Chapter 5

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Minyoung POV

              I sent him back to his orphanage since he looked tired. So I let him rest first. Well he also can't be tired or it will effect him.

               I went back to the park since I got a message from Mom to meet him at the boutique. I don't know why and I don't care. But the real reason why I went back to the  park was because of that tower. How can Mom tell me to bring him along. Haish.

              When I arrived at park, I tried to find him. Pfft, he is really lucky I still want to find him rather than leave him alone. I saw him standing under the tree near where I was stand right now.

             He messed his hair. Looks like he got the same message as mine. I walked towards him without making any sound. I heard he mumbled.

" Yah ! " I shouted. He look shocked seeing me.

" Oh Minyoung. Hi " he greet awkwardly.

" Don't hi me. Let's just go. I don't have time " I said and walked away.

Chanyeol POV

            Is it she know I followed her ? How she know I need to go with her ? Why she pick up me ? Ergh stop asking Park Chanyeol.

            She walked really fast sometimes I thought she running. It hard to chase her. What you eat cold girl ? Haish Bae Minyoung you really something


             We arrived at boutique or should I say wedding boutique. I don't know Omma serious with this marriage thing. But I have one thing in my mind now. Is it I'm ready to become her husband ?

" Ayee ~ New couple these day really cute. Walk together " Omma fangirl.

" Omma " I whined. I can see Minyoung rolled her eyes.  //sigh//

" Why we need to meet here ? " Minyoung asked Mrs. Bae

" It because you need to try the wedding dress for your wedding this week " Mrs. Bae explained.

              Wait what ?! We just met like 3 days ago and I need to marry her this week ? Is it not too early for us ? I don't even know her well. I only know her through what people said only. Haish.

              Minyoung tried her wedding dress. Well it hard to be woman right ? But she not say anything, not show how annoyed she are. What she do was nod and shake her head without expression. Is it she really human ?

              Talking about expression. Her image when she laughed, smile, giggled and chuckled still on my mind. When she smile, she don't look like Bae Minyoung that knowing as cold girl. She really different.

               Also what she mean by she missed her parents ? Is it her parents was not Mrs. Bae and Mr. Bae ? Haish. This really make me more curious about her. I want to know what truthly happened behind those cold mask.

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