her tonight, and i had help in a way it seemed more sweet to do it. I was wearing a white dress shirt, black slack, my black work boots that i cleaned a bit ago, and a lime green tie. I fixed my hair to look presentable.

"Gus, calm down. She loves you so much, i am confident she will say yes." I was now calm now that ben said that. I heard footsteps and looked up to see danie walk towards me with the bouquet of roses. She looked so beautiful.

"Gus, what's going on? Everybody has been acting strange today." Ben left and it was just me and danie. So took a deep breath and had her come closer.

"Danie, i have been in love with you, ever since the day you came to be with us. At first, i thought it was just my spark having malfunctions, but then when i saw you smile...I knew you were the one for me." I got down on one knee and took out the box, i opened it.

"Dandelion, Will you marry me?" She didn't say anything, but shake her head. My heart broke, but it got mended with the words that came out of her mouth.

"Grimlock, I don't want to marry. I want you to marry me." I stood up and twirled her.

"Is that a yes?" She nodded with the most wonderful smile that ever was on that beautiful face. She said 'yes', this had to be the best day of my life.

"With that said, do you want to marry right here right now?" She looked shocked.

*small black out like they do in the cartoons*

Danie p.o.v

"With that said, do you want to marry right here right now?" I was in complete shock. Did he know i would say yes? This had to be a dream.

"Really?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Yes, but we won't be alone." He looked back to where i came from, and lights lit up the trees and there was benches, some people were already sitting there, and i think i saw my mother and brothers.

"Your mother wished to witness, so she dragged your brothers here and they all became human. Most of the people you see here today, all mostly came from cybertron. Turns out the spell you cast also was in the earth's atmosphere and when they came, they turned human." Grim explained. I saw my friends, some family, and family of grimlock. He looks like his father, whom was here was well. His mother was beautiful. I felt like i was going to cry. 

Weak Body, Strong SparkWhere stories live. Discover now