Ch 33: It's The Climb

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After Climbing A Great Hill, One Only Finds That There Are Many More Hills To Climb

-Nelson Mandela

Hm. I remember putting this quote here back in middle school and if I had to give it a tbh I'd say it sounds #fakedeep. I'm gonna keep it


Garroth slowed to a stop after about a half an hour of lighthearted conversation amongst the group, afternoon sunlight filtering through the forest, highlighting the blonde streaks in his hair. After traversing the Metelli-bordering forest for so long, he turned to face his followers. "How's everyone holding up?"

Katelyn expressively fell to the ground on her hands and knees. "I can't take it any longer! We've been walking for at least five minutes!" she exclaimed monotonously, then stood up and shielded her face from the sunlight with her forearm. Then she dropped it, her dramatic expression flattening to complete seriousness. "How does it look like we're doing? We're fine."

You couldn't help but smile. Aaron stifled a chuckle at the situation, while Brendan didn't dare laugh along. But maybe he did just a little bit, underneath the cover of his palm.

Garroth showed the slightest hint of a smile. "Hah hah. Very funny. But seriously, are you all ready to have a snack or something?"

"After all of this walking, please." Katelyn drew out her words to add more phony emphasis, then stared flatly at Garroth.

Garroth slipped his backpack off of his shoulders and placed it on the ground. "I don't appreciate the attitude, Katelyn. Everyone drop and . . . eat their rations."

"That's the punishment of the century," Katelyn chortled, already sprawling out on the grass. Garroth rolled his eyes at her display, which gave her a self-satisfied chuckle.

Garroth made his way to the other side of the trail to fill Dante's group in on the memo. "We think it's a good idea to stop for a snack. There's a big shady tree to rest under." He nodded towards where your group was settling in on a patch of clovers in the shade,

Dante motioned to his group and sat down. You set your (color) backpack on the ground and sat behind it. Katelyn did the same with her light blue pack, and Aaron set down his black one. Brendan was slower than the rest of the group, but eventually got his green backpack situated. You each pulled out some fruit and ate happily.

Katelyn exaggerated how she ate, which was very quickly. "I don't know how I survived this long. I think I'll nap here after such a feast. You guys go on without me."


After a lot more walking, the path vanished as it faded into wild wilderness. The group would rely on Garroth's directional skills with a map. You managed to navigate the forest that surrounded Metelli, and emerge in the mountainous region of Scaleswind. Looking at the map, Garroth and Aaron estimated there was still going to be about another few hours of walking.

Aaron stopped in his tracks. "Oh no!" he exclaimed, his voice suspenseful.

It startled you. Garroth stopped too, surprisingly unaware of whatever Aaron could see. "What is it?" Garroth stiffened, gripping the hilt of his sword in a concealed manner. His free hand grasped your wrist instinctively, ushering you out of the way.

Aaron stared Garroth dead in the eye. "Katelyn didn't get a nap," he said, his words left lingering across the silent scene.

Garroth's alert expression dropped to disappointment as he lightly released your wrist. He dug around his backpack for a moment, then whacked Aaron on the head with the rolled up map he retrieved.


By the time the groups made it to the bottom of the mountain, the sun was well-past noon in the sky, but still a good hour or two from setting. Garroth nodded his head at Dante, who pulled out his map, pointed to a spot, and compared it with Garroth's.

They pointed towards a semi-steep, grassy mountain in front of you. The grass was a pale shade of green on an open cliff—the only other plants on it being a few ferns scattered around.
At the top, you took a moment to study the horizon in awe. On the other side of the mountain was the fortress-like village of Scaleswind, which was bordered by grand red walls circularly surrounding the village. Each building inside was huge: from medieval complexes to blacksmiths, to inns; the pathways lined neatly with cut stone and all interconnecting. Each roof followed this scaly piqued red theme, grand feats of architectural prowess when placed in such proximity to each other.

Everyone gazed back and forth slowly, taking in the official sight. And that was the moment you realized something. After this whole journey—it's the climbbbbbbbbb.

Hopelessly Devoted ~ Garroth x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now