Last Dance (Inigo x Reader)

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Those damn Plegians. They had captured you. You were in their control.

And you were going to be their new weapon.

"(Y/N), what will we do with you? How will we brain wash you? How will we get you to kill your friends?" Aversa laughed.

"I will never turn to your side." You spat.

"Oh, you're cute. But you will turn on your friends, no matter what you believe will happen." She said.

"My friends will come for me. They'll kill you!" You tried to sound sure, but your voice was soft.

"Of course they will, sweetheart." She leaned towards you. "And there will be some killing." She turned to a guard.

"Close the door. NOW!" He ran to the door and locked it. She turned back to you.

"You will kill them."

After a while, you gave up on your friends coming to find you. They weren't coming. They never planned on it.

You were angry.

They were dead to you.

They will soon be dead to the rest of the world, too.

"We need to find (Y/N)!" Inigo shouted.

"How do you suggest we do that Inigo?" Robin shouted. "We all want to save her, but we don't want to lose anyone else by storming the Plegians!"

"I DONT CARE GOW MUCH PEOPLE WE LOSE! I NEED HER!" Inigo yelled back. His chest was heaving. He didn't want them to see him cry. He spent his entire life making sure no one would see that but...

"Please..." He sobbed, dropping to his knees. "I need her..."

"Inigo," Olivia knelt beside her son. "Let it all out."

"(Y/N), she was always the one that was there for me." He hiccuped. "She was the only one I could cry around. The only one that ever accepted me for, well, me."

"Inigo, I'm sorry." Olivia wrapped her arms around him. "We will find (Y/N)."

Later, on the battle field...

"(Y/N)!" Inigo called, searching for you, while slashing down enemies.

"Right here..." You sang.

"I finally found-" Inigo spun around, only to be stabbed in the arm. "What?!"

"Oops. I missed." You swung your sword again, nearly taking off his head.

"No! What's gotten into you?" He cried out, unsheathing his own sword.

"You left me!" You yelled. "I was there, I could've been killed!"

"We were trying! We couldn't risk-"

"You couldn't risk anyone else. Really? But you could leave me? I LOVED YOU! I was ready to die for you! Yet you- you couldn't!"

"No! That's not it at all! Well, yes, partly, but there's more! Please, listen to me!" Inigo pleaded. He was desperate to just have you in his arms again.

But you were having none of it.

"I was tortured! I stayed strong! They were asking plans, and where you were, and what you meant to me, but not once did I say anything! Not! Once! Yet you couldn't walk to save me!" You started to cry.

"No! I can still save you! Please, please I can still save you!" He grabbed your wrist, and pulled you close.

"No one can save me." You claimed. Then, Inigo started to dance. You were mesmerized. It was... Amazing.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Aversa shouted. "Kill him!" You looked to her, then to Inigo. Hesitantly, you brought up your sword.

"Please." You heard his voice, over and over and over again. You readied yourself, and charged.


"As the man I love would say..." You pushed the sword deeper in Aversa's chest. "This is your last dance!"

"You- you love me?" Inigo said breathlessly.

Slowly, you turned to him. "Yes." You grabbed both his hands, and held them tightly.

"But why?" He choked. "Why would you love me? You know what people say about me. I'm... I'm-"

"Human. Beautiful. Amazing. The man I love." You let go of his hands and brushed back his hair. You both sunk to your knees. "Inigo, I know what people say. How you only care what other people think. But they are wrong. I know that. You know that. That's all that matters."

"Thank you..." He started to let the tears fall.

"That's it..." You didn't bother brushing his tears, as you started to cry also.

"Now why are you crying? It's not my fault, is it?"

"No... I'm crying because it's my fault that you're crying. I said those horrible things..."

"Oh well. It's in the past. Now, it's just us. Let's maybe enjoy each other's company?" Inigo offered.

"How about we enjoy each other's company, away from all these dead bodies?"

"That sounds like a better idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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